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sis © TOEFL Internet-Based Test Examinee Score Report forthe Test of English as a Foreign Language [inst Code [ Reaisration Number E_ Gender: F a Ger SA moaeoa Ton Tint 24 Nguyen Hong Dong Da Ha Not The face of is document ha Serre Reading Intermediate (1521) 5 [isa 82 eo [Rave County’ VietNam =| (1846 0 Native Language dies ier matcolored background - nt a white background, Test taker texts in English that require a wide range of reading abiliies, although thei understanding of certain pers ofthe texts hmites Test takers who receive a score atthe INTERMEDIATE level typically * have @ good command of common academic vocabulary but stil have some dificult with high-level [TestDate 1ovan 2008 | [Sponsorcose | SAMPLE potas who receive @ score atthe INTERMEDIATE level, as you dd, typically understand academic vocabulary + have 8 very good understanding of grammatical structure: ‘can understand and connect information, make appropriate inferences, and syrthesize information in arange of texts but have more difculy when the vocabulary is high level and the texts conceptually dense: can recognize the expository organization of text and the role that specific information serves ‘wthin a larger text but have some dificult when these are not exc or easy to infer from the tex od ‘can abstract majo eas from a text but have more difcaity doing so when the texts conceptually dense ‘Test takors who receive a score at the LOW level as you oi, typically understand the main idea and some mpertant deta of conversations. However tes akers at the low level may have cificlty Understanding leclures and conversations in English hat involve abstract or complex ideas and ‘ecognizing the relatonship between those ideas. Test takers at hs level also may not understand Sections of lectures and conversabons that contan dificult vocabulary or complex grammatical structures. Test takers atthe LOW jevel typically Poe * understand main ideas when they are stated explcily or marked as Tmportant but ay Understanding main ideas if they are not stated explicit + understand important details when they ae stated explicitly or marked as important but may have “ificuly understanding detai i they are ot repeated or clearly marked as important, or they are ‘conveyed over several exchanges among iiflrent speakers; «understand ways that speakers use language to emphasize a point or to indicate agreement or ‘disagreement. but generally only when the information i related toa central theme orf clearly ‘marked as important: and + make connections batwoen the key Seas in a conversation, particulary the ideas are related to & Central theme or are repeated. ®. Copynght ©2007 by Educational Tsing Santee. ‘Atrgpts served. ETS, the ETS tops, ane TOEFL ae ropseed vademarks of EoucaonaYestng Serves (ETS) the Unted Stats of Arena and cher cours troughout the word "Gtner products and servees montonesheren may be Vademars of he fespecive Ours

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