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Katie Wrobbel November 9, 2010 ITIP Lesson Plan: Reading Comprehension and Fluency Teasing Dad story by Annette

Smith Illustrated by Isabel Lowe Standard Fluency R.FL.01.01 automatically recognizes and fluently read identified grade-level high frequency words encountered in or out of context. Comprehension R.CM.01.01 Make text-to-self and text-to-text connections and comparisons by activating prior knowledge and connecting personal knowledge and experience to ideas in text through oral and written responses. R.CM.01.02 retell in sequence up to three important ideas and details of familiar simple oral and written text. Objective TLW will make 2 text-to-self connections to the story. TLW will read two pages independently from Teasing Dad with at least 80% accuracy. Anticipatory Set Review old book Tabby in the Tree, do a quick read through Read each page Review the major events of the story Introduce new book Teasing Dad Talk about the title Make predictions of what the title tells us Look at the cover look at the pictures details talk about what you see Do a picture walk priming understanding for text look at each illustration on all the pages and talk about what she see on each page Input Task Analysis After introducing the text I will model for Simon what it looks like to read the book a. I will be sure to use my finger while pointing to the words b. I will explicitly state the different strategies I use while reading when I come across a word that I may be unfamiliar with. Strategies include: i. Look at the pictures 1. Look at the picture for clues a. On page 1 I will make a verbal note that the children are starting to build a sand castle- thats how I knew to read the word castle ii. Get your lips ready 1. Say first sounds 2. Read and say it again a. On page 1 I will make a verbal note that when I say ditch, I emphasize the d sound at the beginning iii. Stretch it out

Stretch word out Put sounds together a. On page 2, I will make a verbal note that the word picture can be broken up into smaller sounds b. I will sound out p-ic-t-ure, and say each sound individually and then add them together c. After I read the book, I will model for Simon what it looks like to make a connection to the text i. Example) I like to go to the beach in summertime just like Rachel and Sam too. Sometimes I make big castles just like they made in the text ii. Example) I made a connection when I get to play with my Dad and when I make jokes with him just like Rachel and Sam do in the story
1. 2.

We will then move into a guided practice time, where I will have Simon read the first two pages of the story aloud. i. Together we will be sure to use the various strategies I modeled for him at the beginning of the lesson (Check for understanding) 1. Look at the pictures 2. Get your lips ready 3. Stretch it out ii. We will then move to make connections to the story 1. I will ask Simon various questions that will prime his thinking to make meaningful connections (Check for understanding) a. Have you ever been to the beach? b. Did you go as a family? c. What did you do at the beach?

At the end of the lesson we will write out sentence strips that he can take home to practice 1. During this time we will familiarize himself further with the text 2. Take time to focus on one section of the book 3. Sentence strips allow him to see the text in a different way b. Assessment: After we have written out the sentence strips I will take a running record while he reads aloud the sentences i. This record will be used to assess whether he reaches the objective of reading with 80% accuracy ii. I will ask him specifically to make 2 connections 1. I will document his responses a. I will grade how deep the connections he made to the story were looking at a few different aspects i. Relevance ii. Amount of detail iii. Ability to reference back to the story iii. How well he uses oral explanation c. Independent practice i. Takes home the first 2 pages of text on sentence strips to practice reading the text with his parents each night Closure a. I will end with a quick review of what we did, Today we i. Introduced a new book ii. Read the new book iii. Reinforced different reading strategies we have begun to learn iv. Made meaningful connections to the text b. Quickly discuss the importance of Simon moving from a higher level of books- how he is becoming a better reader alongside his peers in first grade. Extension outside of the resource room how the skills he is learning here will help him in his other general education classroom

Connect with how he will read at home and during their daily 5 time in the classroom during the mornings Thinking Levels: Blooms Taxonomy Knowledge Basic understanding of how to read a book Read from left to right End at different punctuation ability to identify frequently used words, and sight words within the text understand what making a connection means at a basic level identify different reading strategies Comprehension ability to not only understand what a connection is but to understand events in the book in order to make meaningfully personal connections understand what it how to use the various reading strategies Application use the various reading strategies while reading Learning Styles a. Visual: TWL see the text i. In the context of the book ii. Also on the sentences strips b. Auditory i. TLW discuss various elements of the text ii. TLW orally discuss personal connections to the text c. Kinesthetically i. TLW will use pointer finger while reading to touch each word as he read its ii. TLW help write the sentence strips which will allow them to physically write out the words while reading them Method Lesson will be taught visually (looking at the book and sentence strips) orally (reading aloud the text and discussing various elements in the text) kinesthetically (touching the words on the page and writing out the text on the sentence strips) Materials Book Comprehension Questions Sentence Strips Writing utensils Modeling After introducing the text I will model for Simon what it looks like to read the book a. I will be sure to use my finger while pointing to the words b. I will explicitly state the different strategies I use while reading when I come across a word that I may be unfamiliar with. Strategies include: i. Look at the pictures

Look at the picture for clues a. On page 1 I will make a verbal note that the children are starting to build a sand castle- thats how I knew to read the word castle ii. Get your lips ready 1. Say first sounds 2. Read and say it again a. On page 1 I will make a verbal note that when I say ditch, I emphasize the d sound at the beginning iii. Stretch it out 1. Stretch word out 2. Put sounds together a. On page 2, I will make a verbal note that the word picture can be broken up into smaller sounds b. I will sound out p-ic-t-ure, and say each sound individually and then add them together c. After I read the book, I will model for Simon what it looks like to make a connection to the text i. Example) I like to go to the beach in summertime just like Rachel and Sam too. Sometimes I make big castles just like they made in the text ii. Example) I made a connection when I get to play with my Dad and when I make jokes with him just like Rachel and Sam do in the story

Guided Practice We will then move into a guided practice time, where I will have Simon read the first two pages of the story aloud. i. Together we will be sure to use the various strategies I modeled for him at the beginning of the lesson (Check for understanding) 1. Look at the pictures 2. Get your lips ready 3. Stretch it out ii. We will then move to make connections to the story 1. I will ask Simon various questions that will prime his thinking to make meaningful connections (Check for understanding) a. Have you ever been to the beach? b. Did you go as a family? c. What did you do at the beach? 2. I will document his responses a. I will grade how deep the connections he made to the story were looking at a few different aspects i. Relevance ii. Amount of detail iii. Ability to reference back to the story iv. How well he uses oral explanation

At the end of the lesson we will write out sentence strips that he can take home to practice 1. During this time we will familiarize himself further with the text 2. Take time to focus on one section of the book 3. Sentence strips allow him to see the text in a different way Independent Practice Takes home the first 2 pages of text on sentence strips to practice reading the text with his parents each night Assessment After we have written out the sentence strips I will take a running record while he reads aloud the sentences i. This record will be used to assess whether he reaches the objective of reading with 80% accuracy Assessment: I will ask him specifically to make 2 connections 1. I will document his responses a. I will grade how deep the connections he made to the story were looking at a few different aspects i. Relevance ii. Amount of detail iii. Ability to reference back to the story iv. How well he uses oral explanation

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