Animals p2 Overview

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Familiar settings Animal Poems Explanation texts the life cycle of a frog Improving sentences by using VCOP Interactive White Board Activities Stories Stories from other cultures

Science Health and Well-being Safety around me

Habitation Life cycle of frogs Pupils will look at different plants and animals in the local environment and from various habitats around the world. Treating animals with care and sensitivity. Discovering that animals including humans, move, feed, grow, use their senses and reproduce.

Animal dance/ games

Information texts - Make information leaflets about wild animals

Animal Symmetry Making patterns with number and shape Units A2, B2, C2 , D2 and E2. Pupils to conduct surveys of temperature and animals they find in the rainforest camp. ICT Pupils will watch videos of animals in their natural habitats. Pupils to create a stop frame animation about Traction Man and his adventure to Antarctica. Pupils to use Nortle to create animations, graphs, poems and art work. Research an animal using the Internet.

Numeracy Animals
Interdisciplinary Planner (This plan is not definitive and is subject to change. Thank you!)

Art/ D&T
Animal masks Making collages of animals

Judaism/Christianity: celebrations and festivals

Animal models Continuing animal camouflage paintings Make homes and habitats (could be outside and photograph using natural materials during forest school)

How animals have helped us throughout history

Acting out Chinese New Year fable. Acting out animal poems. Role play area to be turned into explorers base camp.

Learning an animal song. Rhythm and beat.

Visit to a local wildlife sanctuary/farm. Talk from a specialist. Parents to bring animals into class for special show and tell.

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