D Coke Analysis

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Mateo Solano Stats 1510 Night Class Diet Soda Can Weight Analysis

Introduction In order to ensure that the manufacturer is not losing money by over lling their

product and at the same time not cheating their customers they must make sure that each product has relatively the same weight once lled. The same holds true for lled cans of diet soda. Ideally the weights of any soda can should be relatively the same weight once lled with liquid. The purpose of this research was to show that no one brand of soda can when lled would on average weigh more or less than any other brand of soda can. A simple random sample was taken of the following brands of soda: diet coke, coke zero and diet pepsi. Fifteen random numbers were generated using tcsats so that each population was represented equally. Each brand of soda had numbered cans where the population sample would be pulled from. The population of each of the brands was the entire number of cans of each brand. For Diet Coke the population was 85, for Diet Pepsi the population size was 96 and the population size for Coke Zero was 72. Once these numbers were generated each numbered can was then pulled from the population. Methods and Materials The materials used during this research were the soda cans from each group of

Diet Coke, Coke Zero and Diet Pepsi. Each can that was used was specically chosen based on its assigned number which was randomly generated using the tcstats random data feature. In order to accomplish this 15 rows were set and then the upper bound number was set to 15 and the lower bound number was set to 1 and then the numbers were generated beginning in row 1 and ending in row 15. Once the cans were pulled

from the population each can was weighed on a digital scale and recorded in grams to the nearest hundredth. The summary statistics were then generated for each of the sample populations of soda cans.

Results The summary statistics were as follows for each sample population of soda can

weights: The ve number summary for Coke Zero was 368.28 grams for the minimum,

370.32 grams for Q1, 371.75 grams for the Mean, 373.27 grams for Q3 and 375.34 grams for the Max. For Diet Pepsi the ve number summary had gures as followed, 365.71 grams for the minimum, 367.26 for Q1, 369.26 for the Mean, 371.17 grams for Q3 and 373.78 grams for the Max. For Diet Coke the Minimum was 367.98 grams, Q1 was 370.62 grams, 371.28 grams for the Mean, 373.94 grams for Q3, and 374.26 grams for the Max. These gures are stated in Table 1.1 and represented visually in individual box and whisker plots in Figure 1.1.

Table 1.1

Figure 1.1

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