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Dari: PT. GfK Retail and Technology Indonesia memulai aktifitasnya di Indonesia semenjak tahun 1991.

Perusahaan ini berkantor pusat di Jerman dengan kantor regional Asia yang berlokasi di Singapore yaitu GfK Asia Pte. Ltd. Dalam pelaksanaannya, GfK Indonesia melakukan peilitian penjualan retail untuk produk Audio Visual, Peralatan Rumah Tangga, Tehnologi Informasi, Photografi, serta industry Otomotif. Penelitian dilakukan pada 5 pulau besar di Indonesia (Jawa, Bali, Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi).

Membutuhkan: Remote Staff (RS) - Bengkulu Requirements: Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun Min D3 segala jurusan Diutamakan berpengalaman di survey pasar/riset Menguasai IT/Telekomunikasi/Otomotif Jujur, insiatif, ramah, komunikatif Domisili Bengkulu dan sekitarnya Kirim CV, copy KTP, foto terbaru dan gaji yang diharapkan ke: P.O. BOX 3591, JKP 10035 Atau email:

PT EISAI INDONESIA. We are a human health care (hhc) company Japanese pharmaceutical organization that seeks to discover and develop innovative therapies that can satisfy unmet medical needs and contribute to the health and well being people worldwide The hhc mission governs the way we do business - the research we do, the products we develop, the way we train our employees and the allocation of our financial resources. We have been established in Indonesia since 1970. As part of our development strategies, we are looking for additional qualified individual to join our team as:

Medical Representative - Bengkulu Bengkulu Requirements: Fresh graduate, Minimum D3 from science background Medical representative Experience Min-D3 any discilpine Max 27 years old For Fresh Graduate Max 32 years old For Medical Representative Experience Able to drive motorcycle and have driving license C Good motivation, communication and interpersonal skill Proactive and result oriented Willing to be place all over Indonesia Please submit your application letter, CV, recent photograph and supporting documents to: HR Services Department PT Eisai Indonesia Sentral Senayan II, 12th Floor Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8, Jakarta Pusat 10270 or

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