Graduate Program Course Syllabus: Course BA604 Semester - Spring 2012

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Graduate Program Course Syllabus: Course BA604 Semester Spring 2012

Global Organizational Development: the Evolving Challenge Course Description

In today's competitive, complex, and dynamic global economy, organizations cannot merely stand still. Organizations ranging from Fortune 500 firms to small entrepreneurial start-ups find that they need to change in order to remain competitive, much less survive. This course is geared towards developing a better understanding of the challenges, techniques, burdens, and successes associated with initiating and implementing major changes within organizations. To do this, we will focus on the integration of behavioral science theories, tools, concepts, and techniques and apply them to a "live" organization. In addition, we will study the role of Organizational Development and the OD Practitioner in the success and life cycle of business. We will review many of the various forms of Organizational Development practiced over the past few decades and the significance of Change as an overriding concept. We will learn and practice OD interventions ranging from those involving basic human processes, technostructural processes and those requiring planning at the strategic level, with a particular emphasis on selecting appropriate interventions based on thoughtful diagnosis of organizational issues.

Teaching Methods
This course will be taught in a learner centered approach (Socratic Method). Students will be expected to participate in dialogues and to offer ideas without fear of being right or wrong. The goal of this approach is to allow students to learn from each other as well as from the instructor and the texts. Students must be present in threads for this approach to work. If you are absent, you are not only infringing on your education but also on the education of your classmates by not providing your perspective to the other students. The role of the instructor is to guide the thinking of the students as a facilitator of learning. The process of learning takes place in the mind of each student and it will be the goal of the instructor to provoke that learning using appropriate questioning techniques. Do not be afraid to be wrong! Speak/write and express your thoughts but be open to incorporating the thoughts of others. Also, be open to the consideration of ideas that challenge your own. Only then will your learning exceed that which is possible by other means. Expressing an incomplete, nave, or misinformed opinion in class has no penalty in this grading system. However, failure to apply the concepts of the material covered in the course will result in incomplete assignments. 1

Course Objectives
At the end of this course, students will be expected to: Explain organizational change processes from multiple role perspectives (e.g. change agent, change target, leader, and middle-manager). Recognize an improvement in your ability to synthesize, articulate, and disseminate information and knowledge concerning organizational change to others through dialogue and critique. Analyze facts, recognize organizational culture, effectiveness, and issues related to organization diagnosis, and apply applicable theory as it relates to organizational development. Compare and contrast organization process approaches, analyze problems, and develop recommendations for improving organizational performances. Define the process of organizational development as a strategic means to affect change to an organizations culture. Apply various interventions to construct a plan that will support a new organizational change initiative. Describe and know when to utilize human process, technostructural, human resource management, and strategic interventions. Gain the ability to implement tools of intervention to effectively bring about major change in a way that gains support of organization members.


Course Text and Readings

Cummings, T.G. & Worley, C.G. (2009). Organization Development and Change (9th Ed.). Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing. isbn 13:9780324421385 Kotter, John P. & Cohen, Dan S. (2002). The Heart of Change Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press isbn 1-57851-254-9 Link for case studies to purchase at Harvard Business Review

Contact Information email = ; Office = Virtual Office hours: 24/7

Email and Blackboard We will be using Arcadia e-mail and Blackboard. Make certain your account is active and accessible. Check it routinely for announcements, course information, etc.

About your professor:

Steven Seay, Ph.D., a product of Silicon Valley, California and an MIT-trained strategist, is the Managing Partner for Crimson Eagle LLC, an Executive and Management consultancy based in Minneapolis, Arcadia. Stevens client list includes such notables as Kelloggs, Harley-Davidson, Chicago Public Schools and the U.S. Postal Service. Dr. Seay has advised multinational clients on such issues as organizational strategy, human performance dynamics, Mergers & Acquisition infrastructure and implementation as well as organization effectiveness. His recent work has been twofold: Effective Change Management Strategies and Back to the basics in Customer Satisfaction. Dr. Seay is a frequent speaker, author and business/management lecturer at many institutions to include Auburn University, Nova Southeastern University, the University of Arcadias Carlson School of Management, Troy State University and Southwestern College, as well as a visiting professor for Oxford University. Dr. Seay has developed and delivered over 50 workshops to include Strategic Planning, Effective Communication, Managing Change, Consulting Skills and Customer Service. Steven has served in executive roles with other notable companies such as Jostens, Best Buy, Oracle and Aramco Oil. Steven holds a B.S. degree in Organizational Psychology, an MBA in Strategy and a Ph.D. in Management and Organization Psychology. Dr. Seay also serves as an Advisory Board member for the Twin City Company--Pinnacle Services, Inc., a board member for the Arcadia Mental Health Association, and a former board member of the Twin Cities Human Resource Association (TCHRA). Prior to business, Steven traveled the world training, practicing and competing in Mixed Martial Arts, specifically Kempo Karate, Brazilian Jiujutsu, Aiki-Jiujutsu, and Krav Maga, and competed in Asian and Far Eastern games and cage fighting in Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia, Japan (PRIDE) and Morocco, all of which served to bring Mixed Martial Arts to America as seen in UFC fighting. Stevens MMA record from 1986 1991 was 24-3-0. Steven is teaching his two daughters, Savannah (16) and Tess (6), self-defense techniques as well as striking and grappling techniques. Steven submits frequently to these two talented ladies You may reach Dr. Seay using the contact information below. Steven Seay, Ph.D. Crimson Eagle LLC 818 Quail Run, ste. A Waconia, MN 55387

Course Schedule Week Assignment(s) Preparation Notes

1 1/16-1/22

a. Post self-introduction b. Respond to both threads per the posting criteria c. Read Chps 1-3 (Cummings) d. Lecture Chps. 1-3 Cummings a. Respond to both threads per the posting criteria b. Complete Assignment 2a1 listed in the assignment section c. Lecture Chps. 4-8 Cummings a. Respond to both threads per the posting criteria* 3 threads this week b. Complete Assignment 3a1 listed in the assignment section c. Lecture Chps. 10, 20, 21, 22 Cummings d. Lecture Kotter book a. Respond to both threads per the posting criteria b. Complete Assignment 4a1 listed in the assignment section c. Lecture Chps. 9, 11-14 Cummings a. Respond to both threads per the posting criteria b. Complete Assignment 5a1 listed in the assignment section c. Lecture Chps. 15-17 Cummings a. Respond to both threads per the posting criteria b. Complete Assignment 6a1 listed in the assignment section c. Lecture Chps. 18-19 Cummings a. Respond to both threads per the posting criteria b. Final exam c. Complete and turn in Final project d. Lecture Chps. 23-25 Cummings

a. Read Cummings Chps. 4-8 for week 2 b. Begin reading Kotter book a. Read Cummings Chps. 10, 20, 21, 22 b. Finish Kotter book for week 3 discussions and assignment a. Prepare for the mid-term exam in week 4 b. Read Cummings Chps. 9, 11-14

Make sure to download all information from the Harvard Business Online site per the link in this syllabus

2 1/23-1/29

3 1/30-2/5

4 2/6 2/12

a. Read Cummings Chps. 15-17


a. Read Cummings Chps. 18-19

6 2/20-2/26

a. Read Cummings Chps. 23-25 b. Prepare for final exam

7 2/27-3/4

Competency Assessment You will have several opportunities to demonstrate your competence in this course. The following describes the assignments required for completion of the course.

Grading Summary in detail Assignments


This assignment deals with data collection and analysis. Each student will pick a group, team, department, or division of their current organization. Based on what you learned in Chapter 7, each student will collect data and analyze the data for an existing problem in one of the above areas in their organization. You can use survey feedback if you have time or you can use observations, interviews or many other data collection techniques. Students will present this in a paper approximately 5 pages in length. The paper must contain (1) Perceived problem, (2) data collected, (3) data analysis, and (brief recommendation(s). Students must describe the method of data collection they selected for this assignment. Case study analysis Campbell and Bailyns Each student will conduct an analysis on the above case. Students should use the instructions in Appendix as a guide. There is no minimum/maximum page numbers for this assignment. You will read the case and apply the components in the Kotter book ref: Change and the text (Cummings). This is a written assignment and a sample case analysis will be posted in the document sharing section.

Due date





Based on the work you did on assignment 2A1, students will select/design an intervention based on the data collected and analyzed. Take a look at the brief recommendations you provided and describe how your specific intervention(s) will help solve this particular problem. Be sure to include critical thinking in addition to potential measures (in other words how you would measure your success). There is no min/max page limit. You may write until you fully solve the problem (In past classes, the average number of pages was 5-7) Each student will read and answer the questions for the Sullivan Hospital case in Chapter 17 in the textpart I Q1-3 and part II Q1-2. You must answer each question critically and use external resources to support your conclusions Case study analysis Treadway Tire Company Each student will conduct an analysis on the above case. Students should use the instructions in Appendix as a guide. There is no minimum/maximum page numbers for this assignment. You will read the case and apply the components in the Kotter book ref: Change and the text (Cummings). This is a written assignment and a sample case analysis will be posted in the document sharing section. Each student is required to post one original comment to each main thread and respond to two fellow class members each week in each main thread. So if we have two main threads each week, the minimum number of posts is six-one to each main thread and two each to fellow classmates. Remember posting the minimum does not constitute 100%. I look at quality of posts as well as external resources used to support your conclusions. Comments like, Good job Frank, will not work.

Due date






Thread totals



Final project

Each class member will develop a Change Management Strategy to include a communication plan for any change the company is going through. You may use your present company or any company of your choice. If you cannot select a company, please contact Dr. Seay and you can work together to find a company to your liking. You must select your company by week 2 and post your selection in the appropriate thread as discussed in week 2. There is no standard structure for a Change Management Strategy. It should probably contain strategies and tactics mentioned in the book by John Kotter, "The Heart of Change". You may also look at the special presentation in week 3 for ideas. The length averages between 8-30 pages, depending on the topics covered and the extent of the change issue you are attempting to solve. Do not worry so much about the references in this project. This is a 'live' project, meaning you should prepare this document as if you are turning it in to the board room. See inside course shell The final exam will consist of MC, short answer and essay questions. This is a timed exam and you will have 60 minutes to complete it. The exam covers chapters 9, 11-19, 2325 in Cummings


Video and internet exercises Final

60 100


1,000 pts.

Week 1


Point value

Total 50

Internet assignment discussion Discussion board

10 40

2 Week 2 assignment Week 2 Video discussion board Week 2 discussion board 50 10 40


3 Week 3 assignment Week 3 Video discussion board Week 3 discussion board 100 10 40


4 Week 4 internet exercise Week 4 assignment Week 4 discussion board 10 50 40


5 Week 5 assignment Week 5 Video discussion board Week 5 discussion board 50 10 40


6 Week 6 assignment Week 6 Video discussion board Week 6 discussion board 100 10 40


7 Week 7 discussion board Final project Final exam 40 210 100


Course total


Attendance & Participation

Active participation in this on-line course is welcomed, encouraged and expected. There will be a variety of weekly assignments including readings and exercises as well as discussion board questions that students will respond to and discuss.


Grading Information A to A-; Excellent 90-100% of total points (94-100 = A) (90-93 = A-)

Appearance: typed, error-free, neat, professional looking, pages numbered. Organization: all required elements of the assignment completed; use of headings and sub-headings to distinguish each element Content: complete, good faith effort to meet the requirement of the assignment element; use of specific examples; demonstrate critical thinking, e.g. analysis and conclusions. Grammar, punctuation and spelling: correct usage. Summary: This is an extraordinary paper/project. The writer/s display an excellent ability to apply course concepts to the topic. The paper has a clear purpose and all arguments are clearly articulated and supported with data and specific examples. The paper is well organized, clearly written, and properly cited. The writer has used credible sources from outside of the class textbook for illustrative purposes. The paper includes no grammatical or mechanical errors. The reader is lead to think about the topic and motivated to learn more about the topic and/or the writers ideas.

B+ to B-; Good 80-89% of total points (87-89 = B+) (83-86 = B) (80-82 = B-)
A paper that is missing one of the required elements of the assignment (e.g., did not include reflective statement); no use of subheadings; it may have a few minor mechanical errors or some awkward spots, but it is basically well written. Summary: This is a very good paper/project. The writer shows a very good ability to apply course concepts to the topic. The papers purpose is clear and is supported with an accurate amount of data and specific example to make the paper convincing. The paper is well organized, clearly written, and properly cited. The writer has used credible sources from outside of the class textbook for illustrative purposes. The paper includes minimal errors in grammar or mechanics. The reader can follow the paper easily and understand how the writer reached the conclusions she/he reached.


C+ to C-; Satisfactory 70-79% of total points (77-79 = C+) (73-76 = C) (70-72 = C-)
A paper that has the required information but contains quite a few errors in appearance, organization, grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling that require substantial revision.

A good ("B") paper that is missing two or more elements of the assignment. Summary: This is a satisfactory paper/project. The writer shows a sufficient ability to apply course concepts to the topic. The papers purpose is clear and displays evidence and data to support points. The paper is clearly organized and written clearly. Proper citation is used. The writer has used questionable sources or none at all from outside of the class textbook for illustrative purposes. The paper includes some mechanical and grammatical errors. The reader is able to grasp the main points of the paper but is not particularly motivated by the writers arguments or points.

D: Below satisfactory 60-69% of total points

Same as above with less quality

F; Did not meet minimum standards

0 59%

An unacceptable paper that has major content and errors with an excessive number of grammatical errors. Summary: This paper/project fails to meet the basic writing requirements discussed above. The writer does not meet the minimum requirements for the assignment.

Remember, if you want an A paper

Make clear links between theory and practice Theory and precedent support your recommendation(s) not just your opinion Instructor learns something new by reading your paper. It poses questions and analyzes the pro/cons of an issue; situation or scenario (demonstrates critical thinking skills and application) Compares options and persuades the reader why your recommendation is the best choice Is grammatically correct, uses proper spelling/APA style, flows well and is well organized in addition to being typed-double spaced Explores a problem, case or situation not merely a report about a general topic or recitation of other written works Minimum of 5 references (case studies included) AND follows and verbal instructions the instructor gives!

Class Policies
Editorial Format for Written Papers:

All written assignments are to follow the APA writing style guidelines for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Visit the following websites to and for guidelines. Late Assignments: My expectation is that each assignment will be completed by the due date. Assignments (excluding threaded discussions) will be accepted up to 3 days late. Each day late will result in a 10% penalty. After 3 days no assignment will be accepted. Code of Academic Responsibility: Each student accepts the responsibility of maintaining high standards of integrity in his/her academic performance. It is the responsibility of all students to uphold the code through the procedures set forth by the University as outlined in the Student Handbook. Student Handbook: Please refer to your student handbook for all university regulations. Plagiarism, academic dishonesty, and other forms of misconduct. Websters defines plagiarism as stealing or passing off ideas or words of another as ones own; use, without crediting the source; committing literary theft; presenting as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. Plagiarism is not acceptable, so care must be taken to credit any sources used in preparing term papers, theses, or dissertations. Additionally, the submission of written assignments and papers for one course originally submitted and receiving a grade for another course is unacceptable, as is turning in someone elses work!. Students should study the APA Style Manual; it explains how to credit sources. Collaboration on examinations or assignments that are expected to be individual work is another form of unacceptable conduct. Candidates are expected to be above reproach in all scholastic activities. Candidates who engage in scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties by the faculty, including but not limited to resubmission of an assignment; reduced or failing grade for the course; repeat of a course, and recommendation for dismissal from the university. "Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, completing an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or groups of students, or the attempt to commit such acts."

Also unacceptable is behavior that is flagrantly disruptive to the effective conduct of the program; behavior that is clearly unprofessional, unethical, or that reflects adversely on the Arcadia University program or the professional community; or behavior that violates the general understanding of proper conduct for students.


Course withdrawals will not be permitted to avoid the academic consequences of plagiarism levied by the faculty and/or associate dean. These consequences may include reduced or failing course grades. Additional work (extra credit) to improve grades will not be allowed.


Appendix A Case Study General Knowledge

These cases and exercises are designed to reinforce the information discussed in each section of the text. It provides an opportunity for the student to demonstrate an understanding of the information as well as provide a creative application of that information.

*Case Study Method. Some of the thinking and writing you will be asked to do in this course is centered on
actual or imaginary cases. Case studies challenge you to apply theories to explain events, and at the same time test the effectiveness of the theories. In this course, which is a training ground for the study of human resources, you will be given a good deal of guidance, so that eventually the discussion of a case will become second nature to you. For the most part, a case has the following features: There is a problem situation, in a well-described setting that involves a number of key participants. The problem always has a history and presents the reader with questions such as "What should be done now?" The reader is asked to analyze and evaluate the situation as fully as possible using one or more applicable theories. Sometimes the theories will be prescribed; sometimes the choice will be left up to you, since knowing what theories to use is a skill we want to see you develop. The reader is then asked to suggest one or more potentially fruitful courses of action, supporting his/her recommendations as fully as possible. S/he might also be asked to discuss what could go wrong if his/her recommendations were followed. Note that there are no "wrong" or "right" answers in a case study, only reasonable or unreasonable ones. Note also that in every case study you are being asked to imagine yourself as an actor on the organizational stage, not just an observer. Ultimately, learning that does not result in action is wasted. The whole point of learning about organizational behavior is to change the way you function in an organization so that your organizational life becomes more meaningful, more purposeful, and more effective in reaching your personal and organizational goals The amount you learn from a case depends on how carefully you read it and how well you analyze it. Read each case thoroughly and come to class ready to contribute to discussions, just as though you were preparing for a (worthwhile) meeting at work. Dont be passive; dont expect somebody else in the class to do the analysis or come up with that great solution to the firms problems. Some cases will come with a set of study questions to help you focus your preparation effort. Please read these carefully before reading a case. These will not always cover every issue, but they will give you a good basis for discussion.

Consider this quote by O'Reilly and Pfeffer (2000) who make this observation about how most effective executive education occurs:

"Not through lectures by professors or other experts but through engaged discussion of examples, typically in the form of a CASE, in which the interactions among the participants generates a variety of possibilities and 15

perspectives. It is through the individual's engagement in this discussion that he or she is able to really gain useful insights that are relevant to his or her unique circumstances. Said differently, simply listening to an expert describes what you should do or how you should manage is unlikely to provide much of last benefit. Mark Twain, a great social scientist, observed that a man who chooses to carry a cat home by the tail learns at least ten times as much as someone who only watches" (p. ix.).1

O'Reilly III, C. A. , & J. Pfeffer (2000). Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People. Harvard Business School Press.


Guidelines for Analyzing Cases (Dr. Seays version)

In preparing to discuss a case, you should succinctly present your analysis and clearly emphasize and defend what you think are the major issues, their underlying causes, and appropriate responses. Structuring Your Written Case Analysis Feel free to use the following section headings to structure your written document. This format is not mandatory. In most cases, I have seen approximately four or five numbered items under each heading (except for the Problem statement, which will usually consist of two to three primary problems.) 1. Issues and Assumptions: Identify one or more key issues in the situation described in the case and/or your underlying assumptions. Every situation has a number of issues and your task in this section is to identify the major issues that you will focus your analysis on PLUS any assumptions you feel it is important to highlight. 2. Analysis: What are the causes/factors producing the situation described in the case? Also, are its likely effects a major problem, or so minor that they should be ignored? You will probably need to devote most of your efforts to this section, as this is the most difficult part of the assignment for most students because it involves theorizing about why things have happened, rather than just describing what did occur. Although difficult, this is essential because if you can figure out WHY the situation arose, then you can begin to pinpoint what aspects of the situation are going to be responsive to management action. (This may be why Kurt Lewin said, There is nothing so practical as a good theory.) 3. Problem: In complex situations there are far more problems that we can attend to. While this section will be brief (a sentence or two), it is where you cull the key problem that you think lies at the heart of the case from the various issues that you identified in the first section as potential problems. (Note: Your analysis in section two should make quite clear why you selected the problem you have chosen to focus on). 4. Management Action: What course of action would you adopt if you were involved in this situation? How would you implement your suggested actions? In this section it is essential for you to be concrete (e.g., if you think that employees should cooperate more, rather than saying they should cooperate more, tell me what should be done specifically to get them to cooperate. Further, every idea has its good and bad points be sure to include a statement for each of your recommended actions about the potential for your recommendation to be ineffective or effective or to backfire.

Common Problems with Case Analysisand Corrective Rules of Thumb

There are four general heuristics that are important to keep in mind in analyzing a case and writing up your analysis. First, do not simply recount facts from the case. What I want to see is what you think are the underlying causes and solutions that are not explicit in the case, that you have derived from the readings, in-class 17

discussions, or your own experience and applied to the casean exception is when you want to use a brief example to support one of your recommendations. The second heuristic is to make sure that the various sections of your document are clearly linked. This means that if you raise an issue in the first section, be sure you analyze its causes and effects in the second section and provide suggested actions in the last section. Although there are various ways to handle this concern, the easiest way to do this is to explicitly structure (and label) each distinct point you are trying to make in your write-up so that item #1 in section one corresponds to item #1 in the analysis section, and so on. Third, you may not necessarily work on preparing the document in the order the sections will finally appear. Sometimes you will know what corrective actions are required and need to backtrack to figure out what underlying causes those actions must be responding to. Other times it will be clear to you what theory discussed in your reading is relevant to the case, but you will need to go back and figure out how to link that theory to other aspects of the case. Finally, think of each case analysis as a report you are giving to your boss at work rather than as a class exercise. You need to persuade me (as your boss) that I should allocate resources (e.g., time/attention, personnel, money) and perhaps risk my own (or the organizations) reputation by following your advice.


Additional Evaluation Criteria for Research Documents and Case Studies When I read your paper, I will be evaluating it based on how well it meets the following criteria: 1. Have you demonstrated that you understand and can apply ideas from the course readings and class discussions?

2. Did you identify other critical factors from your readings and class discussions and address them in
your paper? (Did you go beyond the minimum requirements for the paper?) 3. Are your Management recommendations clearly expressed and logically consistent with Management principles and practices? 4. Is your paper professional in appearance and consistent with good business writing practices? Is it comprehensive, complete, clear, coherent and concise? Does it have a cover page with the pertinent information on it? 5. Is your writing free from mechanical errors? Correct spelling, complete sentences, grammatically correct, etc. 6. Have you exercised creative and innovative thinking? Be specific and your answer will be graded on your critical-thinking skills. Keep the following in mind: 1. What are the General and Specific Issues associated with the topic? 2. What are the Pro and Con of the positions presented? 3. What are your recommendations? What other options did you rule out and why? 4. What are the Implications of your Recommendations (i.e. financial, social, consumer, employer, providers, etc.)? 5. How do you know what you know? 6. Whats your Evidence? 7. How and where does what youve learned fit in? 8. Could things have been otherwise? Who Cares? What Difference does it make? 9. What dont we know about the topic or situation that has yet to be answered by others or us? Grading of the paper/project will be done by the Professor Seay according to these specific standards.


Appendix B


Students sometimes inquire about why I give essay exams. My response is that the real world is essay tests. I have never had a boss, coworker or subordinate ask me a multiple choice or true false question in the workplace. Have you?
(P. S. Experiments have shown that students study more efficiently for essay exams than for objective tests.) I have gathered the following tips from a number of sources. I hope they help you study more effectively and also reduce your anxiety while taking an essay exam. 1. Read the instructions carefully before starting and review them at least once during the test. 2. Read all the test questions carefully before starting to write. Key nouns identify the focus/topic and verbs (define, describe, compare and contrast) will tell you how to approach the topic. 3. Ask for clarification if you do not understand a question. 4. Divide the time available and watch the clock so you can answer all questions. Allot more time for the more difficult questions. Save some time for the end of the period to review what you have written and make any necessary modifications. 5. Write answers on only one side of the paper. This allows you to use the reverse side for making an outline or other notes before you compose your response. 6. Start by writing a thesis statement that expresses your main point or conclusion. Support your point or conclusion with specific examples and relevant evidence. 7. Reread your exam before you turn it in. 8. If you run out of time, quickly jot down your main points and examples and note I ran out of time. Yes, your grade is affected by the quality of your writing Poor handwriting, grammar, punctuation, spelling etc. are always a distraction and any instructors judgment is negative influenced when it is a struggle to decipher your writing. I always allow sufficient time for taking the test so that you think about and take care with your writing. Remember, all work is to be typed with the exception of the three exams.


Appendix C
Most importantly, talk to me if you need help. A colleague of mine says it best: If you are in trouble, let me know. If you dont talk to me, I wont know you want help. If you ask for help after your ship has settled on the bottom, its too late. Student Effort Research has shown that learning takes place in direct relationship to student effort and involvement. In other words, the more you put into the course, the more you will get out course. What does this mean? Guidelines from the University of Arcadias accrediting organization call for 3-4 hours of outside study and prep time for every hour spent in class. So, for 3 1/2hours of class time per week, you should plan on spending 10-12 hours of outside time per week. While the outside time will certainly vary from week to week, depending upon assignments and other commitments, consider this course a significant commitment toward your own learning as a student!

Assignment Evaluations: Your papers must be written with near perfect grammar, punctuation and spelling. Additionally, leave 2 blank line between paragraphs and headings; do not indent first line of each paragraph and use 1 inch margins on all four sides of the paper. You must include your names and title or topic on a separate title page. Do not use report covers such as plastic covers/binders or the like. YOU MUST DOUBLESPACE! Use Arial font 12 pt. The goal is for you to come away from these learning experiences with the ability to make more informed opinions and decisions in the future. Therefore, you will not earn points now by stating only your opinion in your writing in this course. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines Opinion as a belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge. In other words it is your responsibility to read and think about what others, notable experts on the subject, have to say. I have chosen the notable experts whom I believe fit such criteria, the most important of whom have written your textbook or what will often be referred to as, The Book. The reason you are required to read The Book is because it was written based on facts and not personal opinion. The professional books and articles are required reading because they represent the experience of other notable experts. Together, your readings constitute a more positive knowledge for you to ponder and reflect upon in order to make more informed opinions leading to better management decisions in the future. You will not remove your personal views from your thinking as your write, analyze and synthesize the perspectives of the notable experts, but include them with the notable experts. You will not use the first person pronoun I or me or my in your writing.


As I am sure you are all aware, each professor grades assignments using different criteria. As stated, I will look for the following as a base for evaluations: 1. Creativity and Innovation in problem analysis 2. Critical Thinking in problem analysis 3. Inclusion of course materials in assignments Other basic areas of evaluation that are necessary to address include: 1. Professionalism and sense of style 2. Ideological and analytical soundness 3. High performance 4. Mastery of all course-related tasks 5. Deliverables are so well done that each individual would be slated for advancement employs solid logic 6. Overall literature review for research assignments-inclusion of both theory and practical application (70 practical application and 30% theoretical) 7. Solutions are sound business decisions that would carry weight in any Fortune 500 boardroom 8. References are used and integrated into work 9. Form and structure of final deliverable - grammar, logic and clarity error free 10. Has developed the prerequisites for later learning 11. Captures issues and assumptions that drive decision-making


Appendix D
Ideas to Keep In Mind When Writing the Research Paper POSITIVE FEATURES:

clearly state the objectives of the paper and explain how the paper is organized "In this paper, the history of hackers will be examined, along with the advent of the new generation of hackers, their goals, how these goals are achieved, and how the new computer underground compares to original hackers. The new generation of hackers has different characteristics from the original hackers, yet the justifications for their actions have remained the same." [Kroen] "There is currently a heated debate regarding the privacy of electronic mail in the workplace. While employers have the right to protect their interests, the employees have the right to their privacy. The threat of a superior reading email may have a psychological effect on a subordinate that could in turn be harming the company. This paper uses various publications, some of which are studies by the Office of Technology Assessment, in order to understand better this ethical dilemma." [Slovacek] "Today, thanks to a number of innovations in computing technology, information is being processed and disseminated faster than ever before. And nowhere else is information being processed and disseminated faster than on the Internet. However, over the last three years there has been a strong push for the government to regulate and in some cases censor the Internet, especially the World Wide Web. Naturally, this raises the question, is it appropriate to restrict the way people use their computers?" [Woyicki]-Note that in this case the problem is implied rather than explicitly stated. "Information systems have had a significant impact on the underlying dynamics of society. There exist few organizations today that are not supported in some manner by these systems. Although the issue of productivity has faced some contention, the general consensus is that the integration of these systems have significantly enhanced organizational workings. However, the advent of information systems has in no way encountered immediate whole-hearted adoption, and integration within an organization has been anything but straightforward. The adoption of information systems has followed a similar pattern to other technological innovations in history, and in like manner, the integration of information systems within an organization bas not been a one-time step, but rather a protracted and much more holistic process. While much literature has been written regarding the integration of information systems in the private sector, little has been written about their uses in the public sector, and to this area this paper will direct focus." [Kim]

Patterns of Development: Possible Strategies When you are thinking about what paper topic you might want to write about, it might be useful to consider how your paper might be developed. For example, you could choose to write a historical explanation of how the Internet developed, or of how changes in computing practices have occurred in industry. Another possibility would be to develop your paper in terms of cause (or multiple causes) and effect (or multiple effects). A specific example of this might examine the effects of software piracy. Yet another possibility would be examining a number of issues or considerations that are important to a topic. In this case, you should be careful to include all of the important issues or considerations. For example, if a company is considering the possibility of telecommuting, what considerations will affect their decisionmaking?

identify a problem that you want to solve (or begin trying to think about how to solve) in your paper "Just who benefits most from telecommuting and at what costs are the main focus of this paper." [Murphy]

include a statement of significance and/or exigency That is, why is it important to address this question now--has anything changed or made it particularly important now as compared to 5 years ago? 10? What makes this a problem worthy of our attention and concern? After all, we have many different concerns all demanding our attention--why should this one problem be foremost in our minds? For example: "The changes occurring in the last five years have made it particularly important to address this problem now. In the last five years, the following changes have occurred...[list of changes]. As a result of these changes, new problems have developed. Rather than allowing the current situation to continue, we need to address these issues." Another example: "Unless this problem is addressed now, worse problems will develop over time. For instance, instead of the current problem with [...], we can expect that other problems will develop and require even larger financial expenditures. These problems include [list of problems]."

provide sufficient background information and context for the reader to be able to understand the situation

For example: If you're writing about gender issues, you need to include some information about current businesses practices for each of the sexes.

take a position and offer a clear rationale for why that position is a reasonable one "In many cases, the hacking was done in response to a problem that the underground saw with the way of a company handled business. Though this may seem like they were taking matters into their own hands, it was their way of communicating with large companies. The average, modern day hacker, though different from the rest of society, does not try to internationally harm anyone." [Kroen]

explain or provide a rationale for any position being advocated Don't simply state your position. Instead you will also need to explain why your position is better than all of the other possible positions.

often rely on general to specific pattern to organize paper Patterns of Development: Developing Your Ideas A general to specific pattern is common in many academic papers. As you read, try to identify some examples. The pattern is very straightforward. Typically, the first sentence of the paragraph will provide a topic sentence (a general introduction to the main point of the paragraph). Second and subsequent paragraphs will narrow the focus of the paragraph. (Alternatively, the second sentence may tell the reader how the rest of that paragraph may provide information about how the rest of the paragraph will be organized. Some examples of "key words" to help the reader see organization are: compared, contrasted, [a number of] issues, analyzed, causes, effects.) The final sentence should provide a conclusion based on the specific examples presented in the paragraph. (Note that a good example of this is presented below in the section entitled "include clear examples."

use key words consistently Key words will vary for different paper topics, but one example might be something as simple as "employees." If "employees" is a key word, then you probably will not want to use "employees," "technical consultants," and "workers" to refer to the same group of people. This changing of key words is likely to confuse your reader--so be consistent with the terms you use.

include clear examples


"Some sites make their living by providing a valuable of entertaining resource to Internet users. Once they can show that a significant number of people are visiting the site, other vendors will pay to put up online advertisements. As an example, a network television station makes for a good self-containing analogy. NBC provides TV shows free to owners of televisions, and charges companies to advertise during the broadcasts. The amount they expect to make for each commercial depends on how many people will be watching that particular broadcast, and a rating system has been established to determine these viewer statistics." [Anspach]

use appropriate transitions to help the reader see the major point (as well as to identify which points are major and which points are less important) "And for most people, there is an inherent fear of change, and hurdles to leap over in learning new ways of doing things. In the local government agencies, this is especially the case. People are entrenched in the bureaucratic mindset, and they 'seek to maintain the status quo by fulfilling their explicit mandates as narrowly and expeditiously as possible, rather than seeking more effective ways to serve policy makers and the public.' (3) People also have a fear that the new technologies will replace their jobs, and are less willing to cooperate with the changes. However, in many occasions, the new technologies call for a slight change in skills instead of actual job loss. And finally, along with the fear of being replaced is the fear of punishment brought about as result of new systems exposing inaccuracies within the present system." [Kim]

draw conclusions based on the ideas presented in the paper (and present those conclusions regularly--so that it's clear at the end of each section, and perhaps at the end of each paragraph, what the main conclusion is) For example: "The most important point here is that..." Another example: "As a result of these concerns, it is important that this issue must be addressed now or [describe the negative consequences]."

include details at an appropriate level Most writers who err in including details will include too few. It's also possible, however, to include too many details. A good general rule of thumb is to include one or two examples to support every major point you're trying to make. Even if it's a minor point, you'll probably still want to include one example, although your example may be shorter or less developed in this case.

chunk information in a way so that the reader can easily see the main point For example: "The best solution to this problem is..."

return to the main point, having supported that main point in a number of ways For example: "Although this is an important issue, of central concern is ... "

include research use citations list references

include definitions (new terms, unusual terms, terms you are using in a particular way) "The term hacker was first used in the 1960's to describe a group of students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who explored the many possibilities of a certain computer system at the school. They meant no harm, rather they were students who went out of the way to pursue knowledge." [Kroen] "The most commonly used part of the Internet is the World Wide Web (WWW, or the Web). The Web is a collection of pages and sites, containing text, graphics, and sometimes music or small movie clips, that was originally intended for the conveyance of information. It is now also used as a forum for people to find out about each other, and as a sort of world wide shopping mall." [Stringer]

include clear transitions from one section of the paper to the next For example: "Now that the problem has been fully developed, we next need to begin thinking about some of the constraints on its solution." [Note that this links a section that states the problem with one that identifies some constraints on the problem.] Another example: "Having explained the historical development of this problem, we next need to consider the current situation and how that situation differs from the past situation.


oversimplify complex issues For example, you might claim that employers have only two major concerns, when in fact many employers might see that there are far more concerns, depending on the exact circumstances.

begin with a general statement of the main issue, but never get around to explaining what the problem is that the writer is trying to address By explaining what problem you are trying to address, you help focus the reader's attention.

expect the reader to remember ideas presented earlier Remind the reader of points you've made earlier. You can even do this by stating, "As described earlier, there are several problems with this view of the Web as a marketplace."

do not explain the significance of quotes or what conclusions can be drawn from them Readers should not be expected to have the full understanding of any quote. Remember that when you first read the quote, you were reading it in the context of another book. When you use a quote, you need to provide the context for helping the reader see how the quote fits in with your other ideas.

rely heavily on one or two research articles (or books), rather than on a range of diverse opinions Don't rely too heavily on books or articles that support your opinion--try to find a range of books or articles that represent the full complement of ideas that knowledgeable people in the field might have about the topic.

provide a lot of detail for concepts or ideas that you don't intend to explain in the paper You'll probably learn lots of interesting and unusual facts as you're writing your paper-but don't include them unless they are directly relevant to the paper you want to write about. Good writers often end up "throwing out" a lot of good material, because they focus on organization and making a single strong point (one that is clearly supported).

use vague phrasings Examples include "multidimensional growth" and "gender issues" without ever explaining how those terms are being used. There are many similar phrasings that can be hard for your reader to understand. One way to keep track of them is to keep a record of all the terms you did not completely understand to begin with.

do not explain assumptions or research underlying your claims "All in all practices and technology give rise to and support beliefs and norms through exposure and education"

introduce new ideas in the conclusion, which cannot be adequately developed If you think it's a good idea, you should develop it earlier in the paper. Don't introduce new topics (especially ones that could be developed) in the conclusion.

overuse qualifications Qualifications come in a full range. You can be definite about something, or think it's probably true, or that it's likely, or that it seems possible. There are an infinite number of possible qualifications. The trick is to state everything as strongly as you can (so that you come across as being an authority and willing to acknowledge how strongly you feel) without coming across as being too strong about your claims.

rely too heavily on own authority You may believe something to be true, so you may want to write: "I believe that..." In general, however, "I believe..." statements are not appropriate. These statements require that the reader have complete faith in you as an expert in the field (which may not be true even if you are an expert in the field) and that the reader be willing to trust his or her personal relationship with you. Also, its generally assumed by the reader that anything you say in the paper will be your idea--so it's redundant to say "I believe."

over generalize "It goes without saying..." [Note that if it goes without saying then you probably shouldn't be saying it at all. If it doesn't go without saying, and you need to include this information, then state the idea as clearly as possible.]

don't spell out the implications "Perhaps less obvious here is the responsibility of these governments to protect their children and monitor what materials they can view and/or read. As previously observed, the anonymity provided by the 'Net makes it extremely difficult to know whether the viewer of such materials is actually on legal age. This could lead to an unfortunate situation in which children encounter inappropriate material on the 'Net." [Woyicki] [Note that here it is unclear what the "inappropriate material" might be.]

do not clarify what the assumptions are "In fact, it is likely that if such a system were to be used the persons creating the offending web pages would just edit certain keywords so as to pass the electronic

inspection. Either way, the Internet would be dumbed-down to a level which is acceptable to small children. Information would be restricted, the 'Net would be restricted, the 'Net would be strangled, and the freedom of speech rights of adults would be compromised." [edit for emphasis] [Woyicki]

do not offer a clear conclusion "With luck, and some degree of effort, the problems of the Web will be overcome, and the World Wide Web will prosper in years to come." [Stringer] Note that this does not explain: Why is luck necessary? What degree of effort? It's unclear how serious or simple these problems are in the writer's mind.


Appendix E
Dr. Seays note to students: Class, I welcome you to Organizational Development and Change. As you read in my bio above, I have spent over 20 years in the field of management and OD and believe wholeheartedly in this field of study. As far as the class goes, this IS NOT an easy, do-nothing and receive an A class! I hold you to the highest academic and professional standards as I am sure you hold yourself. If you want an easy class to fill up time, this is not the one. Please come prepared to work hard and get out of this class more than you have any other. I want to help you learn and succeed, whether in the field of management or any other field. The following are items of interest you should pay close attention to: 1. Just because we do not cover it in class does not mean it will be left of an exam. You are responsible for everything in the text, notes, PPT slides, videos, etc. I will try to help you narrow your study and preparation down, however, you are still responsible. 2. I do not care if another professor is easy and you feel I am too difficult. My job is to go above and beyond to prepare you for your career. I will do anything possible to help you. Even if it means challenging you with more difficulty. My goals is your success. Nothing less! 3. Not everyone will receive an A. Not everyone is an A student. What you think you deserve and what you earn might be two different things. Be honest with yourself and me. I will be honest with you. 4. I teach using the Socratic methodology. Meaning, I ask a lot of questions and expect you to research appropriately. Then, we reconvene to discuss at length issues and assumptions we can learn from. 5. If you do not understand something, contact me anytime. Please do not wait until the last minute to ask me about every assignment. It will not work. I care about your performance and want you to do well. Help me help you. 6. Please read the syllabus at least 3 times to become familiar with it. It is very detailed and will be your guide through this course.


7. Things you want from Dr. Seay and you will DEFINITELY receive: a. Material presented clearly b. A good rapport with me! c. Great class discussions via threads d. I will give you the opportunity to critically evaluate the concepts e. I will solicit and act on feedback, when appropriate f. A variety of teaching methods will be used g. Timely grading within 7 days h. Challenging but very fair exams that measure knowledge i. A clear understanding of grading policies j. Fair grading policies k. A comfortable setting in which students like to ask questions l. I will be accessible outside of class m. I have clearly and concisely sequenced topics logically n. ENTHUSISM is show by the professor!!!! o. I will use real-world examples from my 20+ years at corporate p. I will always be well-prepared as I spend 8 hours per week prepping q. I will always respect cultural diversity r. I will have you meet with organizations outside of class to learn


Threaded Discussions by week

Week 1 (1) Discuss in detail the key similarities and differences between the planned change models of Lewins Planned Change, the action Research Model, and the Positive Model. Are there any other models you found in your research that contribute to these three models? Why is it important for the field of OD to publish values and ethics statements? Is this not a given that every field of study has these? What are your thoughts on the Application Exercise 3.2 in the text (Chapter 3, p. 65)?
Post your results here for the Week 1 Internet Exercise.




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