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Miles away up there 1/3/2012

Shrouded and festooned with quaintness i try to elucidate the trips of mystery, Twas dark and it was then I realized that the morn and noon was history.

A smooth trip on mother natures bounties rolled on neatly into a joint, It felt all day as me and the bard within went on a trip from reality the shackle disjoint.

Rendezvous point was miles away at the foothills of the zeauoxian Milky Way Way beyond my mind can comprehend I see myself move fast and dwindle away.

Away, away and far away through starry paths, the galactic colonies and black holes Yesterday seemed like tomorrow and today like the near future, written on ash scrolls

Tornados, galactial storms, raining meteorite, planets, & stars,miles beyond them travel, Oh my body is the ship and my mind the deck console for the paths to ravel.

There at a distance I see us approaching Venus, Hovering above hostile mutant colonies with mammals, moth worms and flora genus, Earth behind seemed afar & beautiful and I every moment growing creative and ticinus.

Ship trips and galaxial flips, Tardy nites and the dark nicotine stained finger tips, Annular eclipse occurring in my minds eye as the white light zips,

Rummaging my mindly scripts for notes of melancholy strains as the notes dance on, Slammed by the downer, my trips are done and for another, on ganjain I count upon.

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