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Health Safety & Nutrition ~ Professor Ohlker

Journal Exercise Rubric

Criteria Structure Ideas & Answers all Questions Feelings and Thoughts Format 5 Properly indicates a connection to structure & answers all questions Feelings and thoughts are thoroughly examined. The proper format has been followed for all of the entries. Typed, 1-inch margins, DS, 12 pt Times New Roman font, Repeat question in first sentence of response paragraph. All entries use correct spelling and grammar. All parts of evaluation are clearly and thoughtfully expressed in terms that are measurable (comparison, addresses clear connection to course learning outcomes and unit goals. 3 Mostly indicates proper connection to structure and answers at least 3 questions. Feelings and thoughts are mentioned. The proper format has been followed for most of the entries. 1 Mentions connection to structure & answers at least 2 questions One feeling or thought is expressed. The proper format has been followed for few of the entries. 0 No indication of connection to structure or questions. No feelings or thoughts are revealed. The proper format has not been followed for any of the entries.

Mechanics Evaluation

Most entries use correct spelling and grammar. Some part of the evaluation are clearly and thoughtfully expressed and linked to LEARNING OUTCOMES and/or Unit Goals.

Few entries use correct spelling and grammar. One or more parts of the evaluation are addressed.

No entries use correct spelling and grammar. Evaluation is not clearly expressed.


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