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Best Practices

In My Classroom
Research shows that one learns best through pratice and repition. I have had the opportunity to use all of the following best practices during my student teaching experiences and plan to continue to use them in my own classroom.


Read aloud to students Time for independent reading Students own choice of materials Expose to wide range of literature Teach reading as a process Help students make predictions

Help students activate prior knowledge Provide real life applications Write before reading Write after reading Focus on higher order thinking skills Opportunity to evaluate reading Collaboratice activities with discussion/interaction

Students choose own topic Teacher models own writing process Writing for a real audience Grammar and mechanics at editing

Write across the curriculum Focus on a few errors at a time Cumulative view of growth


Use of manipulatives Cooperative group work Questioning and discussing Problems solving approaches Problems with a variety of structures

Investigating questions Draw logical conclusions Connect math to other subjects Connect math to real world Connect topics with mathematics


Hands-on activities Discovery Hypothesize Question, Inquiry, think, problem solve Reflection on concepts

Application to social issues Encourage curiosity Integration of all other subjects Collaborative small group work Learning from group members

Social Studies
Activities to engage in inquiry and problem solving Practice decision making Interactive throughout the curriculum

USA-global history geography connection Students understand within own experiences

Across the Curriculum

Formative assessment strategies Cooperative groups K-W-L charts Venn Diagrams Multiple intelligences and differentiation of instruction Integration of subjects Creative/adaptive games Connections to students lives Connections to real-life situations Positive notes to children Procedures Equity-use of cards, sticks, etc. Interactive bulletin boards Learning centers Computer integration (i.e. use of technology) Parent communication and involvement Story webs, concept and/or semantic maps, graphic organizers, interest inventories, learning profiles, etc. Hands-on, manipulatives, experiments Creative ways to praise Creative ways to transition activities Creative classroom management techniques Something to do, while waiting in line Social self-activities Creatively adapt a song Constructivist learning Brainstorming (i.e. thought showers) Agendas & Brain teasers Think-Pair-Share

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