Guava Leaves Extract

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Guava Leaves Extract (Component in making soap) treatment for acne [Bathing Soap] Chapter I: Abstract Guava may

have been domesticated in Peru several thousand years ago; Peruvian archaeological sites have revealed guava seeds found stored with beans, corn, squash, and other cultivated plants. Guava fruit is still enjoyed as a sweet treat by indigenous peoples throughout the rainforest, and the leaves and bark of the guava tree have a long history of medicinal uses that are still employed today. The Tikuna Indians decoct the leaves or bark of guava as a cure for diarrhea. In fact, an infusion or decoction made from the leaves and/or bark has been used by many tribes for diarrhea and dysentery throughout the Amazon, and Indians also employ it for sore throats, vomiting, stomach upsets, for vertigo, and to regulate menstrual periods. Tender leaves are chewed for bleeding gums and bad breath, and it is said to prevent hangovers (if chewed before drinking). Indians throughout the Amazon gargle a leaf decoction for mouth sores, bleeding gums, or use it as a douche for vaginal discharge and to tighten and tone vaginal walls after childbirth. A decoction of the bark and/or leaves or a flower infusion is used topically for wounds, ulcers and skin sores. Flowers are also mashed and applied to painful eye conditions such as sun strain, conjunctivitis or eye injuries. Centuries ago, European adventurers, traders, and missionaries in the Amazon Basin took the much enjoyed and tasty fruits to Africa, Asia, India, and the Pacific tropical regions, so that it is now cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. Commercially the fruit is consumed fresh or used in the making of jams, jellies, paste or hardened jam, and juice. Guava leaves are in the Dutch Pharmacopoeia for the treatment of diarrhea, and the leaves are still used for diarrhea in Latin America, Central and West Africa, and Southeast Asia. In Peruvian herbal medicine systems today the plant is employed for diarrhea, gastroenteritis, intestinal worms, gastric disorders, vomiting, coughs, vaginal discharges, menstrual pain and hemorrhages, and edema. In Brazil guava is considered an astringent drying agent and diuretic and is used for the same conditions as in Peru. A decoction is also recommended as a gargle for sore throats, laryngitis and swelling of the mouth, and used externally for skin ulcers, and vaginal irritation and discharges. Introduction Background of the study: Nowadays people are focusing in herbal plants especially those who are common in the environment. One of the example is the guava plant (Psidium guajava Linn). Based on research this plant is good for healing and treating wounds and other skin infections. So in my research I wan't to make a bathing soap out of it, cause I know that it is effective. People, researchers, scientists were focusing to medicinal plants. They want to prove that there are plants that are more effective against diseases especially in skin. This study refers to a plant that can be made into a bathing soap and improves its quality while using this plant (guava leaves). I want people

to handle easily in treating their skin disorders. Instead of boiling the leaves, now its easy to apply. Boiling takes much time. Statement of the Problem: I stated that Guava leaves extract is good for skin. Based on my research, it has many constituents that is good for skin. It answers the following questions: Is there any constituent of guava leaves that is good for skin? What are those? It can really treat skin disorders/ Acne?

Hypothesis: Guava leaves is good treatment for acne. It has many components or constituents. Constituents that is good for skin disorders, especially for acnies.

Significance of the Study: You can make a bathing soap with guave leaves extract as treatment for acne. This plant is very common to our environment, and aside of its avaibility; it is easy to cultivate. It contains many components for healing skin disorders. Scope and Limitation: The study of guava leaves and getting their extract is often useful. It has the ability to treat, cure, disinfect skin disorders and capable of being a herbal plant for acnes.

Definition of Terms Astringent- antiseptic properties Decoction- infusion of fresh leaves used for wound cleaning and skin to prevent infection and to facilitate healing. Good for skin disorders. Volatile- a substance that changes into a vapor at a relatively low temperature. Eugenol- oily liquid from doves. (C10H12O2) Cloves- aromatic spice from the dried flower bud of a tropical tree. Tannin- a brownish or yellowish substance found in plants and used in astringents. Saponins- soap from plants; any group of chemical substances extracted from plants that form a soapy lather mixed with water and are used to make soap and detergent. Amydalin- resin used in paints and adhesives.

Resin- yellow or brown color and organic substance from plants. Malic Acid- acid from fruit; a colorless crystalline solid found in fruits such as apples. (C4H6O5) Aldehydes- organic compound; a highly reactive organic compound produced by the oxidation of an alcohol and having a CHO group especially the acetaldehyde. Ash- the powdery substance that is left when something has been burnt.

Review of Related Literature Called guayaba in Spanish-speaking countries and goiaba in Brazil, guava is a common shade tree or shrub in door-yard gardens in the tropics. It provides shade while the guava fruits are eaten fresh and made into drinks, ice cream, and preserves. In the richness of the Amazon, guava fruits often grow well beyond the size of tennis balls on well-branched trees or shrubs reaching up to 20 m high. Cultivated varieties average about 10 meters in height and produce lemon-sized fruits. The tree is easily identified by its distinctive thin, smooth, copper-colored bark that flakes off, showing a greenish layer beneath. Guava fruit today is considered minor in terms of commercial world trade but is widely grown in the tropics, enriching the diet of hundreds of millions of people in the tropics of the world. Guava has spread widely throughout the tropics because it thrives in a variety of soils, propagates easily, and bears fruit relatively quickly. The fruits contain numerous seeds that can produce a mature fruit-bearing plant within four years. In the Amazon rainforest guava fruits are much enjoyed by birds and monkeys, which disperse guava seeds in their droppings and cause spontaneous clumps of guava trees to grow throughout the rainforest. Methodology Materials: Platform beam balance beaker molder NaOH ( Sodium Hydroxide) (60g) (150 ml) solution 800g of guava leaves oil water stirring rod cloth


Decoction of Guava Leaves:

First Step: you should prepare an 800g of guava leaves. Second, put it in a basin for washing to remove the dust and some small insects found in leaves. After washing, prepare the pot and pour it with of water, then boil it within 15 minutes to get more extract. Get the extract and put it in a beaker. You must obtained 400 ml of guava leaves extract. Soap Making: Prepare (NaOH) Sodium Hydroxide 150ml solution and the oil. The guava leaves extract is also prepared. Mix it with the NaOH, oil and the extract between 2-3 minutes by continuous stirring until foamy emulsion will produce and transfer it to the molder. Reminders: Do not inhale the fumes ( cover your nose) Do not touch directly the NaOH Do not surprise in tremendous heat produce. After placing to the molder, cover it with cloth. Demolding the cloth be 3 days after.

Applying to Acne: You will need four volunteers; 2 for the commercial soap; 2 for the guava leaves extract. Soap the acne, leave it within 3 minutes. Rinse it with water and dry it with a soft towel. Use it within 1 week/7 days. Acnes Symptoms Days of the Week 1234567 1. Itchiness 2.Color 3. Size 4. Number of Acne 5. Softness of skin

Reference Cited:

Http: // Psidium Guavaja Linn (Scientific Name of Guava) October 2002 Ruel Ford Www. Guava Fruit September 2005 James Crick Skin Disorders (Acne) publication 2007 Apple Marasig Chapter IV Results and Discussions - This chapter shows the results, ratings and comments of some people who tries to use and observe this product ( Guava Leaves Extract use in making soap Treatment for Acne).

Legend: * Very Good / Good x Poor Trial 1:

Person Quality Texture Comments 1. Keisa / x the quality is good but the texture is poor.hehe 2. Jorie x x very poor 3. Carie / / i lyk da product 4.Donna Belle / / No comments 5. Nard / / No comments 6. Ivy x x Better luck nxt tym.hehehe

Trial 2.

Person Quality texture Comments 1. Jamian * / U improve the quality and texture 2. Myrna * * Nice Work 3. Haru / / N0h Comments 4. Reina x x I don't like it 5. Marzha / / Nyz one hap.. 6. Renani * / not well good. needs improvement

Trial 3. Person Quality Texture Commemts 1. Pimps / / Good 2. Ronzz * * I wnt ds product.. 3. Amelita / / i's effective!! 4. Rian / / Effective!!! 5. Jay Anne * * Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6. Jim Miguel * / Nice W0rkz.... Chapter V: Recommendations: POSTED BY CHEL LUVZ* AT 2:17 AM

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