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Ministry/Agency Name

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Project Name Project #: [###] Application Architecture Document

Prepared by: Prepared for: Date Submitted: Project Sponsor: Client Acceptor: Project Manager: Author's Name [Company Name] [Date] Project Sponsor's Name [if different than Sponsor] [Project Managers Name]

Document Number: 6450-20/[Project Number]/App. Arch. Security Classification: Low Version: 0.1 Last Updated: Creation Date: January 23, 2012 [Date]

Application Architecture Document

Project Name

Table of Contents
Table of Contents...............................................................................................................2 1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................3 1.1. Audience...........................................................................................................3 1.2. Purpose.............................................................................................................3 1.3. Assumptions......................................................................................................3 1.4. Risks.................................................................................................................3 2. Component/Services Layout..........................................................................................4 2.1. Structural View Logical Layer (Semantics)......................................................4 2.2. Behavioural View State Transition .................................................................4 2.3. Component and/or Services View Business Use Cases..................................4 3. Application Module Design Specification (Design Deliverable List).............................................................................................5 4. User Interface (UI) Guidelines.........................................................................................6 5. Special Considerations...................................................................................................7 6. Capacity Plan...................................................................................................................8 6.1. Introduction........................................................................................................8 6.2. Sizing Assumptions...........................................................................................8

6.3. Disk Space Requirement...................................................................................9 6.4. CPU Requirement.............................................................................................9 6.5. Memory Requirements......................................................................................9 6.6. Networking Requirements..................................................................................9 7. APMS Update.................................................................................................................10 Revision Log.....................................................................................................................11 Appendices.......................................................................................................................12 Approval...........................................................................................................................13

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Application Architecture Document

Project Name



This Application Architecture (AA) document provides an overview of how the business needs (functionality and responsibilities) as defined during the business requirements phase are to be implemented. The AA explicitly outlines how the Ministrys supported technical infrastructure (as defined in the Ministry supplied technical architecture document) will be utilized to support the business initiative.



The audience for this document includes anyone seeking an understanding for how the applications works to support the business needs within the context of the technological framework supported by the Ministry.



The AA document is a perspective on how the application will work and helps to validate: Design strategies (use of patterns) used in establishing business process/services; The mapping of components (business services) to the technical architecture; How/if meta-data is being used; How the proposed solution satisfies business requirements/needs; and The application is compatible with the supported operational infrastructure. The purpose of this document is to gain an understanding of how and why the system was decomposed, and how the individual parts work together to fulfill the business needs.



Insert text here. A key assumption is the underlying framework(s) and assumed tools/libraries etc. are 100% compatible with the supported Ministry technical infrastructure as defined in the TA document.



Insert text here.

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Application Architecture Document

Project Name


Component/Services Layout

A process is a sequence of functions (business or application) that accept inputs and has an output which produces the service output.

Insert text here.


Structural View Logical Layer (Semantics)

2.2. 2.3.

Behavioural View State Transition Component and/or Services View Business Use Cases

Insert text here.

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Application Architecture Document

Project Name


Application Module Design Specification (Design Deliverable List)

Insert text here.

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Application Architecture Document

Project Name


User Interface (UI) Guidelines

Insert text here.

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Application Architecture Document

Project Name


Special Considerations

Insert text here.

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Application Architecture Document

Project Name

6. Capacity Plan
6.1. Introduction
This section documents the applications overall disk, processing, memory and networking estimated volumes and costs, and the corresponding detailed worksheets that include the details, formulae, and assumptions on which the estimates were based. Technical team members should review this section and agree it accurately reflects the capacity requirements for the new system.

6.2. Sizing Assumptions

The following assumptions have been made that affect the calculation of the capacity requirements: Use Cases The table below lists all of the high frequency and long running use cases in the system.
Use Case Type of Use Case Maximum Response Time Complexity of Use Case Database Activity

Read the table using the following information:

Use Case Type of use case Maximum Response Time The name or code that identifies the use case. Used to group similar use cases. The response times required for each use case of the system. The system will be required to meet this target for each use case listed under a simulation of peak load before user acceptance test can begin. A measure of the complexity of the use case. The level of database activity performed by the transaction, for example, 4 updates of sales staff details, 10 inserts on the audit table.

Complexity of Use Case Database Activity

Business Cycle - Frequency The table below shows the frequency with which each use case on the system is performed.
Use Case Start of Window End Of Window Transactions/Hour

Read the table using the following information:

Use Case The name or code that identifies the user case. Page 8 of 13 Security Classification: Low Last revised: 2012-01-23 /var/www/apps/conversion/current/tmp/scratch2399/86657653.doc

Application Architecture Document

Project Name

Start of Window End of Window Transactions/Hour

The start of the time window for which there is a steady transactions/hour rate. The end of the time window for which there is a steady transactions/hour rate. The number of times the use case is executed during the time window each day.

6.3. Disk Space Requirement

This table outlines the additional disk space required to support <Application Name>.
Hardware Component Additional Disk Space Required (Mbytes) Annual Growth (Mbytes) Remarks

Table: Disk space required to support the <Application Name>.

6.4. CPU Requirement

<Application Name> calculates its peak use case frequency X times the maximum response time Y as Z (less than 10%). Therefore the application will not require even a single CPU from the Ministry servers even at times of peak load.

6.5. Memory Requirements

<Application Name> anticipates having less than 10 concurrent users and will need less than 10M of memory per concurrent customer. This will have no significant impact on the Ministry application servers.

6.6. Networking Requirements

<Application Name> expects fewer than X pages to be served per day. Each page will have a total size less than Y K. Therefore no significant load on the Ministrys Gigabit network is anticipated.

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Application Architecture Document

Project Name


APMS Update
Yes No

APMS update required? APMS updated/to be updated on (date): Comments:

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Application Architecture Document

Project Name

Revision Log
Date [yyyy-mm-dd] Version 0.1 Change Reference Author Reviewed by

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Application Architecture Document

Project Name

Enter content here.

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Application Architecture Document

Project Name

This document has been approved as the official Application Architecture Document for the Project Name project. Following approval of this document, changes will be governed by the projects change management process, including impact analysis, appropriate reviews and approvals, under the general control of the Master Project Plan and according to Project Support Office policy.

Prepared by Author's Name [Title] [Organization]



Accepted by [Client Acceptors Name] [Title] [Organization]



Approved by [Client Approvers Name] [Title] [Organization] [Client Approvers Name] [Title] [Organization] [Project Managers Name] [Title] [Organization] [IMG Approvers Name] [Title] [Organization]



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