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Heat and Thermodynamics.

Rec 6

Recitation 6
1. The number of accessible microstates of a certain substance is related to its thermal energy U by the relation = aU b , where a and b are positive constants. Find the heat capacity of the substance.

2. For the fundamental equation, nd the equation of state


S2 R 2 N v0

V2 , N

where , R and v0 are constants.

3. Prove the Helmholtz equation;

U =F T



4. Let f (x) = AeBx . (a) Find g(P ), where P = f (x). (b) Calculate the inverse Legendre transform of g(P ) and corroborate that this result is f (x).

5. The equation of state of a new matter is


AT 3 , V

where p, V and T are the pressure, volume and temperature, respectively, A is a constant. The internal energy of the matter is March. 1, 2012 1

Heat and Thermodynamics.

Rec 6

U = BT n ln

V +f (T ), V0

where B, n and V0 are all constants, f (T ) only depends on the temperature. Find the value of B and n.

6. Using the equation of state pV = N RT and the specic heat per mole Cv =

3R 2


a monatomic ideal gas, nd its Helmholtz free energy F as a function of number of moles N , V , and T .

March. 1, 2012

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