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Goldfish Bowl

By Anthony Duke

Version 3

Anthony Duke Flat 1 Doust Way Rochester Kent ME1 1HH

EXT. TERRACED STREET (L.S shows a van enter from a distance and pull up to a house on a street. C.U of Steven's feet as he exits the van and pans up to reveal him for the first time) Steven exits the van, collects his equipment and sets up ready to begin cleaning the lower windows on the house. As he is cleaning one of the windows, it flips open and he falls into the building and lands in a dark, dank room.

INT. THE LABORATORY He climbs to his feet and begins to wander around the room looking for an exit, as he does he finds he is surrounded by a strange array of machinery covered in lights and screens. In the centre of the room is a large glass case connected to a console by a series of wires and tubes. A single light is shining down onto the case highlighting an object within. Steven approaches the glass case to examine what is inside and discovers that within the case is what appears to be an ordinary goldfish bowl. As Steven gets closer to the case, he notices a button to his left and intrigued, decides to push it causing a large flash of light from the machine. Once the light has faded, Steven examines himself to find he now has fins for arms. Confused he pushes the button again in hope of returning back to normal. There is another large flash from the machine, and this time Stevens arms have returned to normal. However he now has a large fish head instead, once again he pushes the button starting up the machine. Once the light has faded Steven is relieved to find that both his head and arms are normal once again, but when he looks down he notices his legs have been replaced with a fish tail and he falls to the ground. Stranded he stretches his arm and is able to just reach the control pad, pushing th button for the final time. This time when the light has faded, Stevens boddy appears to be completely normal and he takes this opportunity to flee from the strange Laboratory. He quickly runs to the window which he fell through and climbers out.

EXT. TERRACED STREET Steven falls onto the pavement outside and climbers to his feet, making haste for his van. As he turns to enter the van the camera focuses on the back of his neck to reveal a set of gills.

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