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Wang Invention of the Personal Computer BIBLIOGRAPHY Secondary Sources "Adobe Illustrator." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 5 Jan. 2012. Web. 23 Jan. 2012. <>. I used this website to find out more information on the application Adobe Illustrator. Ament, Phil. "Personal Computer History - Invention of the Personal Computer." The Great Idea Finder - Celebrating the Spirit of Innovation. The Great Idea Finder. Web. 2 Jan. 2012. <>. I used this website to get an idea of how the computer revolution started. I took notes on information about the microprocessor, and early personal computers. "Apple Inc." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 16 Jan. 2012. Web. 21 Jan. 2012. <>. I used this article to learn more about Apple's first personal computer and its effects. Apple Inc. Apple Macintosh (1984). 16 December 2008. Online video clip. Youtube. Accessed on 11 February 2012. <>. I used a clip from this Apple advertisement talking about how the personal computer was designed for the average person to use. "Attached Advertisements." Aresluna. 2 Oct. 2004. Web. 20 Jan. 2012.< le>. This is a secondary source (a website) containing primary sources (ads of Apple computers). I took ads from the website as references to the time period. Bruno, Leonard C. Science and Technology Breakthroughs: From the Wheel to the World Wide Web. Vol. 1. Detroit, MI: U.X.L., 1998. Print. This book had excellent information on the computer revolution, as well as background information and pictures. It was helpful to use along with the websites. This book also had events in chronological order and was easy to follow. "Colossal Cave Adventure." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 29 Jan. 2012. Web. 01 Feb. 2012. <>. I used this Wikipedia site to find out general information about the game Colossal Cave Adventure. CompaqVet. I Need A Vacation! JOHN CLEESE Compaq Commercial.18 October 2006. Online Video Clip. Youtube. Accessed on 1 March 2012. I used this video showing how the new and updated technology made computers easier to use

and smaller. Computers in our Lives Computer educational film from 1980. 27 November 2010. Online video clip. YouTube. Accessed on 11 February 2012. <>. I took a clip from this computer education film that talked about increased productivity and speed of the personal computers. Computer History Museum. Mountain View, CA. Personal Visit. 21 Jan. 2012. I went to the Computer History Museum for an afternoon and took notes on the exhibits: Mastering the Game, Selling the Computer, and Microprocessors. Computer Lab 1980s. 1982. Photograph. Castilleja School Archives, Palo Alto, CA. I got this picture as a home page photo on my website. I thought it depicted use of the personal computer well. Edwards, Benj. "From Paper Tape to Data Sticks." PC World Australia. IDG Communications, 2011. Web. 02 Feb. 2012. < _evolution_removable_storage>. I used a picture from this website that depicted the evolution of removable storage. I also got a description about each of the pieces of the removable storage. Guevin, Jennifer. "Say What? A Look Back at Gates' Pearls of Wisdom." Technology News - CNET News. 15 June 2006. Web. 03 Feb. 2012. < look-back-at-Gates-pearls-of-wisdom/2100-1014_3-6084505.html>. From this report written by Jennifer Guevin, I got a quotation of him talking about how successful the personal computer was. "History of Personal Computers." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 7 Jan. 2012. Web. 12 Jan. 2012. <>. I used this Wikipedia website to find more information about the computer industry and how it was formed. I also found information of the first use of the term "personal computer". I compared the information on this website with the information on other websites to make sure this one was correct. "History of Video Games." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 17 Jan. 2012. Web. 13 Jan. 2012. <>. I used this website to find out about early computer games and systems, and how they were used and created. I only used limited information that directly related to the personal computer and the effects of it. "IBM." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 21 Jan. 2012. Web. 21 Jan. 2012. <>. I used this article to learn more about IBM's first personal computer and its effects.

"Intel 4004." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 30 Jan. 2012. Web. 02 Feb. 2012. <>. From this website, I got a picture of Intel's first microprocessor and information to write a caption. "Microsoft." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 19 Jan. 2012. Web. 23 Jan. 2012. <>. I used this website to find out more information about the application Microsoft and its inventions. "Pac-Man." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 31 Jan. 2012. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. <>. I used this website to find general information about the game Pac-Man and to find a screenshot of the game during play. "PC Game." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wkipedia, 8 Jan. 2012. Web. 23 Jan. 2012. <>. I used this article to get more specific details about games on the personal computer. "Radio Shack Historical Information." Radio Shack Catalogs. Web. 01 Mar. 2012. <>. I used this website to find background information on Tandy Corporation and Radio Shack. I wanted to know why Tandy Corporation is now known as Radio Shack. Reimer, Jeremy. "Total Share: 30 Years of Personal Computer Market Share Figures." Ars Technica. Cond Nast Digital, 2006. Web. 01 Feb. 2012. <>. I took a graph with statistics on computers sold in the late 1970's and early 1980's. I can trust the statistics because it was published in a magazine and is a real article. Skarda, Erin. "Technology? What's That?" Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - Time, 11 Oct. 2011. Web. 01 Feb. 2012. <,28804,2097462_209745 6_2097467,00.html>. I took a quotation by Ken Oleson from this Times website. I also got some statistics as well to counter his incorrect prediction. "Spacewar!" Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 11 Jan. 2012. Web. 30 Jan. 2012. <!>. I used this website to find general information on the PC game Spacewar!. I also got a picture of the screen while in play. "Tandy Corporation." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 12 July 2011. Web. 21 Jan. 2012. <>. I used this article to learn more about Tandy Corporation's first personal computer, and its effects. Tezzy. A massive 5.25 inch floppy disk haul. Classic Computers (One New Zealander's View). 5 June 2011. Web. great-disk-haul.htm. I used a picture of application floppy disks that were used on

personal computers to put on my "Software" page. Primary Sources "The Computer Revolution: When Will It Be Here?" Los Angeles Times [Los Angeles] 15 Nov. 1979: 12. Print. This newspaper is describing the benefits of the personal computer and how people are using it in homes and jobs. It also compares the difference between the personal computer and previous. Dembart, Lee. "Computer Show's Message: 'Be the First on Your Block'" Editorial. The New York Times [New York] 26 Aug. 1977. Web. I used this newspaper to get a feeling of what the advertising would be like when the first computers were first coming out and becoming popular. Gumpert, David. "Home Input." The Wall Street Journal [New York] 4 Feb. 1977. Print. I used this newspaper to get a sense of what it was like to buy and receive a personal computer. There are also descriptions of some personal computers. McElheny, Victor K. "Computer Show: Preview Of More Ingenious Models." New York Times [New York] 16 June 1977. Print. This article is showing new personal computer that have come out and how they are being displayed. They are showing pros and cons of each computer as well. Langer, Richard W. "Computers Find a Home (Yours)." New York Times [New York] 25 Aug. 1977. Print. I used this newspaper article to learn about daily uses of the first personal computers. I also saw differences between life before personal computers and after they were invented. "Old Computer Ads." Old Computers - Rare, Vintage, and Obsolete Computers. Web. 19 Jan. 2012. <>. I used this website, a secondary source, to find primary sources which were advertisements for early personal computers. "Pocket Computer May Replace Shopping List." New York Times [New York] 3 Nov. 1962. Print. I got a quotation from John W. Mauchly's interview described in this newspaper.

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