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Tongo Lizards Tongo Lizards are classed as reptiles.

(Cold Blooded) They are becoming extinct because there are only 50 left in the whole world. You can mainly find them in t he jungle. Diet The Tongo Lizard s diet includes; insects such as flies, grass hoppers and lady bird s. Also fruits, plants and small animals like; birds, mice, rats and any other s mall animal they can find. They can also eat thin twigs to help their digestion. Waiting for the birds to leave their eggs in the nest the Tongo Lizard will car efully creep into the nest and steals the eggs. Habitat Tongo Lizard s mainly live in the jungle of Africa, they be found in can also be fou nd in other areas such as; India, China, Cyprus and Turkey but rarely seen. In t he Jungle the Tongo Lizard hides and lives in a pile of logs, trees also in gras s or in wet, damp caves. Some people think they live up to 10 years but they act ually live up to 50 years. Appearance Tongo Lizards have scaly bodies and sharp, dangerous teeth. They also have highl y developed eyes to see where it s going at night time. Legless flap footed creature has a long tail. They are black and orange however they can blend in with; rock s, in the grass, on a pile of logs and walls. Behaivior When Tongo Lizards get angry they leap on small animals and bites them with ther e sharp, dangerous teeth. Also they squirt animals with venom to kill them so th e Tongo Lizard can eat the animal. When they grow out of their skin they will sh ed it. Sometimes Tongo Lizard can cling to any type of glass and often runs acro ss ceilings. Tongo Lizards clean their highly developed eyes and his scaly body.

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