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24 NOVEMBER 2008 VOLUME 4, Issue 2 ICT CAMP BULLETIN LEARNING THE FOUNDATIONS Workshop fect tors Pat Arinto and Day Duloe helped ICT Camp participants hit the ground running towards their goals in their respective lectures on Project-Based Learning and User-Generated Content, and Creative Uses of Internet-Based. ICT Tools on November 20, the second day of the camp. Both tonics. tector into the Camp's main treckelof which are designed so-that tertparts emerge heard oF te Camp wt prlets n tl respecte acta. Track eesti Sones ing Wisely for Desktop a Tehing © perenato on Be Wiarcot tue Fipino for Digt ta Stoyteling: fou web pages on a global sve for Web Bo. Sip two simulated intron for deo Eating tee aude boverisemensostng fr 30. 0 seconds‘ te couse of trronmental Segedation or the AvdorMuse Preducior tak and an itracive map ote venous scanytons inside" CLSU for Gammuniy espn Pro. Ari, an Associate Pro fessor ofthe recuty of Ede: ton ofthe UP Open Unersy, Ce Sere Cee et) ‘brought in her exper- tise as one of the dosigners of UPOU's Master of Distance Education Program in her presentation on Project-Based Learning, Project-based learn- ing, Prot. Arinto ex: plained, is exactly as, iseems—e leering method by which people are encour: ‘aged to understand a concept by way of a hands-on process, or learning by doing. “Project: based learning, said Arinto, “is designed to achieve sev- eral goals: to help the student develop 6 deeper knowledge about a subject, to make learning more interesting and engaging, to im- prove students! research and problem solving skills, to develop higher order thinking skills, to | help students see how what they are learning at school can be used in real ife, ‘and to develop collaborative learning sls.” Collaboration, in particular, is {an important value to instil in the participants during the ‘camp—since participants from diferent learning sites wll be working together towards their the session.” notes Arinto,“ notice how much the parte pants are looking forward to the ‘hl sessions, an I'm vory inter {ested to know what they think of ‘what they will learn here, and Wether they think iteould be useful, and 80, in what way.” For his introduction on telecom- ‘munieatons an the internet, Doy Dulce, a faculty member of the learning institution Enderun, and a teacher at Ateneo for six years, focusingon the topic of computer eduoation, briefed the artojoants an the many ways. ‘they can access knowledge and make content contibutions ‘through such platforms as Wikipedia, YouTube, emi, mes ‘sage boards, and the ike, Demytiying the internet forthe participants became the overly Ing theme of the afternoon, a8 the lecture ended with Mr. Duloe helping the participants create their own page onthe fee blog: Bing site Wordpress. “knowedge and learnings starting to be ctiented towards I." noted Due. “although itnas its own set of problems. on the whale, it's very useful tool, and it's hat you make of it that counts.” ‘communal goals to create user ‘based content, ther facltyin bonding together to create successful projects is crucial "We're just on the fist third of With great blogging comes great responsibility -to keep tp with the friends and cot leagues you made connec ‘ons with during the ICT ‘Camp. So that you can keep itouch, comment and en ‘courage each other to keep blogging, here's a handy ist of the Wordpress blogs you all oreated on November 20. For a similar list, divided ac ‘cording to the groupings cre ated for the ICT Camp project ‘racks, please visit the ICT Camp site at icteamp.esknelatraining.into. DepEd BALS ny Coney Gamatero - poison: eSkwela QC Jan Rei Rodriguez -tinapang: Jake Linden Morales -jakelin: ‘denmorales. Roderick Pagala- dick ‘ Edna Gutierez - ed- Irene Barzaga - yhene. Angelyn Malabanan - angelyn- ‘malabanan. Victor Roger Menlutac Juan Obierna -ilo- ‘eSkwela Ormoc Reynaldo Aragon -rara Manuel Dejano - Jan Joseph Omambac Dave Ballera Jey Orellana eShwela Cebu Gemrick Castaneda -papak- ‘Ado inigo Tribiana -pa- ‘Karle Montano Reoma - kar: Bobora Amodia -beb- Henry Sagayno: hhs@g7L., Rebecca Quano- bbeck22. Jan Carlyle Constantino - Io ‘eSkwela San Jose Del Monte Mark Val Ogatia - markvalogs BLOGGING FOR BEGINNERS Quite 2 few & par. t cie pants In the initial ICT Camp blogging exercise were newcomers—or, at least, renewed participants In-the newfangled art of blog- ging For Jan Caryle Constantino of the Cebu City learning center, creating his first blog required ‘that ne overcame some precan: ceptions. “I thought that creat ing a blog was going to be such 2 hassle,” he noted. "| didn’t know what to put in it. And 1 really wasn't excited about the Idea of blogging, to be honest.” Now that his first Wordpress blog is up and running, now: OOKMARK MO AKO, HA? Johan Menetioo Roy Bueno ar by47 Ryan Rostin- mary. ‘ Jhoram Cadelina bekla Joe! Olayon - electro Ruby Rosa Odavar -ru- eSkwela Cagayan de Oro Dennis Aceron ccute1981. uventino Sierras - ju ‘ Tito Yongyao- t= ‘ April Genesis Freeman ‘ Genesis Licot- genesisi- cot Evan Exhem - ‘mechenave. 'Schools Alexcenah Sta. Ines -hanex- Fortunato Nicolas -for ‘ ‘ever, Mr. Constantine is glad he’s been pushed out of his ‘comfort zone. “It seems fun, actually." he says. “I's @ chance for me to exress myself, and i's a way for me to say the things that | want to say. Writing my first blog post alongside everyone else 's a really unforgettable ex. perience for me.” Page 2 Pra) Starts uch) her word to help ICT participants to begin to ‘theic creativity in di avcessible ways, Workshop facta sng Badoy introduced ng Your Pocket," a popu meme that asks ‘to empty the con- is of their pockets, and hen to arrange these found ‘on top of a flatbed ‘screen in any men ike. s body parts. lly the foce or the the user begins scan producing 8 picture sibly stands as & ot of who the owneris paint in tine @ random sampling of of that session — ‘See more of the pro participants came visit the blogs on the ‘many of the frst posts d the owners’ "Facing

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