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1. Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief administrator ____ going to have to make a decision. is are 2.

______ my boss or my sisters in the union going to win this grievance? Is Are 3. Some of the votes __________ to have been miscounted. seem seems 4. The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring _____ more than just a nuisance. are is 5. Everyone selected to serve on this jury _____ to be willing to give up a lot of time. have has 6. Kara Wolters, together with her teammates, _________ a formidable opponent on the basketball court. presents present 7. He seems to forget that there __________ things to be done before he can graduate. are is 8. There _______ to be some people left in that town after yesterday's flood. have has 9. Some of the grain __________ to be contaminated. appear appears 10. Three-quarters of the students __________ against the tuition hike. is are

11. Three-quarters of the student body __________ against the tuition hike. is are 12. A high percentage of the population _________ voting for the new school. is are 13. A high percentage of the people _________ voting for the new school. was were 14. What is the difference between simile and metaphor? a. No difference. Simply two different ways in referring to the same thing b. A simile is more descriptive c. A simile uses as or like to make a comparison and metaphor doesnt d. a simile must use animates in comparison 15. Which represents an example of alliteration? a. Language Arts b. Peter piper picked Peppers c. I like Music d. A beautiful scenery with music. 16. Which is an exaggeration? a. Alliteration b. Haiku c. Hyperbole d.Prose 17. What is the imitation of natural sounds in word form? a. Personification b. Hyperbole c. Alliteration d. Onomatopoeia 18. Which of the following is not a poet? a. William Shakespeare b. Terry Saylor c. Elizabeth Barret B. Browning d. Emily Dickinson 19. 20 Give two rules in Subject Verb Agreement with 5 examples

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