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TEST Color Turbidity Specific Gravity pH Glucose Ketones Blood Protein Bilirubin Urobilinogen Nitrate for Bacteria Leukocyte

Esterase Casts Red Blood Cells Crytals

NORMAL VALUES Pale yellow to amber Clear to slightly hazy 1.015-1.025 4.5-8.0 Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative 0.1-1.0 Negative Negative Occasional hyaline casts Negative or rare Acid Urine: Amorphous urates Uric acid Calcium oxalate Sodium acid Urates Alkaline Urine Amorphous phosphates Calcium phosphate Ammonium blurate Triple phosphates Calcium carbonate

Routine urinalysis consists of three testing groups: physical characteristics, biochemical tests, and microscopic evaluation.

White Blood Cells Epithelial Cells

Negative or rare Few

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