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Experiment No- 2

Date:- 18/1/2012
Aim:- Create Tables, Employees data, default data and Item Base data using BAAN common and manufacturing modules. Steps: 1. Open the worktop Baan Click Erp1 Expand Menu Browser CommonTablesLogistic TablesDouble click on Countries.

2. Click FileNew and fill required information in the new form and save them.

3. Logistic TablesDouble click on Languages. Click FileNew and fill required information in the new form and save them.

4. Logistic TablesDouble click on Item Groups. Click FileNew and fill required information in the new form and save them.

5. CommonTablesFinancial TablesDouble click on Currencies. Click FileNew and fill required information in the new form and save them.

6. CommonGeneral DataEmployeesDouble click on Employees-General. Click FileNew and fill required information in the new form and save them.

7. CommonItem Base DataItem-DefaultDouble click on Items-General Defaults. Click FileNew and fill required information in the new form and save them.

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