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C24 takes space in 2nd data centre

Hos ng and applica on delivery specialists C24 have taken space in 2nd data centre

February 2011 C24 the applica on delivery and Microso Dynamics hos ng specialists are pleased to announce that they have taken space in a 2nd data centre due to exis ng and new client demand for their specialist hos ng services. The site situated in Banbury is to be used as a data replica on and disaster recovery site for a number of exis ng clients. C24 has experienced signicant growth in the rst quarter of 2011, with the business taking on 8 new clients, 4 hos ng and 4 systems integra on and management solu ons. David Ricke s, Head of Marke ng commented we have experienced excep onal growth in the rst quarter of the year and the projec ons for the rest of 2011 look very good. It was decided late last year that we really needed to take on space at a further data centre to address the demand for disaster recover and data replica on.


About C24
C24 is a managed service provider who delivers on its promises. We look to; lower overheads associated with our clients IT infrastructure, implement secure, robust networks that enable our clients to concentrate on their core businesses and to deliver solu ons that enable our clients to outperform their compe on. As an applica on delivery specialist we aim to deliver world class solu ons within the SME marketplaces. We oer a por olio of services that enables our clients to have a one stop shop for their IT needs, these services include; applica on delivery, IT services helpdesk, Systems Integra on, full managed services provision and disaster recovery.

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