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Form DG.

l (EN)




general Directorate
- Place - Head of Unit

: Joint Research Centre (JRC)


: Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC)

: JRC-GOS -European.Laboratory for Skuctural Assessment (ELSA) - Unit G05 : Ispra (VA), Italy : Artur Pinto Vieira Tel. +39 033278.9366

- Suggested taking up


Second quarter2012

Please note that the secondment will be governed by the Commission decision C(2008)6866 of l2lll/2008 laying down rules on the secondment to the Commission of national experts and

national experts in professional training. This decision is available on htto ://ec.europu eu,lcivil servicdiob/snelindex en. htm


Main areas of responsibility

Provide for national contacts with the EU and to liaise with the Balkan countries for the promotion and dissemination of the Eurocodes. Organization of two workshops in the Balkan countries, including contact of experts participating in the workshop. Involvement in activities of implementation, harmonization and further development of the Eurocodes in the EU Member States, so as to bring the acquired knowledge and expertise to their home countries at the end of their stay at the JRC. Act as a contact with policy makers and the construction industry for dissemination and potential adoption of the Eurocodes in the Balkan countries.


Main qualifications

A doctoral degree (PhD) or a 5-year Universi degree followed by at least 5 years of experience of research in the field of Civil Engineering, plus ten years of professional,academic or research experience related to the field. Experience in the area of standardization for construction materials. Intemational involvement at EU level in FP Projects. Contacts with policy makers at National level, with National Standardisation Bodies and more in generai with the construction industry.



One of the languages of the countoies part of the Enlargement an lntegration Action, and English.

Information on the processing of personal data at the JRC is available at: http ://e c. e urop a. e u/dss/i rc/in dex. c fm ? i d:6 2 7 0
NB to the attention of candidates from third countries: your personal data can be used for necessary checks. More information is available on

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