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Threads DLL Files Registry Port Communication

What Is a Thread?

 Sub part of process  Share Resources. E.g. Memory  Multiple threads can exists in same process

DLL Files


Dynamic-link library or DLL, .DLL And .OCX Need exe file for execution. Shared Code

 A central hierarchical database  Contain information  Has Root keys and sub keys

Registry Organization
 Root Keys
 Contains information in order that the correct program opens when executing a file with Windows Explorer.

 Contains the profile (settings, etc) about the user that is logged in.

 Contains system-wide hardware settings and configuration information.

 Contains the root of all user profiles that exist on the system.

 Contains information about the hardware profile used by the computer during start up.

 Sub Keys These are essentially sub directories that exist under the Root Keys.

Registry Organization

Root Keys


Sub Keys

Registry Functions in VC++

RegOpenKeyEx RegCloseKey RegDeleteKey RegEnumKeyEx RegGetValue RegEnumValue RegQueryValueEx Opens the specified registry key. Closes a handle to the specified registry key. Deletes a subkey and its values. Enumerates the subkeys of the specified open registry key. Retrieves the type and data for the specified registry value. Enumerates the values for the specified open registry key. Retrieves the type and data for a specified value name associated with an open registry key. Sets the data and type of a specified value under a registry key.


Port Communication

 Used for communication Types

Serial Port Parallel Port USB

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