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Taishaun Thomas Mr. Neuburger ENG-102-101 22 Feb.

2012 Essay Response A Case of Assisted Suicide Jack Kevorkians essay A Case of Assisted Suicide describes Kevorkians experience with Janet Adkins who is diagnosed with Alzheimers disease and is seeking help through his highly controversial euthanasia program. Kevorkian has a strong conviction that he is helping people and believes the decision to end ones life is a personal one. Assisted suicide is a subject Kevorkian obviously thought deeply upon as he reveals I acted openly, ethically, legally, with complete and uncompromising honesty (438). Kevorkian deeply believes he is helping people and looks at the process of death inferior only to birth when it comes to personal medical experiences. Kevorkian maintains his professionalism throughout the entire experience and ensures that Janet is in her right mind, describing I constantly observed Janets behavior and assessed her moods as well as the content and quality of her thoughts.(439). Kevorkian looks at assisted suicide as the right and choice of the patient and ensured they were ideal candidates before going forward. After spending significantly more personal time with his patient than most surgeons ever do, he assists Janet with the medical procedure through his aptly named medical device, the Mercitron. After helping Janet on her final journey, Kevorkian deeply believe that he has done the right thing and has no moral qualms. (211 words) Kevorkian, Jack. "A Case of Assisted Suicide." The Power of Language-Language of Power. Vol. Custom Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2009. 435-41. Print.

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