Research Essay Victory Draft 2 (Lee Xin Mei 4E2)

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Tick tuck tick tuck, droplets of water started dripping into the elegant gold plated inflow clepsydra

with carvings of a splendid far view of the capital, Beijing. Echo of the drippings filled the vacant hall. What is the time now? asked Yan Shu. It's currently the Rooster time (5pm to 7pm), my lord, the other officials will be arriving in an hour time. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave, replied his servant. Yan Shu nodded his head in acknowledgement as he continued his work. Time flew past. Just then, a voice from the corridor filled the room, My lord, please get ready to go to the meeting hall now, reminded his servant. Upon hearing his reminder, Yan Shu got his stuff ready and made his way to the hall. By the time he reached, all of the other lords are ready. I believe all of you are aware of our next move, here is the war strategies and planning that I had made, please take a look and provide me with opinions, said Yan Shu. The rest of the lords nodded with agreement as they started discussing. They exchanges information and opinions and amendment had been made to improve the strategies. Satisfied with the results, they hold their bronze coated wine cup up high and pledged, To achieve victory, to overturn the fatuous and self-indulgent ruler, to get rid of all corrupted official and to provide a peaceful and prosperous life for the people. All the Lords detest Hu Yan Wu, the narcissistic and irresponsible emperor who indulge with enjoyments all day long. They swore to overturn him and let Hu Yan Shu be the next ruler. People preferred him to the current emperor as he help and care for the people, hence winning hearts of the people and faith from the Lords. Your Majesty, there is a letter for you from Hu Yan Shu, his servant said mildly. Give it to me, Hu Yan Wu demanded impatiently. As he read through the letter, he sneered at Yan Shu, thinking how imbecile Yan Shu was, to overrate his own abilities. To show his mightiness, he beheaded the messenger from Yan Shu. Yan Wu started preparing the war and he said to his officials, I have decided that I will personally lead a troop to counter their attack and show them my power. Upon hearing this, there was a mutter of disagreement from the officials, but Yan Wu, being haughty, refuses to listen and insisted, I want and I will lead my own troop. Anyone who dares to defy will be severely punished. It was soon the second day since Yan Wu, led the troop down North to counter attacks, they stopped for a break while he sent two soldiers to check if their enemies is found four kilometre away from their current locus. Minutes later, throbbing of horses galloping filled the route but before the soldiers could leap off to report.

Shove..shove.. two ray of bright light reflected into eyes of Hu Yan Wu, as it pierced through the back of the soldier, splattering the blood on their face. Shocked but enrage by their action, he roared, Chase after them! Down the road is a sandy piece of land. Yan Shu had already sent a couple of soldiers to use of a bunch of dried palm tree leaves to drag a ground which produces the Shuuuuu sound and creating a sandy atmosphere. Just then, a loud thombthomb filled the field. Then, a straight line of Shu soldiers turned their gold plated shield to form a cadmium yellow sea. Caught unaware, loud screams of horses filled the air as they went down onto the ground, throwing the rider off them. Thomb... the drum strikes again and this time, hundreds and thousands of silvery arrow came shooting towards the Wus troop like thousands rays of lights. Yan Shu led the troop out of the ambush to fight against Yan Wu. Upon seeing Yan Shu, an evil grin spread across Yan Wus face.Your doom day had arrived...hahaha, scorned Yan Wu as he wielded his sword out from the sheath. Expecting his move, Yan Shu drew his double-edged sword out of its scabbard as a beam of gold light reflects into their eyes. Then, Clankclank, the two double-edged swords crashed and produced a clattering sound. Yan Wu then applied more force and forced his sword nearer to Yan Shu You useless bum, you will never beat me. I am the strongest of all! he mocked as he continued to spew vicious insults and threats. However, Yan Shu was not wavered by his threats, he remained straight face and ignored his words. He then find ways to defend himself and at a chance, he pierced Yan Wus hands with his sword. The immense pain causes Yan Wu to release his sword. Just before he could react, he felt an acute pain in his chest as Yan Shus sword ran through his armour and into his flesh. He tried to fight back but he could not control his movement. Next, an arrow from far pierced through him, he then felt faint and fell to the ground. After Yan Wu was defeated by Yan Shu, his troop had lost as well. After the war, the entire field was covered with blood stains. Yan Shus army then started cheering for the victory and started moving back to the city. On his way back to the palace, roars of cheer filled the capital. Hearing the cheers, he could not feel the happiness but instead a sense of guilt filled his heart and the smell of death and sight of corpses especially Yan Wus one stained in his memory. Isnt this the victory that I want, but why there isnt any sense of happiness in this victory? Is this the victory that I really want? his doubts echoed his mind as he closes his eyes

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