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How to Decode Jumbled words In this exercise, each letter in a message is replaced by another letter of the alphabet. For example, LET THE GAMES BEGIN may become this: YRG GUR TNZRF ORTVD. In this puzzle Y replaces L; R replaces E, G replaces T, and so on. Notice that the same letter substitutions are used throughout this puzzle. Every E in the sentence is replaced by a R, and every T is replaced by an G. Here are some hints to decode this jumbled word puzzle:

A = N, B = O, C = P, D = Q, E = R, F = S


1)V ORYVRIR, V PNA: ________________________ __________________________________________

2)JBEX VF JBEFUVC: ________________________ __________________________________________

3)GUR OBFF VF NYJNLF RVTUG: ______________ __________________________________________

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