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Documentation - YOOtheme - What is ZOO?

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ZOO 2.4


What is ZOO?

What is ZOO?
ZOO is a f lexible and powerf ul content application builder to manage y our content.

Introducing Content Applications

What does "Content Application Builder" mean? A content application (or in short: app) has its own application pa templates. Each template again has its own template parameters. Further a content app has its own ty pes, item etc. It can ev en hav e its own elements. One of the great things is while y ou are working inside an app y ou are o like items and categories of this particular app and it's not mixed up with other apps. This giv es y ou a much bet working with y our content. We also wanted to make these apps exportable so that it is v ery easy to share apps we implemented an installation manager which allows y ou to uninstall and install new apps. Also it was essential extendable. Finally apps became small extensions f or ZOO. Y ou can do any thing by extending y our app!

Lets start with an example!

Imagine y ou are setting up a new website and need a priv ate blog. When y ou create the blog a new section will appear where y ou can manage y our priv ate blog with its own items, categories and content. Af ter a f ew day s y ou decided to start blogging about y our business and y ou dont want to mix it up with y our priv ate blog stuf f . Again y ou can easily create a new blog and another section will appear where y ou can write articles about y our business. This is great! Y ou hav e 2 instances of the blog application and each instance manages its own stuf f . A couple of weeks later y ou want to add y our wines and electronics and make it a browseable catalog. Again y ou can create two separate instances of the product catalog app. One f or wines and the other f or electronics. In general y ou can create multiple

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20/09/11 14:05

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