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Romeo and Juliet

End of Play Project

Option 1: At the end of the play, you must demonstrate that you have understood what you
have read. In a small group of 4-5 students, decide on a ‘modern day’ scenario. Using this
scenario, you will translate a scene of the play into ‘modern day’ language (using slang,
euphemisms, etc.), then prepare either a video or live performance of your group acting the scene.

You will be graded on:

Translation rough draft: 10%
Translation final draft and correctness: 40%
Re-enactment (correctness, props, emotion, etc): 40%
Creativity: 10%

Option 2: After having read Romeo and Juliet, write a 5-7 page research paper on any aspect of
the play (you will submit a paper proposal to me to be approved.) Some things to consider:
arranged marriages in Elizabethan times and how this relates to the play, a comparison between
the play and another literary work that deals with similar issues and/or themes, or any other
topic that interests you! You will prepare a 5-7 minute presentation in which you share with the
class what you researched.

You will be graded on:

Clarity of argument/thesis: 30%
Supporting facts (at least 3 supporting arguments): 40%%
Proper use of at least 4 secondary sources: 20%
Grammar/ word usage/ spelling: 10%

Due dates:
Rough draft: November 17th
Final draft: November 21st
Video or live performance/ Short presentation of paper in class: December 5th

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