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Asian Hospitality

Core Values (1)

Asian Hospitality is our way of looking after the guests and showing that we care. It means providing a home away from home and putting the guest at the centre of everything we do. The core values of Asian Hospitality are:

Core Values (2)


Lack of respect can destroy the whole relationship. Customers are very important people and we must treat them with respect to build a relationship We must never disgrace, embarrass, belittle or neglect them We must, where possible, fulfill our guests requests and whishes

Core Values (3)


Pride without arrogance Customer first and always right Accommodate guests requests Treat the guest as if he is more important than us.

Core Values (4)


It means politeness, good manners and being considerate It creates a good and lasting impression

Core Values (5)


Always help customers to satisfy their needs Help customers by:


Anticipating their needs Assisting Doing more for them

Core Values (6)


Sincerity comes from the heart It means being warm, emphatic and genuine It gives meaning to the other core values of Asian Hospitality


Remember: In the service industry you are at the cutting edge, not your manager. REMEMBER .Service is not a dirty word. word.

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