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Ill Never Be the Same

Lets Get Ready to Rumble

Despite Love, the way through is unknown; and, I walk Lifes labyrinth alone. Sometimes I must do an about face; and, its rarely back to the same place Even harder I must cross a stream, burning the bridge and damming the dream. And, I walk Lifes labyrinth alone; despite Love, the way through is unknown. Resistance is futile; and yet, I must wrestle to preserve my souls sacred vessel. I tussle and squirm but do not pin; wont be thrown, theres no need to win. What I want is just a blessing and transform the hold to caressing. To preserve my souls sacred vessel; resistance is futile, and yet I must wrestle. I struggle with God and companions; trusting that leaps of faith span canyons. So, in choosing, I have been chosen, in pardoning, I have found pardon. In understanding, Ive understood, in letting go, I have received good. Trusting that leaps of faith span canyons; I struggle with God and companions. I love heart to heart and eye to eye -a wink, a tear, a hug, and a sigh. I rest assured and enhance my host; I expect the best and get the most. I struggle thus without a grumble. I snuggle with a gentle rumble. A wink, a tear, a hug, and a sigh -I love heart to heart and eye to eye.

July 31, 2011

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