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FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY Institute of Nursing MMDST ADMINISTRATION EVALUATION TOOL Name of Student: ___________________________ Section/Grp: _____________ Grade

description 3- correctly/completely done 2- incorrectly/incompletely done 1- not done

I. Before the Test Activity 1. The child can see and reach test materials easily 2. Explains the purpose of MMDST 3. Explains that the child is not expected to perform everything asked of him 4. Calculates age of a child after asking parent the childs birthdate. 5. Before drawing age line, identifies if the child is born prematurely 6. Draws the age line correctly 7. Indicates the date test was administered at top of age line II. During the Test Activity Assures cooperation of child by: 8. Gives child a chance to become used to the examiner 9. Starts each sector of test with items the child could pass 10. Tells child what to do rather than asking 11. Clears table of materials which are not being used 12. Asks leading questions when asking parents report(e.g. suggest answer) 13. Praises the child ONLY when he correctly performed an item 14. Asks the parent if the behavior of child typical of his usual behavior 15. Gives enough items (at least 3 passes and 3 failures in each sector) 3 2 1 Remarks

Score: ______ Date: _______


III. After the test

Activity 16. Shades right end of bar to emphasize delays 17. Indicates delays only on those items failed which were completely to the left of age line 18. Interprets test performance correctly 19. Writes observations on back of form TOTAL 3 2 1 Remarks

***Based on thee MMDST Manual, Second Edition, 1999,UP Manila College of Nursing, pp.81-82 _______________________________ Signature of Faculty _________________________ Signature of Student

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