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March 3, 2012 The Honorable Alon Gilon Freedom of Information Office Administration of the Courts State of Israel 22 Kanfey

y Nesharim Street, Jerusalem

By email: By Fax: 02-6513191

Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou, email=jz12345@earthli, c=US Date: 2012.03.03 04:00:11 +02'00'

Response or confirmation of receipt within 14 days is kindly requested. RE: Freedom of Information Request, in re: Chief Clerks and certification of the judicial records of the district courts of the State of Israel Dear Judge Gilon: Please accept instant request, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (1988), for: 1) The names and mailing addresses of the Chief Clerks [Mazkirim Rashiyim], who are installed in office this date in any and all district courts [Batey Mishpat Mehoziyim] of the State of Israel. 2) Any and all appointment/reappointment records of the Chief Clerks named in 1), above, which are in force and effect this date. 3) Any and all administrative records, pertaining to the certification/apostille certification of the electronic judicial records of the district courts by the various Chief Clerks of the respective courts, which were issued between Jan 1, 2001 and this date. 4) Any and all administrative records, pertaining to the certification/apostille certification of the electronic judicial records of the district courts by the various Magistrate Judge(s) [Rasham/Rashamim] of the respective courts, which were issued between Jan 1, 2001 and this date. 5) Any and all administrative records, pertaining to the location and ultimate administrative authority for the electronic records of the various district courts. I shall readily pay any fees associated with your honest services in responding on instant request, upon notification. Truly, Joseph Zernik, PhD

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