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Commands - General

There are 3 different modes of operation within the Cisco IOS. 1. Disabled mode 2. Enabled mode 3. Configuration mode In the Disabled mode you can use a limited number of commands. This is used primarily to monitor the router. The Enabled mode is used to show configuration information, enter the configuration mode, and make changes to the configuration. The Configuration mode is used to enter and update the runtime configuration. To get a list of the commands for the cisco type '?' at the prompt. To get further information about any command, type the command followed by a '?'. clear clock configure debug disable enable erase exit help login logout no ping reload setup show telnet terminal test traceroute tunnel undebug verify write show access-lists arp buffers configuration Reset functions Manage the system clock Enter configuration mode Debugging functions (see also 'undebug') Turn off privileged commands Turn on privileged commands Erase flash or configuration memory Exit from the EXEC Description of the interactive help system Log in as a particular user Exit from the EXEC Disable debugging functions Send echo messages Halt and perform a cold restart Run the SETUP command facility Show running system information Open a telnet connection Set terminal line parameters Test subsystems, memory, and interfaces Trace route to destination Open a tunnel connection Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug') Verify checksum of a Flash file Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal List access lists ARP table Buffer pool statistics Contents of Non-Volatile memory

controllers debugging dialer extended flash flh-log history hosts interfaces ip isdn line logging memory privilege processes protocols queue queueing reload route-map running-config sessions smf stacks startup-config subsys tcp terminal users version

Interface controller status State of each debugging option Dialer parameters and statistics Extended Interface Information System Flash information Flash Load Helper log buffer Display the session command history IP domain-name, lookup style, name servers, and host table Interface status and configuration IP information ISDN information TTY line information Show the contents of logging buffers Memory statistics Show current privilege level Active process statistics Active network routing protocols Show queue contents Show queueing configuration Scheduled reload information route-map information Current operating configuration Information about Telnet connections Software MAC filter Process stack utilization Contents of startup configuration Show subsystem information Status of TCP connections Display terminal configuration parameters Display information about terminal lines System hardware and software status

Other Useful Commands View the Software Version View the Ethernet IP View the Serial IP View the Default Route View the Filters View the Bandwidth Add a Static Route Change the Dial Number Turn Filters On and Off Ping from the Router Traceroute from the Router View the Software Version Cisco>en Cisco#wr term <--- Shows the running configuration Building configuration...

Current configuration: ! version 11.2 no service udp-small-servers no service tcp-small-servers ! hostname Cisco ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ! interface Serial0 ip address encapsulation frame-relay frame-relay lmi-type ansi ! interface Serial1 ip address encapsulation frame-relay bandwidth 1536 keepalive 5 frame-relay map ip 101 IETF ! router rip version 2 network network neighbor neighbor ! ip classless ip route ip route ! line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 login ! end View the Ethernet IP Router#wr term This will show the running configuration. Within the configuration, you will see an interface ethernet 0 section: interface Ethernet0 ip address no ip directed-broadcast View the Serial IP

Router#wr term Within the configuration, you will see an interface serial 0 section: interface Serial0 ip address ip broadcast-address ip access-group 106 in encapsulation frame-relay bandwidth 56 no fair-queue frame-relay map ip 500 IETF View the Default Route Router#wr term Within the configuration, you will see an ip route section. In the ip route section, look for a route: ip route The last ip address is the POP ip. View the Filters Router#wr term Under interface serial 0, look for: ip access-group 104 in ip access-group 105 out This means that access-group 104 is the inbound filter set and access-group 105 is the outbound filter set. Then, continue to look in the configuration for the access-list statements: (Example access-list statements) access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 permit tcp any any established access-list 104 permit tcp any eq ftp-data any gt 1023 access-list 104 permit udp any eq domain any gt 1023 access-list 104 permit udp any eq domain any eq domain access-list 104 permit icmp any any access-list 104 permit udp any eq snmp any gt 1023 access-list 105 deny ip any access-list 105 permit tcp any any established access-list 105 permit tcp any any eq ftp

access-list 105 deny udp any eq netbios-ns any access-list 105 deny udp any eq netbios-dgm any access-list 105 permit ip any any View the Bandwidth Router#wr term Within the config, you will see an interface serial 0 section: interface Serial0 ip address ip broadcast-address ip access-group 106 in encapsulation frame-relay bandwidth 56 no fair-queue frame-relay map ip 500 IETF Add a Static Route Cisco#config t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Cisco(config)#ip route DEST.DEST.DEST.DEST MASK.MASK.MASK.MASK GATE.GATE.GATE.GATE where: DEST.DEST.DEST.DEST = The destination network the static route is for MASK.MASK.MASK.MASK = The subnet mask of the destination network GATE.GATE.GATE.GATE = The gateway of the static route Example route statement: ip route Cisco(config)#^Z (hit <control> z) Write the entry to memory: Cisco#wr mem Building configuration... [OK] Change the Dial Number Type en to put the router in enable mode:>en The password should be the same as the one used to telnet in. Password:

To view the router's configuration, type: config There will be a line in the configuration that says: dialer map IP speed 64 name LD3330 2707000 The 2707000 is the dial number. NOTE: Record what interface the dialer map IP line is under because you will need to use that interface when changing the number. Type config t to configure from terminal. t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Enter the interface that the dialer map IP line is under: BRI0 Add in the new dialer map IP line with the new phone number: map IP speed 64 name LD3330 [new number] Now, remove the old dialer map IP line. To remove a line, type no and then the line. For example, to remove the old dialer map IP, type: dialer map IP speed 64 name LD3330 2707020 Now leave config mode: [control] z Save changes: write mem Building configuration... [OK] Verify the new number is in the config: config The new number should be in the dialer map IP line. Turn Filters On and Off To turn the filters off: Router#configure terminal Router(config)#interface Serial0 Router(config-if)#no ip access-group 104 in Router(config-if)#no ip access-group 105 out Router(config-if)# Hit CTRL-Z Router#wr mem Building configuration... [OK] Router# To turn the filters on: Router#configure terminal Router(config)#interface Serial0 Router(config-if)#ip access-group 104 in Router(config-if)#ip access-group 105 out Router(config-if)# Hit CTRL-Z Router#wr mem Building configuration... [OK] Router# Ping from the Router Cisco#ping <hostname> Example: Cisco#ping

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