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Bequeathal of the Book of Knowledge

Joemar: Muchas gracias, a todos nuestros

estudiantes que han sido de confianzaco mo guardianes del Libro

del Conocim iento. Maam Pearl: Thank you very much to all our students who have been trusted as caretakers of the Book

of Knowledge.Jo emar: We also take pride and honor to claim without bragging that the high school department alsohoards a

cache of achievements in various fields of learning.Maam Pearl: That is indeed a humbling fact, Jomz. At this point, may we

call on Jeanne Mari L. Julia,editor in chief of the Junior Perpetualite, and Karl Angelo C. Resurrecion, auditor of the

Junior SSC toturn over the Laurel of Achievement to Jellian Razelle A. Kwok, business manager of the Mathematicsclub

,and Nicolyn Angelica H. Sese, managing editor of the Junior Perpetualite.

Bequeathal of the Laurel of Achievement

Maam Pearl: Muchas gra cias, a tod os nuestro s estudiant

es que son lasmanifest aciones de vida de la excelencia de nuestra escuela en la

educacin decalidad. Joemar: Thank y ou very much to all our students wh o are the living manifesta tions of

our schoolsexce llence in quality education.Maa m Pearl: I state t his with convicti on because I have been a witness, t oo, to the

innumerableachi evements that our high school students have added to the schools collection. With that in mind, Ihave high hopes

that our Juniors will continue to live up to the legacy that our Seniors will lay down before them.Joemar: May we now then request

Athena Almira Benedictos, editor in chief of the Junior Perpetualite,Roz en Marrel B. nava, vicegovernor of the Fourth Year

Level Council, Jacob B. Sabuquia, assistantsecretar y of the Junior SSC, and Jessamyn Roux B. Ado, managing editor

of the Junior Perpetualite for the Lectura de la ltima voluntad y testament o

or the reading of the last will and testament.

Reading of the Last Will and Testamen t

Joemar: Muchas gracias to our Seniors who willingly bestowed upon the Juniors their last will andtestament. We hope that the

Juniors will do the best of their ability to continue to nurture and protect thewill power of the Seniors.Maam Pearl: Yes, I

truly believe that with the flicker that they have displayed tonight, the Juniors willsurely not fail us in our expectations. I

know that a few years from now, the Seniors will be dominating intheir respective fields of learning in their own right. And speaking of

that, let us now move on to the lalectura dela profecia de clase or the reading of the class prophecy by the following writers of the

Junior Perpetuali te: Neil Roy B. Rosales, editorial cartoonist, Shaira Mae R. Flores, sports section editor, Edgar Maurice G. Bajado,

features editor, and Jeanette L. Abunales, layout artist.

Reading of the Class Prophecy

Maam Pearl: Muchas gracias, Juniors for that very promising prophecy for our dear Seniors. May you,then, have the right predictions! So

there, ladies and gentlemen, you have just witnessed the severalexchange s of speech like: clave de la responsibilidad or the key of

responsibility! Joemar: El libro del conocimient o or the book of knowledgeMaa m Pearl:

El laurel de logro or the laurel of achievement Joemar: Lectura de la ltima

voluntad y testamento or the reading of the last will andtestamentMa am Pearl: And la lectura dela

profecia de clase or the reading of class prophecyJoemar: Ladies and gentlemen, after listening to the series of

speeches from the selected Juniors andSeniors, we shall be witnessing a series of dance numbers from our selected

interlude dancers.Maam Pearl: Las damas y caballeros, vamos a poner

nuestras manos para nuestrosbai larines interludio. Joemar:

Ladies and gentlemen, let us put our hands together for our interlude dancers.

Maam Pearl: Muchas gracias,

interlude dancers for that very awe-inspiring performance! The ladies arevery welldressed and the gentlemen are also

very appealing in their Spanish Latino outfits! Joemar: I totally agree with you, Maam Pearl! And because of that, some members of the

faculty and thehigh school office have chosen some of the interlude dancers who would be proclaimed as the Mr. andMiss

Junior and Senior Personalities 20102011.Maam Pearl: Yes, thats right, Jomz. And to present to us the finalists for the search for the

Mr. and MissJunior and Senior Personalities 2010-2011, may we call on the Chairman of the board of judges.Joem

ar: Muchas gracias! Those lads and lasses really deserve to be finalists for the search for the Mr. andMiss Junior and Senior Personalities

20102011.Maam Pearl: Yes, thats right! And I also think that the other Juniors and Seniors and our fellow teachershave

their own favorites among the finalists. But before the board of judges will finally announce thewinners, let us first suspend their excitement

with the traditional cotillion de honor.Joemar: Por lo tanto, demos la bienvenida

con un aplauso a los bailarines cotillionde honor! Maam Pearl: So, let us welcome

with a round of applause the cotillion de honor dancers!

Cotillion de honor
Maam Pearl: Muchas gracias,

cotillion de honor dancers! I am sure that you have entertained well one of the most important personalities in our university who has also

unselfishly given us a vital fragment of hiseventful time just to be able to celebrate with us tonight. May I

now request Athena Almira Benedictos,edito r in chief of the Junior Perpetualite, to introduce to us our esteemed Guest Speaker.

Introduction of the Guest Speaker

Maam Pearl: Las damas y caballeros, vamos a

poner de pie y las manos juntas comodamos honor y reverencia a nuestro

estimado orador invitado. Joemar: Ladies and gentlemen, let us stand and put our hands together as we

give honor and reverence toour esteemed Guest Speaker.

Inspirational message of the Guest Speaker

Joemar: Muchas gracias, Senor Anthony Jose M. Tamayo, president of the University of Perpetual HelpSystem DALTA.

Another resounding applause for our President, ladies and gentlemen.Maa m Pearl: Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure that up

to this very moment, you still have your bets onwho would be proclaimed as the Mr. and Miss Junior and Senior

Personalities 2010-2011. Let us now receive with a big round of applause Dr. Julie H. Reyes, the vice principal of the high

school department,to present the winners. May we also request Sir Anthony Jose M. Tamayo, to hand over the trophies to

theawardees.Joe mar: Puede tambin llamar a la seorita Melissa A. Ramos,

nuestro director deeducaci n bsica, y la seorita Vernica V. Mrmol, el coordinado

r para elbie nestar de los estudiantes , para ayudar en la adjudicaci

n de los ganador es. Maam Pearl:

May we also call on Miss Melissa A.

Ramos, our basic education director, and MissVeronica V. Marmol, the coordinator for students welfare, to assist

in the awarding of winners.

Awarding of winners
Maam Pearl: There, ladies and gentlemen, are the winners in

the Search for Mr. and Miss Junior andSenior Personalities 2010-2011. Vamos a darles una nueva rond

a de aplausos! Joemar: Let us give them another round of applause!Maam Pearl:

Muchas gracias y felicitacione s a todos los ganadores. Joemar: Thank you very much

and congratulatio ns to all the winners.Maam Pearl: That ends, ladies and gentlemen, the first part of the JS prom. This evening has been

greatfor all of us.Joemar: S, seora Perla. And I am sure that everyone is excitedly looking forward

to the next partwhich is la danza, la danza, la danza or dance, dance, dance!Maam Pearl: But before

the revel begins, we want to thank everyone for sharing this moment with us.This is Mrs. Perlla P. Demagante, the coordinator of

the English Learning Area.Joemar: And this is Joemar L. Furigay, the moderator of the Junior Perpetualite, the

official school paper of the high school department.Both: Your maestro y maestra de ceremonias! Joemar: Let us altogether enjoy

the party!Maam Pearl: Vamos a disfrutar de todo el partido!

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