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FEAPpv-Version with Cygwin or Cygwin/X :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Start XWin Server. Download all files from moodle. Unzip FEAPpv Make a directory feappv in Cygwin-Home (e.g. /home/USER) and move the unzipped directory ver22 at this place. Make in feappv a directory calc and move the file Iblock.txt at this place. Open the file (in ver22) with nedit in the Cygwin-terminal: -> nedit Modify the lines: a. # Location of feap include files FINCLUDE = /home/xUSERx/feappv/ver22/include b. # Archive name ARFEAP = /home/xUSERx/feappv/ver22/Feappv.a Replace xUSERx with your name on the computer Go in the Cygwin-terminal tot he directory ver22 and type make Open .bashrc: -> nedit ~/.bashrc Under # Aliases add the following line: alias feappv=~/feappv/ver22/main/feappv.exe.

7. 8.

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