Model Asean Project Guide For ASEAN Secretariat

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Details here are tailored for those working as Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General. They will work on the written requirements together.
The Model ASEAN is designed to simulate the regional integration of the Southeast Asian states, and the international cooperation they have with countries and organizations beyond their borders. Your goal as a class is to respond to three pressing issues of our times with regard to peace, order and security, climate change and food security, and economic and social development. You will also endeavor to address the needs of the ASEAN states through the mechanisms provided for and allowed by the ASEAN Charter.


describes your duties and responsibilities as the primary convenors of the ASEAN. For the purposes of our class activity, your role revolves around facilitating and peacekeeping. You are also to enforce and uphold the ASEAN Charter at all times. The ASEAN Chairman (elected from the ten ASEAN states) will draft an agenda to be declared on the first day of the ASEAN meeting. Your role as facilitators is to help the ASEAN meet this agenda. Other parties will try to exert their influence in the caucuses to push their own agenda. Part of your role is to see how their problems can be addressed by either integrating it with other items in the agenda, or getting to it after the core issues are resolved. Your ultimate goal is to lead the class to success in The Model ASEAN. HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE MODEL ASEAN 1. Read up on the history of the ASEAN from its moment of inception to the various conflicts it has addressed and resolved. Consult almanacs and encyclopaedia to learn of its history from the moment of inception until today. What role has the ASEAN played in the world? 2. Read up on the news and current issues affecting the ASEAN and the entire Southeast Asia. Identify trouble spots which you think the ASEAN must prioritize. Read up on initiatives, agreements, and projects your organization initiated relevant to Southeast Asia. 3. Keep up with the lectures in SS2. Like with the mock trials and the summit before it, the Model ASEAN will be prefaced by a series of lectures designed to provide context, background, and hints on how to do your best in the activity. Keep up with the reading assignments from World History Connections to Today and the special reading from The Emergence of Modern Southeast Asia.

REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST Before the Model ASEAN: ASEAN Profile (25% of project) Draft 1 due: February 24 (Thursday)
Contains a history of the ASEAN from its moment of inception to the present times, a summary of key resolutions and commitments made with regard to the three issue areas, and some thoughts on the challenges and opportunities facing Southeast Asia today. Consult the blog for an editable template. [The Sec-Gen and Deputy are to submit just one co-authored paper.]

During the Model ASEAN: Actual Performance (25% of project)

I will be observing your every move during the ASEAN meeting particularly in four areas: (a) knowledge of ASEAN meeting protocol, (b) proper decorum, conduct and manner, (c) effectiveness of expression and clarity of communication, and (d) interpolation and debate.

Consensus Building (25% of project)

You must maintain order among the participants in the ASEAN meeting at all times, and successfully steer them towards a more productive outcome. There must be a unity in purpose and a clear agreement over what issues to prioritize. Manage caucuses well and make sure they are effective in achieving their purpose.

Conflict Resolution (25% of project)

Manage conflict and avoid all wars. Champion the ASEAN Charter and ensure that all participants, from members to dialogue partners, adhere to the principles set by the ASEAN.

After the Model ASEAN: Synthesis Paper (50% of Periodic Exam)

This paper will be your FINAL ESSAY in SS2. Specific guidelines will be given towards the end of the year. It will ask you to write about your ASEAN experience, but at the same time asking you to integrate all weve done throughout the school year.

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