How Ormus Can Help You Manifest Your Dreams

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How Ormus Can Help You In Manifesting Your Dreams By Denis Cooney http://www.Ormus-Alchemy.

com Denis Cooney 2012 All Rights Reserved | How Ormus Can Help You Manifest Your Dreams

How Ormus Can Help You Manifest Your Dreams

In order to understand how Ormus can help you with the manifestation of your goals and desires, its necessary to get clear on how Ormus was discovered and its unique properties. David Hudson, an Arizona farmer, first discovered Ormus in the late 1970s by painstaking research investigating an unknown state of gold on his property in the form of a White Powder. He was exploring the possibility of turning some of what was labelled ghost gold into metal for commercial purposes. David discovered this white powder had extraordinary properties including superconductivity, consciousness development and healing. He had found what he called and trademarked: Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements or ORMEs. It was a TYPE. A variety of what is now commonly referred to as Ormus. Ormus can be found in the air, soil, plants, stones, and sea and not just mineral rich ground either. Ormus seems to be interchangeable as a name for Life Force Chi, Prana, Spirit, the French Je Ne Cest Quoi (I know not what), Manna, (which means What IS it?) and Quintessence. Ormus state elements are also in the DNA structure of plants and animals and are thought to be an integral part of the human bodys skin, nails, hair, blood, brain, and organs. In other words, where there is life, there is Ormus.

Ormus & Higher Consciousness

What is interesting to note, and has been utilized by alchemists in making higher consciousness products, is that Ormus exhibits superconductivity, superfluidity and magnetic levitation. It acts as some kind of communication and consciousness carrier to the cells in the human body and life in general. Not surprising then, Ormus has gained a reputation for life giving, frequency boosting vibrational medicine. There is some evidence that the ORMUS elements facilitate coherent communication in the brain. Several ORMUS researchers have ingested different ORMUS products while hooked up to an EEG (electroencephalogram) machine. They all reported that their brain hemispheres went into greater coherence within a couple of minutes of ingesting the ORMUS. They reported that within about 10 minutes they went into a very deep "thetadelta" meditative state, though they were completely awake and aware while in that state. So how can this information help us and enhance our lives? Well, being a communication consciousness carrier, Ormus products, if made properly can become a mechanism for helping you focus on what you want to manifest. Being a connection between spirit and matter you have a tool to help you bring in to manifestation that which you desire. Especially, if the Ormus is made with the consciousness of bringing into physical reality your specific dreams. It is believed that ORMUS might form the basis for an instantaneous, non-local communication system like the mystical connection that sages of all ages have described. Let's call this communication system the "Innernet". It is thought that the ORMUS elements may need to reach a certain concentration in the body before they make the quantum leap into manifestation. So Ormus therefore can help quicken your ability to bring desires into manifestation. Infact, people taking Ormus products report a positive quickening in their life. Its good to remember, when taking Ormus, your intention is not the frequency that tunes in the channel. How you feel is the frequency. ORMUS is the medium that carries the frequency. If we use ORMUS without learning how to focus our feelings on what we want, then we may often succeed in attracting what we don't want. So when using Ormus products, pay attention to your feelings too. | How Ormus Can Help You Manifest Your Dreams

When I make the Ormus I like to Charge or vibrationally imprint the Ormus with specific purpose, ie: batch #2, the Mother of Abundance is for the creation of a much greater supply of resources and Having-ness. The Ormus represents the vibration of the Time, Place. Astrological influences and People that were there at its time of creation. I use specific gold containing Australian lake salt and Currumbin pristine ocean water charged with the right vibration from the Full Moon appropriate to the vibration of the batch being made. The difference between the Ormus made by Denis of Oz and other products on the market is: 1. 2. 3. 4. Vibrational Empowerment Vibrational Empowerment Vibrational Empowerment Astrological and Pyramid energies, made in a Crystal Singing Bowl, Sacred Chants and Solfreggio Tones energies are all used as well as calling in the Angels and Divas aligned with our Ormus making to make specifically effective Ormus batches. These are the product of Sacred Ceremonial practice by a totally tuned Alchemist and assistant, usually when everyone in the neighbourhood is asleep and the airwaves clear.

What that means to you is that you can have a vibrational assist to aid you in getting particular results in your life. We suggest to start with the most HEALING and system restoring batch that we make: Self Regeneration I have made 7 batches of our Ormus products to help you to: 1/ Reinvent yourself in body mind soul. Restart the reason you are here on Earth. 2/ Atttract Abundance and Resources. 3/ Attract a Soul Mate .. short of long term, you decide! 4/ Experience Happiness and Fulfillment here on Earth. 5/ Have Success and Accomplishment tht you can Celebrate! 6/ Be in Love and Appreciative Support of others who you care for. 7/ Have the greatest Spiritual Attunement and Harmony for your highest possibility manifesting. 8/ Transcend the ordinary finally be truly Free! 9/ Create a long term business or structure.. ie home, career, project. Higher octave batches specially made for Ormus customers who have progressed through our magical mystery tour. # 8/ and # 9/ are not listed and need to be requested only by experienced Ormus users. | How Ormus Can Help You Manifest Your Dreams

I have themed Ormus products because Ormus is an information carrier and a vibration matrix that creates specific vibrational results in peoples lives.

Self Rejuvenation Ormus Water (SR) our most healing batch, is principally dedicated to resetting the system software of your self, your soul .. with the accent on your higher self and the kind of person that you CAN be as you real-ise your highest potential in this life. This batch usually creates a feeling of upliftment, the release of old patterns and the rediscovery of your enthusiasm and celebration of the emergence of your greatest potential.

Mother of Abundance Ormus Water (MA) has a specific Abundance and Having focus. Abundance occurs on all levels; the inner levels of emotional, mental and spiritual as well as outer resources relating to the physical and material world. These usually lead to MANY other experiences of Having Enough in all areas of life a contentment with what is. We get reports weekly of people who have had significant jumps in income from unexpected sources since taking Ormus. Sammy in Melbourne was amazed at the ways that money came to her .. including the ATO send her many thousands in unexpected refund moneys that were not warranted.

Soul Mate Ormus Water (SM) is a favourite of those wanting a deeper more consciously loving relationship. As love is regarded as the highest form of communication, the Ideal Soul Mate Ormus batch is dedicated to the coming together in love and union of the ideal partners and soul mates in the evolution of their sweetest loving partnership. Its higher octave Ormus batch is Harmony and Resonance that we only sell to long term Ormus users or repeat customers.

Heaven On Earth / Happiness Ormus Water (HE) is specifically programmed to bring forth the experience of happiness and contentment at being here on our lovely Earthly home. Your intention to have a heaven on earth experience can happen in whatever specific form you would like, so watch how it manifests in your life. Instructions for setting your intention for manifestation of this (or any) Ormus water is given with your purchase. Triumph and Exultation Ormus Water (TE) captures the feeling of a triumphant life well lived. This very male orientated batch stimulates that feeling of joy and success that comes with experiencing a victory over the limiting circumstances of life. This really is the batch of success, accomplishment and celebration. It is that batch of Royalty and deserving! The sheer joy expressed by people who experience this passionate batch is wonderful to witness. | How Ormus Can Help You Manifest Your Dreams

When I gave a long term Ormus user Bill his first bottle he, upon tasting it and without knowing the batch name, loudly and triumphantly told his wife that he had the best batch ever! Immediately he had felt the Vibe of Success and Celebration.

Love and Appreciation Ormus Water (LA) is dedicated to the appreciation of the strategies, procedures and logistics that support our ability to love unconditionally and feel ourselves grow spiritually. Hearing testimonials from the many customers who thrive and grow using Love and Appreciation amazes us every time. One Darwin man stopped smoking immediately, had great luck with money and people sought him out for career and domestic advancement within the two weeks of taking this Ormus.

The Harmony and Resonance Ormus Water (HR) is our most Spiritually uplifting and evolving of all the batches that we make. It is an advanced 2nd Octave batch which we do not sell to first timers except in the Soul Family 6 month pack where it is used last of the batches in this pack. HR is easily our most Spiritually Aligning batch and also creates a higher personal vibrational alignment between lower and higher self and interpersonal between intimate lovers and business partners. A natural harmony and resonance grows sweetly over time.

Ormus Magical Mystery Tour

So where does one start your magical mystery tour with Ormus? Well, the first thing to get is that Ormus is a long term journey. It will take you on such a wonderful exploration of SO many aspects of your own self and the flowering of the many many possibilities that lie (half dormant) within our souls .. waiting, as it were, for the magical Kiss of the Fairy Prince(ss) of the Spirit of Ormus. I have seen SO many peoples lives enriched by daily Ormus that I have lost count of them. Steve, who started Ormus 2.5 years ago as an underpaid, worst salesman in his company went to the best salesman within a week, was courted by many women, and just got back from his free trip to Brazil where he got to tour all over the best parts of Brazilian rainforest and power spots. Steve said that he feels like he is Cheating because since his daily Ormus routine started, his life is so good. We can never guess where YOUR Ormus Magical Mystery Tour is going to take you .. but we know that it will be SO, SO much better than life is for you now. IF however, something comes up that needs to be healed or let go of, just whistle a merry tune and let it pass you by and keep taking Ormus 2x daily and optionally (1/2 a teaspoon) when under stress and watch it all drop off you like water off a ducks back. Soon, you life will be improving improving improving! Your greatest potentials willl and do blossom into existence. Ideally, for the very best start, we recommend that our customers have the SIX month Soul Family Pack. This contains our MOST popular batches, the most HEALING batch (500ml SR), the most ABUNDANCE attracting batch (500ml MA) and finally, the most SPIRITUALLY EVOLVING batch (500ml HR), taken singly, not mixed. This package comes with 2x Free 25ml under-pillow bottles of two different batches (HE and LA) for the Ormus-by-Proximity effect in you and your partner/family/best friends life while you sleep. | How Ormus Can Help You Manifest Your Dreams

At about $1.40 a day this will benefit you many more than a hundred times its cost in lifestyle and spiritual expansion. AND we give a no-risk Money Back Guarantee on this pack. The second choice is the FOUR month Bonus Pack .. it is like the Soul Family pack without the HR for significant soul evolution. You get 1x 500ml Bottle of Self Regeneration, (SR), our most healing and reconnecting batch, and 500ml Mother of Abundance (MA) and a Free under-pillow bottle of HE for night-time Ormus-by-Proximity effect while you sleep. This pack is about $1.50 a day for four months. AND we give a no-risk Money Back Guarantee on this pack too. Please just commit to having it daily or you may not get the full range of benefits that you would like. The longer you have Ormus, the better your life will get. For more Information about Ormus visit | How Ormus Can Help You Manifest Your Dreams

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