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Goldfish Bowl

[Step Outline]

By Anthony Duke

Version 3

Scene 1 Steven Smith arrives at a house in his van, offloads his cleaning equipment and begins to clean the windows of a terraced house. He falls through one of the windows landing in a Laboratory.

Scene 2 Steven explores the Laboratory and discovers a machine which is hooked up to a Goldfish bowl, encased in a glass case. He switches the machine on, and his arms turn into fins. He presses the button again and his head turns into a fishs head as his arms re-appear, the third press turns his legs into a tail and he falls to the ground. Scene 3 Steven, machine returns back of now stranded on the floor, drags himself to the and stretches to press the button a final time and he to normal. He turns to leave the Laboratory and on the his neck are a set of gills which he doesnt notice.

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