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The only Pledge public officials in the United States must make is the oath or affirmation, required by Article

VI, to support the U.S. Constitution. This constitutionally mandated pledge requires public servants to abide by the whole Constitution, not just the parts they like, or find convenient.

The Whole Constitution Pledge

Through the Constitution, We the People created the most enduring government charter in world history. Building on the achievements of the Founding generation, successive generations of Americans have created a more perfect union through constitutional Amendments. These Amendments have improved our Constitution by ending slavery, enshrining guarantees of equality and citizenship, expanding the right to vote, and ensuring that the national government has the power and resources necessary to protect the nation, address national challenges and secure civil rights. Some have questioned the power of the United States government to solve national problems. Some have advocated repeal of Amendments that make our Constitution better and this country great. Some have even failed to heed the lessons of the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement and have advocated a return to ideas of secession and nullification. I believe that our Constitution has been improved by the Amendments adopted over the last 220 years. I pledge to support the whole Constitution. Signed,

_____________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________ Print Full Name _________________________________________ Street Address ______________________________________ Phone _________________________________________ Title _________________________________________ City, State Zip _________________________________________ Email Address

Please complete this pledge and return it by email or fax to or (202) 296-6895. For more information, visit or call (202) 296-6889 x309.

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