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What is compliance ? What factors lead to majorities influencing individuals to conform?

What situations lead people to change their beliefs as well as their behaviour? What does a minority need to do to exert influence over a majority?

Define the term internalisation and relate to informational and normative influence. Briefly outline and evaluate Moscovici s experiment into minority influence. Describe and evaluate Clark s study using the film 12 Angry Men .

Moscovici (1969): similar set up to Asch, but with 2 confederates and 4 genuine participants. On critical trials confederates said that clearly blue slides were green. Consistency of confederates was varied, and Nemeth replicated varying flexibility. What do you think they found, and what are the issues with this type of research?

Moscovici (1969): a consistent minority changed the majority answer to green 8% of the time; an inconsistent minority only 1%. This is a small but significant effect as the situation is unambiguous explain this. Minorities need to be consistent, but being flexible also helps explain this. This type of research can be criticised in terms of ecological validity and ethical issues explain.

12 Angry Men trailer:

Reelthirteen 12 Angry Men scene:


This was a role play rather than an experiment explain the difference.
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of

this technique? Include methodological and ethical issues.

What variables did Clark change? What did he find? What were his conclusions?

What does it mean to say that the other Jurors internalised the arguments of Henry Fonda s character?
 How is this different from compliance?  Explain the difference in terms of normative and

informational influence.  Why are the factors identified by Moscovici and Clark important if internalisation is to occur?


Moscovici (1969) Clark (1998) Aim Method used Ethical issues Validity Key findings Conclusions

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