Setting Up Share Point Development Environment

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Setting Up

SharePoint Server 2010

Development Environment

K. Narayana Rao
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment


1. Downloading and Installing VirtualBox on Windows 7 5

2. Creating a New Virtual Machine 11

3. Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2008 R2 16

4. Using VirtualBox Features 52

5. Installing Office 2010 Professional Plus 61

6. Installing SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition 65

7. Installing and Configuring SharePoint Server 2010 81

8. Installing Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 98

9. Installing Visual Studio 2010 Professional 100

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

Before you can start SharePoint development, you need to set up your development
environment. There are a couple of system requirements you should be aware of when
setting up your development environment and also some choices that you need to make.

One important change from previous versions of SharePoint is that SharePoint Foundation
2010 and SharePoint Server 2010 are 64 - bit only, and thus the Windows operating system
they run on must also be 64 - bit. Microsoft’s reason for this requirement is that the 32 - bit
environment is limited to a maximum of 4GB of memory, whereas the 64 - bit limit is
approximately 16.8 million TB — that is, about 10 trillion times larger than the address space
of the 32 - bit, which hopefully will be enough for a long time.

Once you have 64-bit hardware, you can decide which operating system you want to run.
SharePoint supports Windows Server 2008 with SP2 or above or Windows Server 2008 R2
for server operating systems and Windows Vista or Windows 7 for desktop operating
systems. If possible try to go with Windows server 2008 over Windows Vista or Windows 7.
There are certain isolated instances which require an active directory, and thus require
Windows server 2008. Also certain features such as HTTP Activation on IIS are not enabled
by default on Windows 7/Vista, and therefore will cause unnecessary surprises for you. Not
to mention, your production environment has to be Windows Server 2008, so why create an
unnecessary difference between your development environment and production
environment if you can avoid it.

On the same machine you will also need to install Microsoft Office (Professional Plus) 2010,
SharePoint Designer 2010, Visual Studio 2010, IIS, SQL Server 2008, Active Directory, Mail
Server and SharePoint. Depending upon the specific project you're on, you may want to
install either SharePoint foundation or SharePoint server.

Whether to install SharePoint virtually or physically on your machine is always a tough

question. Most times, the answer will depend on the operating system you want to run for
your guest OS and also whether you want to trade off performance for flexibility. Let’s step
through each issue in a little more detail.

In terms of the host OS, if you don’t mind using Windows Server 2008 as your primary
operating system, then you will have many options for installing SharePoint, whether that’s
physical or virtual, because Windows Server 2008 supports Hyper-V. Note that you need to
make sure you have hardware that supports Hyper-V. Then, you can decide whether you
want a physical or virtual deployment of SharePoint.

If you prefer to run Vista or Windows 7 as your operating system, then your choices are
more limited, because these desktop OSs don’t support Hyper-V. This means that, if you
want to virtualize, you need to use virtualization software such as Oracle’s VirtualBox which
is free or VMWare Workstation 7.0 or better. Virtual PC and Virtual Server don’t support 64 -
bit. The new boot to VHD capabilities in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 makes it
easy to build a dual-boot system that is virtual. 3
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

It is extremely productive to virtualize your SharePoint development environment. This is for

many reasons that follow:

 Developing for SharePoint will usually require a lot of configurations, things that
typically are very admin/it-pro- related. These configurations are usually difficult to
backup. If you were to use virtualization however, you could save such
configurations, or multiple such configurations, by simply storing snapshots of your
virtual machines. And if (or, more likely, when) things go wrong, you can simply use
the undo feature of the virtual application.
 A copy of the virtual server environment can be made at any time and, if necessary,
restore that copy later, in case your test environment is messed up beyond repair!
 Introducing a new developer to your team with a consistent environment simply
means giving the new developer an image of your virtual machine. Virtualization
abstracts physical hardware, so as new developers or newer workstations are added
to your project, your development continues seamlessly without a week spent in
setting up the new team member's development environment.
 Virtualization will allow you to run multiple machines on the same hardware. Usually
you won't have to run multiple machines for most development tasks, but for certain
borderline tasks, or for certain testing related tasks you will end up running multiple
machines at the same time.
 Virtualization means, your host machine stays clean. So when Microsoft releases the
new fancy operating system, or your IT administrator pushes down patches without
informing you first, your development, if virtualized, is immune to such changes.

Consequently, as you can see, there are many positives to virtualization. The only negative
is the performance cost. To run a virtual environment, you need to give the guest OS and
SharePoint a few GBs of memory, and you definitely need a fast disk, preferably 7200 RPM
and above. If you don’t, performance will be terrible. So, if you have the necessary hardware
and you’re developing solutions, then your first choice should be to virtualize.

This setup guide provides links to Internet resources and Graphical step by step procedures
for building a virtual SharePoint Server 2010 development environment using Oracle’s
VirtualBox. It gives you the option of using free evaluation software or licensed software.
Microsoft offers several developer subscriptions that give you access to development and
lab software, such as an MSDN subscription or a TechNet subscription. These are far more
affordable than buying full licenses but are not for use in production environments.

Ensure that your computer is running a 64 bit Operating System such as Windows 7. It must
have a connection to the internet. It must also have at least 8GB of RAM and 80GB of free
hard disk space. Hardware virtualization needs to be enabled on your machine. If your CPU
doesn’t support this (regardless of 64 bit or not) you’re out of luck.

Note that the requirements for building out a SharePoint 2010 development environment are
more relaxed and have fewer requirements compared to building out a SharePoint 2010
production environment. Therefore, you should not rely on this document as your only
resource when you are installing SharePoint 2010 for production use.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

Section 1 : Downloading and Installing VirtualBox on Windows 7

1. Open your Web browser, and type in the address bar. The
VirtualBox main page will appear:

2. Click on the Downloads link located in the left sidebar. The Download VirtualBox page
will show up: 5
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

3. Download the latest version for Windows hosts (current version at the time of writing this
is 3.2.6). Click on the x86/amd64 link at the right of the VirtualBox 3.2.6 for Windows
hosts line. A dialog box will pop up, asking if you want to open or save the VirtualBox
installation file. Click on Save to start downloading this file.

4. Once the downloading process ends, double-click on the downloaded file, and wait for
the Do you want to run this file? warning dialog box to appear. Click on Run, and the
Oracle VirtualBox Setup dialog will appear:

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

5. Click on the Next button to start installing VirtualBox on your PC. The next dialog will ask
you to read the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL). If you
agree with it, select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement radio button, and
click on Next to continue.

6. The next dialog, Custom Setup, will show you the VirtualBox features that will be
installed as well as the installation directory. Leave the default options, and click on Next
to continue: 7
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

7. On the next dialog, you need to choose if you want to create a shortcut to run VirtualBox
from the desktop and/or from the Quick Launch Bar. You can leave both options
selected, and click on Next to continue.

8. The next dialog will warn you about temporarily disconnecting you from the local area
network because the setup program will install the Oracle VM VirtualBox Networking
feature. Click on Yes.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

9. Click on Install to start installing VirtualBox on your computer:

10. Once the installation process finishes, you'll see the following dialog: 9
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

11. In the Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2.6 Setup dialog box, and click Finish. The Oracle VM
VirtualBox Console is launched and displayed. On the left, you can see a pane that will
later list all your virtual machines. Since you have not created any, the list is empty. A
row of buttons above it allows you to create new virtual machines and work on existing
virtual machines, once you have some. The pane on the right displays the properties of
the virtual machine currently selected, if any. Again, since you don't have any machines
yet, the pane displays a welcome message.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

Section 2 : Creating a New Virtual Machine

1. Open VirtualBox, and click on the New button (or press Ctrl+N) to create a new virtual
machine. The Welcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard! dialog will show up. Click
on Next to continue.

2. In the VM Name and OS Type dialog box, you have to specify a name for your virtual
machine, and the type of operating system (OS) you want to install. The name is what
you will later see in the VirtualBox main window, and what your settings will be stored
under. For Operating System Type, you have to select the operating system that you
want to install later. Depending on your selection, VirtualBox will enable or disable
certain virtual machine settings that your guest operating system may require. This is
particularly important for 64-bit guests. It is therefore recommended to always set it to
the correct value. In the Name box, type SP2010, under Operating System, select
Microsoft Windows, under Version, select Windows 2008 (64 bit) and click on Next. 11
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

3. In the Memory dialog box, in the MB box, type 5120 (5 GB) and click Next. (This
memory configuration assumes your computer has 8 GB RAM.) You can change this
setting later, after you have created the virtual machine. Choose this setting carefully!
The memory you give to the virtual machine will not be available to your host OS while
the virtual machine is running, so do not specify more than you can spare. If you look
closely at the Base Memory Size setting in the Memory dialog when creating a virtual
machine, you'll notice that there are three memory areas below the slider control: the
green-colored area indicates the amount of memory range you can safely choose for
your virtual machine; the yellow-colored area indicates a dangerous memory range that
you can choose, but nobody knows if your virtual machine and your host will be able to
run without any problems; and the red-colored area indicates the memory range that
your virtual machine can't use.

4. In the Virtual Hard Disk dialog box, you must specify a virtual hard disk for your VM.
There are many and potentially complicated ways in which VirtualBox can provide hard
disk space to a virtual machine, but the most common way is to use a large image file on
your "real" hard disk, whose contents VirtualBox presents to your virtual machine as if it
were a complete hard disk. Since virtual hard drives are completely independent from
each other, there is no risk of accidental overwriting, and they can't be larger than the
free space available on your computer's physical hard drive. You can create an image
file or use an existing one. Note that the disk images can be separated from a particular
virtual machine, so even if you delete a virtual machine, you can keep the image, or copy
it to another host and create a new virtual machine for it there. Leave the default values
in the Virtual Hard Disk dialog, and click on Next to create a new virtual hard disk.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

5. Click on Next on the Welcome wizard screen.

6. The Hard Disk Storage Type dialog box lets you choose if you want dynamically
expanding storage or fixed-size storage type virtual hard disk. With a fixed disk,
allocating 80 GB of storage space immediately creates a 80 GB disk image file on the
host file system. A dynamically expanding disk however, only allocates space as it is
needed. Creating a dynamically expanding 80 GB disk will result in an initial file of only a
few KB being created. These few KB contain a lookup table that maps the virtual disk to
the physical drive. Although dynamically expanding disks allow for a bit more flexibility,
their use can cause the virtual machine to take quite a performance hit. When data must
be written to a dynamically expanding disk the operating system must first find free
space on the physical drive holding the virtual hard disk file and then update the lookup
table before data can be written. This process does not have to occur when disk space is
already allocated by the usage of a fixed size disk. Along with this, there are great
benefits to having all of a virtual machine’s data stored on the same segment of a
physical disk, rather than being fragmented across platters. Unless you have a great
need to use a dynamically expanding disk, then a fixed disk is really your best bet.
Choose Fixed-size storage and click on Next to continue. 13
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

7. In the Virtual Disk Location and Size dialog box, add a name for the virtual disk image
file, and click on the small yellow folder icon to locate the virtual disk image file
somewhere other than the default setting, if you want. If you happen to have multiple
SATA hard drives in your system, or a fast external SATA, place your virtual disk (the
"guest") on a separate physical drive from the machine running it (the "host") for better
multi-tasking and performance speed, plus a little less wear on a single hard drive. It will
also improve the performance significantly if you are able to create the virtual disk on a
solid state drive. Use the slider to adjust the virtual disk size, or simply type in the text
box on the right-hand side. Since Microsoft recommends 80 GB for SharePoint 2010
Server select 80+ GB size. Click on Next to continue.

8. A Summary dialog will appear, showing all the parameters you chose for the virtual disk
of your virtual machine. Take note of where the virtual machine has been placed, you’ll
need to know this at some point or another later. Click on Finish to exit the Create New
Virtual Disk wizard. It may take several minutes to create the fixed-size storage unit.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

9. The last dialog will show you a Summary of all the parameters selected for your new
virtual machine. Click on Finish to create the virtual machine:

10. The new virtual machine will appear on the left side of the VirtualBox main window, with
the name you have entered, showing all its parameters in the Details tab.

11. Select the newly created virtual machine and click on the Settings button to open the
SP2010 - Settings dialog box. 15
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

Section 3 : Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2008 R2

1. Follow these steps to download a free 180 days trial version of Windows Server 2008
R2. If you have a registered version of Windows Server 2008 R2 through a subscription
to MSDN or TechNet or by other means, you can install that instead of the trial version.
a. In the browser, navigate to the page at the link below.
b. Follow the instructions to download Windows Server 2008 R2 trial. The
download is an ISO file. An ISO file is a complete image of a CD-ROM or
DVD, which can be mounted to a virtual machine. Once mounted, the ISO file
appears as a CD or a DVD drive in the virtual machine.

2. The next thing to do is tell your virtual machine where to boot your Windows Server 2008
R2 installation DVD from, as if you were working on a real PC. In the SP2010 - Settings
dialog click on the Storage category from the list in the left panel. Then select the Empty
slot under the IDE Controller element inside the Storage Tree panel to insert Windows
Server 2008 R2 installation DVD or ISO image. If you have installation DVD, then insert
it and to host DVD drive select Host Drive with the correct drive letter from CD/DVD
Device drop-down list so that the guest operating system can read from your physical
device. To install Windows Server 2008 R2 from the ISO file you have downloaded
earlier click on the Invoke Virtual Media Manager button( ).

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

3. The Virtual Media Manager dialog will appear next. Click on the Add button to add the
Windows Server 2008 R2 ISO image:

4. The Select a CD/DVD-ROM disk image file dialog will show up next. Navigate to the
directory where you downloaded the Windows Server 2008 R2 ISO image, select it, and
click on the Open button to continue. 17
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

5. The Windows Server 2008 R2 ISO image will appear selected in the CD/DVD Images
tab from the Virtual Media Manager dialog. Click on the Select button to attach the ISO
image to your virtual machine's CD/DVD drive.

6. Next, the Windows Server 2008 R2 ISO image file will appear selected on the ISO Image
File setting from the SP2010 – Settings dialog. Click on OK to continue. Now you're
ready to start your virtual machine and install Windows Server 2008 R2.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

7. In the VirtualBox console Click on the Start button to start booting Windows Server 2008
R2. An Information dialog will appear to tell you that the virtual machine window is
optimized to work in 32 bit color mode but the virtual display is currently set to 24 bit.
Don't worry about this for now; just enable the Do not show this message again option,
and click on OK to continue.

8. Another information dialog will appear to tell you that the virtual machine reports that the
guest OS does not support mouse pointer integration in the current video mode. Enable
the Do not show this message again, and click on OK to continue.

9. Wait until the Install Windows Server 2008 R2 screen shows up. Click anywhere inside
the virtual machine screen, and the following information dialog will pop up. 19
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

10. Enable the Do not show this message again, and click on Capture to continue. The
mouse pointer will disappear, and you will be able to move your mouse inside your
virtual machine screen. Select your desired language, time/currency format and
keyboard layout, and click on Next to continue:

11. The screen will show the Install Now button next. Click on this button to continue.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

12. The Setup is starting message will show up on the screen. After some time Select the
operating system you want to install dialog appears. Select Windows Server 2008
R2 Enterprise (Full Installation) and click on Next.

13. Wait until the Windows Server 2008 R2 Licensing Agreement appears. Agree to the
licensing terms and click on Next to continue. 21
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

14. Click on the Custom (Advanced) option in the Which type of installation you want?
dialog to install a fresh copy of Windows Server 2008 R2.

15. The Where do you want to install Windows? dialog will show up next. The only option
available will be Disk 0 Unallocated space, so just click on Next to continue.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

16. At this point you have given the Windows setup program enough information to install
the basic operating system. Setup program will now run for a while as it copies and
installs Windows features.

17. When the setup program completes, it will ask you to assign a new password for the
built-in Administrator account. Click OK to continue. 23
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

18. Update the password for Administrator account.

19. When you have updated the Administrator password, you will get a confirmation that
the update was successful. Click OK to complete the installation of the operating system.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

20. When you log in, Windows Server automatically displays the Initial Configuration
Tasks window. Click the check box with the option Do not show this window at logon
and click the Close button.

21. Windows Server will now display the Server Manager. If the Server Manager is not
open, launch it from the Windows Start menu using Start > Administrative Tools >
Server Manager. 25
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

22. Configure the Administrator account so that its password does not expire.
a. Inside the Configuration node of the Server Manager, navigate the Users
folder inside the Local Users and Groups node (as shown in the following
screenshot) and locate the local Administrator account. Right-click on the
Administrator account and click Properties.

b. In the Administrator Properties dialog, unselect the option for User must
change password at next logon and select the option for Password never

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

23. Rename the computer name of the virtual machine.

a. In the Server Manager, navigate to the top-level node to display the Server
Summary page. Click Change System Properties and on the Computer
Name tab of the System Properties dialog, click the Change button

b. Enter a new computer name of SP2010 and click OK. There is no need to
change the workgroup because you are going to create a new domain later.

c. The following dialog shows. Click OK to close it. 27
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

d. Close the System Properties window. You will be prompted to restart the
virtual machine. Click on Restart Now.

e. In the SP10 window, when Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE to log on

appears, click inside the window and press Right Ctrl + Del. Clicking inside
the virtual machine window will capture the keyboard and mouse cursor to be
used in the virtual machine. If you need to use the keyboard and mouse
outside the virtual machine, press the Right Ctrl key to release it from the
virtual machine. Host operating systems reserve certain key combinations for
themselves. For example, it is impossible to enter the Ctrl+Alt+Delete
combination if you want to reboot the guest operating system in your virtual
machine, because this key combination is usually hard-wired into the host
OS, and pressing this key combination will therefore reboot your host. If,
instead, you want to send these key combinations to the guest operating
system in the virtual machine, choose Insert Ctrl+Alt+Delete from the virtual
machine Machine menu or press Host key + Del. (Right Ctrl key is the
default Host key.)

f. Login with the Administrator password.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

24. Remove the requirement to press CTRL+ALT+DEL

a. Select Start > Run..; type gpedit.msc and then click OK. This will open Local
Group Policy Editor.

b. Expand Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings

> Local Policies > Security Options.

c. Double click on Interactive logon : Do not require CTRL+ALT+DEL, and select

Enabled and click on OK. 29
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

25. Turn off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. Windows Server 2008
R2 comes with Internet Explorer Enhanced Security installed and activated. This
requires that access to any site through Internet Explorer requires the site be trusted;
otherwise, it is blocked (including SharePoint sites). In development environment, this
can quickly become very cumbersome, so I recommend turning this off unless there is
some specific reason your organization needs this. To turn off Internet Explorer
Enhanced Security:
a. In the Server Manager, navigate to the top-level node to display the Server
Summary page. Inside the Security Information section locate the link for
Configure IE ECS.

b. Click on Configure IE ESC link. Disable Enhanced Security Configuration for

both Administrators and Users by selecting the Off radio buttons and click OK

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

26. Disable Windows Firewall.

a. In the Security Information section click the Go to Windows Firewall link to
display the page for the Windows Firewall.

b. Click on the Windows Firewall Properties link at the bottom of the Overview
section. In the Domain Profile tab of the Windows Firewall dialog, change
the Firewall state property setting from On to Off. Click to Apply button to
save your changes. Once you have turned off the firewall in the Domain
Profile tab, go to the Private profile tab and the Public Profile tab and follow
the same steps to disable the firewall for these profiles as well. Click OK to
dismiss the Windows Firewall dialog once you have turned off the firewall for
all three profiles. 31
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

27. Enable the Windows Server Features for the Desktop Experience and the PowerShell
Integrated Scripting Environment.
a. In the Server Manager, navigate to the top-level node to display the Server
Summary page. Inside the Features Summary section, choose Add
Feature to bring up the Add Features Wizard dialog.

b. Select the feature Desktop Experience. Note when you first click the
checkbox for the Desktop Experience, the wizard will prompt you with the
following dialog to add support for Ink and Handwriting Services. Click the
Add Required Features button to continue.

c. Scroll down the list of features in the Add Features Wizard dialog and select
the feature Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE).
Note when you first click the checkbox for the Windows PowerShell
Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE), the wizard will prompt you with the
following dialog to add support for .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features. Click the
Add Required Features button to continue.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

d. Now that you have selected these two features for installation, click the Next
button on the Add Features Wizard dialog to continue with the install. The
next screen you will ask you to Confirm Installation Selections. Click the
Install button.

e. When you see the Installation Results screen, the Add Features Wizard
informs you a computer restart is required. Click Close button to dismiss this

f. The final dialog of the Add Features Wizard prompts you to restart the virtual
machine. Click Yes to begin the rebooting process.

g. After the virtual machine has restarted, login again as Administrator. Once
you login, the feature installation process for Desktop Experience will
automatically continue and complete. 33
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

28. Configure the DisableLoopbackCheck registry setting. Windows Server 2003 SP1
introduced a loopback security check. This feature is obviously also present in Windows
Server 2008. The feature prevents access to a web application using a fully qualified
domain name (FQDN) if an attempt to access it takes place from a machine that hosts
that application. The end result is a 401.1 Access Denied from the web server and a
logon failure in the event log. This is very annoying on a development box, or when
testing locally. Microsoft calls this a security feature. There are many exploits which
attempt to attack via reflection – i.e. pretending to be local as to bypass constraints. This
setting should have been in the box since Windows NT4, but it wasn’t. Microsoft have
done the right thing and addressed the problem based on customer feedback and
exploits. They have fixed a hole and further tightened the attack surface of a Windows
server. Microsoft’s KB Article 896861 details two workarounds. One is to disable the
Loopback Check entirely – and this is commonly promoted as the thing to do on all your
SharePoint Servers. The second is to add a list of addresses to exclude from the check.
Both of these are accomplished by means of a registry key in the LSA hive. If you are
working on a development environment – go for it - disable it completely. You need to
debug and test locally and it’s likely you don’t know what addresses you will use ahead
of time. However, for production environment, DO NOT DISABLE this feature. You
are unpicking a serious security check of the OS. If that environment underwent a
security audit by a competent security engineer, it would be flagged. You should add a
list of addresses you wish to exclude. This makes your scenario work whilst retaining the
security). To Disable the Loopback Check:
a. Launch the Windows Registry Editor. To do this click Start, click Run, type
regedit, and then click OK.

b. In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key:
c. Right-click Lsa, point to New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) Value.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

d. Type DisableLoopbackCheck, and then press Enter.

e. Right-click DisableLoopbackCheck, and then click Modify.
f. In the Value data textbox, type 1, and then click OK.

g. Quit Registry Editor.

29. Disable the Shutdown Event Tracker. The Shutdown Event Tracker is used to track
why a particular server is being shut down or restarted. By default, this means you must
enter a description and click OK each time you need to reboot or shut a server down. In
development, rebooting is very common and recording the reason is of little or no use.
To speed up the process, I recommend you turn this option off. To turn this option off (it
can be turned back on at any time), do the following:
a. Select Start > Run…; type in gpedit.msc and click OK.

b. Now the Local Group Policy Editor will open. Browse to Administrative
Templates in Computer Configuration, click System and double click in the
right window on Display Shutdown Event Tracker. Change its value to
Disabled and click OK to save the change. Close the Local Group Policy
Editor. 35
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

30. Reduce Windows Server 2008 R2 Event Log Sizes. By default, the Windows Event
Logs are set to various sizes. While this is fine for production, they take up needless
space in development. In fact, the smaller logs make debugging easier by keeping only
the most recent events. To do this:
a. Select Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer.

b. Expand the Windows Logs node and for each of the Log types:
i. Right-click on the name and select Properties. The Properties page
for the log appears.

ii. On the Properties page, change the Maximum log size to 1028.
iii. For the When maximum log size is reached option, check
Overwrite events as needed.
iv. Click Apply.
v. Click the Clear Log button. When prompted to save before clearing,
then click Clear.

vi. Click OK to close the properties page.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

31. Configure Internet Explorer

a. Open Internet Explorer. If this is the first time you have run Internet Explorer,
the Welcome to Internet Explorer 8 screen will pop up to ask if you want to
learn about its new features. Click on Next to continue.

b. The Turn on Suggested Sites screen will ask if you want Internet Explorer to
make personalized web suggestions based on the websites you've visited.
Select Yes, and click on Next to continue. 37
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

c. The Choose your settings screen will pop up next. Choose the Use
express settings option; you'll be able to change your mind later if you wish.
Click on Finish to continue. Now you can browse web sites in Internet

32. Enable Windows Audio Service

a. Click Run in the Start menu, then type services.msc and click OK. Now the
Services Management console will open.

b. In the Services Window scroll to the service Windows Audio, right click on it
and choose Properties. In the Windows Audio Properties (Local
Computer) window select Automatic as Startup type, click Apply, then click
Start to start the Windows Audio service. Close the properties window by
clicking OK.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

33. Download and install audio driver for Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine
At the time of this writing, there was a problem with the sound drivers when one was
running Windows Server 2008 inside a virtual machine. If you look at the bottom-right
part of the screen, you'll see the No Audio Output Device icon. You have to download
the Realtek AC'97 drivers to enable audio.
a. Open Internet Explorer, go to the website, click on the
Downloads link from the webpage main menu, and then click on the AC97
Audio Codecs (Software) link.

b. Select the check box I accept the above and click Next.

c. Click on one of the download links for the Vista/Win 7 Driver file. There is no
driver file for Windows Server 2008. The Win 7 driver file works fine. The File
Download dialog will appear next. Save the file on your virtual hard disk, and wait 39
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

for it to finish downloading, then extract the zip file contents and double-click on
the setup file to start installing the AC97 drivers on your Windows Server 2008
virtual machine.

d. If a Windows Security dialog pops up complaining that Windows can't verify the
publisher of the driver software, just click on the Install this driver software
anyway option to continue the installation process.
e. Wait until the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog appears, make sure the
Yes, I want to restart my computer now option is selected, and click on Finish
to continue:

f. Wait until your Windows Server 2008 virtual machine restarts. If the Press any
key to boot from CD or DVD message shows up, ignore it, and don't press any
key; just wait until Windows Server starts booting up automatically. Login. Wait
for the Desktop screen to appear. The speaker icon at the bottom-right part of the
screen will now be enabled.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

34. Activate Windows

a. In the Server Manager, navigate to the top-level node to display the Server
Summary page. Click Activate Windows.

b. You will be prompted to enter your product key. Enter your product key and
click Next to activate Windows. If you are using the evaluation software there
is no need to enter any product key.
c. Click OK to activate Windows.

d. After a few seconds, your Virtual machine should be able to connect to a

Microsoft site and successfully activate Windows.

e. Click Close. 41
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

35. Promote the Windows Server 2008 R2 Virtual Machine to a Domain Controller
a. Open Server Manager by clicking the icon in the Quick Launch toolbar, or
from the Administrative Tools folder.
b. Click the Roles node in the left pane of the console. Then click the Add
Roles link in the right pane.

c. In the Before You Begin page, click Next.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

d. On the Server Roles page, select Active Directory Domain Services and
click Next.

e. In the Active Directory Domain Services page read the provided

information if you want to, and then click Next. 43
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

f. In the Confirm Installation Selections page, read the provided information if

you want to, and then click Install.

g. After Active Directory Domain Services has been installed, you will see the
Installation Results page in the Add Roles Wizard as shown below. Click on
the link with the big long caption of Close this wizard and launch the Active
Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard (dcpromo.exe).

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

h. On the first page of the Active Directory Domain Services Installation

Wizard, click Use advanced Mode installation check box and click Next.

i. In the Operating System Compatibility page, read the provided information

and click Next. 45
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

j. In the Choose a Deployment Configuration page, select the option to

Create a new domain in a new forest and click Next.

k. The next page asks you to Name the Forrest Root Domain. Enter an
appropriate name for the new domain. Make sure you pick the right domain
name, as renaming domains is a task you will not wish to perform on a daily
basis. Do NOT use single label domain names such as "mydomain" or
similar. You MUST pick a full domain name such as "mydomain.local" or
"" and so on. Click Next.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

l. The wizard will perform checks to see if the domain name is not already in
use on the local network. On the NetBIOS Domain Name page, click Next.

m. The next page asks you to Set Forest Functional Level. Using the
dropdown list, change the setting to Windows Server 2008 R2 and click
Next. 47
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

n. The wizard will perform checks to see if DNS is properly configured on the
local network. In this case, no DNS server has been configured, therefore, the
wizard will offer to automatically install DNS on this server. Click Next.

o. You might be prompted with the dialog shown below providing a warning that
This computer has dynamically assigned IP address(es). This is not a
problem when you are running your development environment on a domain
controller. Click Yes to dismiss the dialog.

p. At this point the wizard will prompt you with a dialog informing you a
delegation for the DNS Server cannot be created because it cannot find the
authoritative parent zone. This is not a problem because the wizard will
automatically configure the DNS of the virtual machine to point to itself. Click
on the Yes button to dismiss this dialog.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

q. The next page asks you to set values for Location for Database Log Files
and SYSVOL. Accept all the default values by clicking Next.

r. The next page asks you to provide and confirm a password for Directory
Services Restore Mode Administrator Password. This password must be
kept confidential, and because it stays constant while regular domain user
passwords expire (based upon the password policy configured for the
domain, the default is 42 days), it does not. This password should be complex
and at least 7 characters long. I strongly suggest that you do NOT use the
regular administrator's password, and that you write it down and securely
store it. Specify the password and Click Next. 49
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

s. The next page is the Summary page which should show the values below.
Click Next to start the process of configuring the new Active Directory

t. The wizard will display the dialog below to show you the progress of the
configuration process. You will be required to reboot when the configuration
has been completed. Check the option for Reboot on completion and then
wait for the configuration to complete and the machine to reboot.

u. After the virtual machine reboots, you should logon using the domain account
MYDOMAIN\Administrator. Your server now acts as a Domain Controller.
Make sure you properly back it up. You can test functionality by using AD
management tools such as Active Directory Users and Computers, examine
the Event Logs, services and folders and shares that have been created.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

36. Configure Windows Update

a. Select Start > All Programs > Windows Update.

b. Disable Windows Update from running automatically:

i. Click the link Change Settings.

ii. Under the Important Updates list, select Never check for updates
(not recommended) and click OK. This isn’t what you would do in a
production environment, but for a development machine it is ok.
c. Now update the server. First select the Check for Updates link.
d. Windows Update will the report how many updates are available. Select all
important and recommended updates. Then click the Install Updates button.

e. If prompted, select I accept the license terms for any updates that require it.
f. When Windows Update completes, it’s a good idea to go ahead and reboot.
Once the server has rebooted, login again. 51
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

Section 4 : Using VirtualBox Features

1. Shutting down your virtual machine
When you click on the "Close" button of your virtual machine window (at the top right of
the window, just like you would close any other window on your system) (or press the
Host key together with "Q"), VirtualBox asks you whether you want to "save" or "power
off" the virtual machine.

The difference between these three options is crucial. They mean:

a. Save the machine state: With this option, VirtualBox "freezes" the virtual
machine by completely saving its state to your local disk. When you later
resume the virtual machine (by again clicking the Start button in the
VirtualBox main window), you will find that the virtual machine continues
exactly where it was left off. All your programs will still be open, and your
computer resumes operation. Saving the state of a virtual machine is thus in
some ways similar to suspending a laptop computer (e.g. by closing its lid).
b. Send the shutdown signal:, This will send an ACPI shutdown signal to the
virtual machine, which has the same effect as if you had pressed the power
button on a real computer. Always try to use the guest operating system
interface first to shut down the virtual machine. If that fails, you can use the
Send the shutdown signal option instead. Remember that the Send the
shutdown signal option only works if your guest operating system supports
ACPI events.
c. Power off the machine: With this option, VirtualBox also stops running the
virtual machine, but without saving its state. This is equivalent to pulling the
power plug on a real computer without shutting it down properly. If you start
the machine again after powering it off, your operating system will have to
reboot completely and may begin a lengthy check of its (virtual) system disks.
As a result, this should not normally be done, since it can potentially cause
data loss or an inconsistent state of the guest system on disk. I only use this
option when a virtual machine stops working, and I can't shut it down with the
other two choices.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

2. Removing the installation media from your Windows Server 2008 virtual machine
To remove the installation media from your CD/DVD virtual drive so that you don't have
to see the Press any key to boot from CD or DVD message every time you start your
virtual machine:
a. Make sure your Windows Server 2008 virtual machine is shut down, and click
on the Settings button to open the SP2010 – Settings window.
b. Select the Storage category from the left panel, and then select the CD/DVD
drive slot under the IDE Controller in the Storage Tree panel. Now go to the
Attributes panel, and select the Empty item from the CD/DVD Device list
box. Click on OK to close the SP2010 – Settings dialog.

3. Changing removable media while a virtual machine is running

While a virtual machine is running, you can change removable media in the Devices
menu of the virtual machine's window. Here you can select in detail what VirtualBox
presents to your virtual machine as a CD, DVD, or floppy. The settings are the same as
would be available for the virtual machine in the Settings dialog of the VirtualBox main
window, but since that dialog is disabled while the virtual machine is in the "running" or
"saved" state, this extra menu saves you from having to shut down and restart the virtual
machine every time you want to change media. Hence, in the Devices menu, VirtualBox
allows you to attach the host drive to the guest or select a floppy or DVD image using the
Virtual Media Manager. 53
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

4. Installing Guest Additions

Guest Additions are designed to be installed inside a virtual machine after the guest
operating system has been installed. They consist of device drivers and system
applications that optimize the guest operating system for better performance and
usability. The VirtualBox Guest Additions for all supported guest operating systems are
provided as a single CD-ROM image file which is called VBoxGuestAdditions.iso. This
image file is located in the installation directory of VirtualBox. To install the Guest
Additions for a particular virtual machine, you mount this ISO file in your virtual machine
as a virtual CD-ROM and install from there.

The Guest Additions offer the following features:

a. Full keyboard and mouse integration between your host and your guest
operating systems: This means you won't need to use the
capture/uncapture feature anymore!
b. Enhanced video support in your guest virtual machine: You will be able
to use 3D and 2D video acceleration features, and if you resize your virtual
machine's screen, its video resolution will adjust automatically. Say hello to
full screen!
c. Better time synchronization between host and guest: A virtual machine
doesn't know it's running inside another computer, so it expects to have 100%
of the CPU and all the other resources without any interference. Since the
host computer needs to use those resources too, sometimes it can get
messy, especially if both host and guest are running several applications at
the same time, as would be the case in most situations. But don't worry about
it! Guest Additions re-synchronize your virtual machine's time regularly to
avoid any serious problems.
d. Shared folders: This is one of my favorite Guest Addition features! You can
designate one or more folders to share files easily between your host and
your guest, as if they were network shares.
e. Seamless windows: This is another amazing feature that lets you use any
application in your guest as if you were running it directly from your host PC.
For example, if you have a Linux host and a Windows virtual machine, you'll
be able to use MS Word or MS Excel as if you were running it directly from
your Linux machine!
f. Shared clipboard: This is a feature I couldn't live without because it lets you
copy and paste information between your host and guest applications
g. Automated Windows guest logons: The Guest Additions for Windows
provide modules to automate the logon process in a Windows virtual

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

To install Guest Additions:

a. Select the Devices option from VirtualBox's menu bar, and click on the
Install Guest Additions option:

a. VirtualBox will mount the Guest Additions ISO file on your virtual machine's
CD/DVD-ROM drive, and the Guest Additions installer will start automatically:

b. Click on Next to continue. The License Agreement dialog will appear next.
Click on the I Agree button to accept the agreement and continue. 55
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

c. Leave the default destination folder on the Choose Install Location dialog, and
click on Next to continue.

d. The Choose Components dialog will appear next. Accept the default
components and click Install.

e. The Guest Additions starts installing the various drivers.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

f. In the Windows Security dialog box, select Always trust software from
“Sun Microsystems, Inc.” check box and click Install.

g. In the Completing the Sun VirtualBox Guest Additions… dialog box,

select Reboot now and click Finish.

h. The virtual machine will reboot automatically, and once it has finished booting
up, a VirtualBox - Information dialog will appear, to tell you that your guest
operating system now supports mouse pointer integration. Enable the Do not
show this message again, and click on the OK button to continue. Now
you'll be able to move your mouse freely between your virtual machine's area
and your host machine's area! You'll also be able to resize your virtual
machine's screen, and it will adjust automatically. 57
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

5. Sharing Folders
Sooner or later you'll need to share information between your host PC and one of your
virtual machines. And thanks to the Guest Additions software, it's as easy as sharing
information between your PC and another PC connected through a local area network.
But in this case, you don't need a real network because VirtualBox takes care of all the
connection processes for you.

To share a folder between a Windows 7 host operating system and a Windows Server
2008 R2 guest (the virtual machine):

a. Create a new folder on your on your Windows 7 host, then open VirtualBox,
start your Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine, and log into it.
b. Select Devices > Shared Folders from the VirtualBox main menu:

c. The Shared Folders dialog will show up next. Click on the Add Shared
Folder button at the upper-right part of the dialog:

d. The Add Share dialog will appear next. Click on the Folder Path drop-down
list box, and select the Other option:

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

e. Locate the folder to be shared on the Browse for Folder dialog, and click on
OK to select it:

f. VirtualBox will return you to the Add Share dialog. The Folder Path list box
will contain the shared folder path, and the Folder Name field will be
automatically filled in with shared folder name. When adding a shared folder,
you have two options: make it permanent or transient. If you want to make a
shared folder permanent, you need to select the Make Permanent option.
And when you need to share a folder but don't want to let other people write
stuff on it or delete its contents, you can make it read-only by selecting the
Read-only option. Note that this only affects read/write permissions on your
guest; your host's permissions won't be changed. Select the options you want
and click on OK to continue: 59
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

g. Now the shared folder will be listed under the Machine Folders category in
the Shared Folders dialog if you selected the Make Permanent option or
under the Transient Folders category otherwise. Click on OK to continue:

h. Now, you can mount the shared folder from inside a virtual machine the same
way as you would mount an ordinary network share. To attach the host's
shared folder to your Windows Server 2008 R2 guest, open Windows
Explorer and look for it under Network > VBOXSVR. By right-clicking on a
shared folder and selecting Map network drive from the menu that pops up,
you can assign a drive letter to that shared folder.

6. Working with Seamless Windows

With the "seamless windows" feature of VirtualBox, you can have the windows that are
displayed within a virtual machine appear side by side next to the windows of your host.
To enable seamless mode, after starting the virtual machine, press the Host key
(normally the Right Ctrl key) together with "L". This will enlarge the size of the virtual
machine’s display to the size of your host screen and mask out the guest operating
system's background. To go back to the "normal" virtual machine display (i.e. to disable
seamless windows), press the Host key and "L" again.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

Section – 5 : Installing Office 2010 Professional Plus

In this section, you will install the 32-bit version of the Microsoft Office 2010 client
applications. Be sure to download and install the 32-bit version and not the 64-bit version.
The reason for selecting the 32-bit version over the 64-bit version is because the 64-bit
version does not include some things you will want in your SharePoint environment,
including the SharePoint list Data Sheet view.

Download the installation software from Microsoft’s download site. Note: You can use the
trial version of Office Professional Plus 2010 available from Microsoft
( or you can use a licensed copy
you have acquired from an MSDN subscription or within your organization.

1. Download Office Professional Plus 2010 to your host machine in a location

where it will be accessible to the virtual machine.
2. In the virtual machine, navigate to the location of installer and double click it.
3. Specify the Product Key and click Continue. 61
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

4. Accept the license terms and click Continue.

5. Click Customize.

6. Select Run all from My Computer and click Install Now.

7. When installation is complete, you will see the following dialog. Click Close.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

8. Launch Microsoft Word and make sure it starts without problems.

9. Start Microsoft Word 2010 from the Windows Start menu: Start > All
Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Word 2010
10. The first time you launch Microsoft Word 2010, you will see the following
dialog. Select Use Recommended Settings and click OK.

11. Configure Office 2010 Trust Settings. When installing Office 2010 on the
same machine as SharePoint Server 2010 you need to do one more thing to
get the Office clients to save files to the server. You need to disable the
Protected View in Office.
i. Launch Word 2010.
ii. Using the ribbon select File > Options.
iii. Select the Trust Center from the list of options and click the Trust
Center Settings button. 63
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

iv. Select the Protected View and uncheck all the Protected View
options on this dialog, leaving only the Enable Data Execution
Prevention mode checked.

v. Click OK multiple times to close the dialogs and exit out of Word 2010.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

Section 6 : Installing SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition

1. Follow these steps if you plan on using the free trial version of SQL Server 2008 R2.
Note that this free trial version is set to expire in 180 days after installation. If you have a
registered version of SQL Server 2008 R2 through a subscription to MSDN or TechNet
or by other means, you can install that instead of the free trial version in order to having
the software expire.
a. In the browser, navigate to the page at the link below.

b. Follow the instructions to download the 64-bit edition of SQL Server 2008 R2.
The download is a self-extracting file named SQLFULL_x64_ENU.exe.
c. Once downloaded, double click SQLFULL_x64_ENU.exe to begin the
extraction process.
d. After downloading, extract the contents.

Note: If you are using a licensed copy, you will likely have an *.ISO file which you
can mount to the DVD Drive of the VM.

2. Logon to the virtual machine and begin the installation of SQL Server 2008.
e. Logon to the virtual machine as MYDOMAIN\Administrator
f. Open the Widows Explorer navigate to the folder where you have extracted
the contents of SQLFULL_x64_ENU.exe file.
g. Double click on setup.exe to begin the installation process. 65
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

3. The setup process should now show the following window. Click the Installation link on
the left-hand side of the window and then click the link which reads New SQL Server
stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation.

4. The setup program will then check to make sure there were no problems with the setup
rules. Once passed, click OK.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

5. At the Product Key page, select the Enterprise Evaluation or plug in your license key
and click Next to continue.

6. When prompted on the License Terms dialog, click I accept the license terms and
click Next. 67
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

7. The next page is the Setup Support Files page. Click Install to continue.

8. The installation process runs tests to make sure your virtual machine meets the
requirements. When complete, the installer will provide a report like the one shown
below. Check for errors, and make sure that warnings, like the one in this dialog, are
verified before you continue. Your virtual machine should pass all tests and the only
warning you should receive is that you are installing SQL Server 2008 on a domain
controller. You can ignore this warning. Click Next to continue. Click Next to continue.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

9. On the Setup Role page, select SQL Server Feature Installation and click Next.

10. When you get to the Feature Selection page, select the following features and click
Next to continue (also refer to the following screenshot for reference):
a. Database Engine Services
i. SQL Server Replication
ii. Full-Text Search
b. Analysis Services
c. Reporting Services
d. Business Intelligence Development Studio
e. Management Tools – Basic
i. Management Tools - Complete
f. Microsoft Sync Framework 69
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

11. Click Next on the Installation Rules dialog.

12. There is nothing to change on the Instance Configuration page. Click Next to continue.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

13. Click Next on the Disk Space Requirements dialog.

14. The next page is the Server Configuration page. Change the StartUp Type setting for
the SQL Server Agent to be Automatic. Click the button with the caption of Use the
same account for all SQL Server instances.

15. When the dialog appears to select a user account, select the System account (NT

NOTE: In a real production environment, SQL Server 2008 R2 processes should be

configured to run under a dedicated service account and not under the System
account. 71
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

16. After you have completed the previous step, the Server Configuration page should
appear like the one shown below. Now click on the Collation tab.

17. On the Collation tab, you will see default collation settings for both the Database
Engine and for Analysis Services.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

18. Each setting has a Customize… button to its right. Click the Customize… button for
each of these two settings and fill out the resulting dialog with the collation setting shown
in the screenshot below. This step ensures you have the best collation setting for
SharePoint 2010 which is LATIN1_General with the options for Case Insensitive (CI),
Accent-sensitive (AS), Kana-sensitive (KS) and Width-sensitive (WS).

19. Once you have changed the collation, the Server Configuration dialog should look like
the one below. Click Next to continue 73
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

20. The next page is the Database Engine Configuration page. Specify MYDOMAIN\
Administrator as a SQL Server administrator by clicking the Add Current User button
at the bottom of the page. After the page looks like the one below, click on the
FILESTREAM tab so that you can make changes there.

21. On the FILESTREAM tab of the Database Engine Configuration page, select the
options for Enable FILESTREAM for Transact-SQL access and Enable FILESTREAM
for file I/O streaming access. Click Next to continue.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

22. On the Analysis Services Configuration page, specify MYDOMAIN\Administrator as

an Analysis Services administrator by clicking the Add Current User button at the
bottom of the page. Click Next to continue.

23. On the Reporting Service Configuration page, select the last option to Install, but do
not configure report server. Click Next to continue. 75
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

24. At the Error Reporting page, click Next.

25. At the Installation Configuration Rules page, verify that your virtual machine passes all
tests. Click Next to continue.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

26. On the Ready to Install page, click Install to begin the installation. The installation will
take somewhere between 5 and 30 minutes depending on your hardware performance.

27. When you get to the Complete page you are finished with the installation. Click the
Close button. The installation of SQL Server 2008 R2 is now completed. 77
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

28. Creating the sample Adventure Works Databases

The following steps will lead you through installing the sample Adventure Works
Databases. These databases will be helpful in testing SharePoint 2010.
a. Get the installation file to install Adventure Works Databases
i. Go to the download page on CodePlex at the following URL.
ii. Download the latest posted version.

b. Begin the installation by double clicking the *.EXE to install the Adventure
Works databases:

c. Accept the license terms and click Next.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

d. When prompted to select which databases to install, accept all defaults which
installs everything and has a few manual deployments steps post install. Click

e. Once the installation completes click Finish. 79
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

f. You will now need to build Adventure Works Cube using SQL Server
Business Intelligence Development Studio:
i. Launch SQL Server BI Development Studio by using the shortcut in
the Windows start menu: Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL
Server 2008 R2 > SQL Server Business Intelligence Development
ii. From within Business Intelligence Development Studio, select the File
> Open Project menu command to open the project at the following
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Samples\ Adventure
Works 2008R2 Analysis Services Project\enterprise\ Adventure Works.sln

iii. With the project open, right click on Adventure Works DW 2008
project node and execute the Deploy command. The deployment
process will take a minute or two to build out the Adventure Works
data warehouse cube. You will receive a deployment success
message after the deployment process completes.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

Section 7 : Installing and Configuring SharePoint Server 2010

Now it is time to install SharePoint Server 2010. You will begin by installing the released
version of WCF Data Services for .NET 3.5. The installation of this component is required to
make REST-based Web services work properly in SharePoint Foundation. Next, you will
install SharePoint Server 2010 and create a new farm. Within this farm you will create and
configure a new Web application and configure several of the service applications supplied
by SharePoint Server 2010.

1. Install WCF Data Services.

a. In the browser, navigate to the download page using the URL below. Note
that the download page is titled with the old name which is ADO.NET Data
Services Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 for Windows 7 and Windows
Server 2008 R2.

b. Locate and download the file Windows6.1-KB976127-v6-x64.msu.

c. Double-click on Windows6.1-KB976127-v6-x64.msu to run the update.
d. Click Yes to install. 81
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

e. Click Close on the Installation complete dialog.

2. Download the SharePoint Server 2010 installation files and make them available to the
virtual machine:
a. In the browser, navigate to the page at the link below.

b. Register to Download SharePoint Server 2010 for Internet Sites,

Enterprise version. The download file is named SharePointServer.exe. The
Product Key for installing SharePoint Server will be sent to you in a mail.
3. Double click SharePointServer.exe file to launch the installation of Microsoft SharePoint
Server 2010.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

4. The start page for SharePoint Server 2010 Installation opens; it shows a list of different
options. What you must do is to run a check that all prerequisites are installed and
configured properly. In the Install section, click on the link ―Install software
prerequisites‖. Note: Your virtual machine will need Internet access to download the
required prerequisites.

5. On the ―Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technology 2010 Preparation Tool‖

page that appears is a list of the products and updates that must be installed before
SharePoint Server will install. Click Next to continue. 83
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

6. The license agreement for the products and updates that are required to install
SharePoint Server appears. Select ―I accept the terms of this agreement‖ and click

7. The Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies 2010 Preparation Tool starts.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

8. When the installation is completed the Installation Complete page appears, which
describes everything that was installed or updated. Click Finish to close the Preparation

9. Now it is time to install SharePoint Server 2010. Run the SharePoint Server 2010
installer again and click the Install SharePoint Server link to start the installation of
SharePoint Server.
10. Enter the Product Key for SharePoint Server 2010, then click Continue. 85
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

11. The license agreement for SharePoint Server appears. Select ―I accept the terms of
this agreement‖ and click Continue.

12. In the Choose a file location dialog, accept the default setting and click Install Now to
complete the installation of SharePoint Server 2010.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

13. When installation is completed, you are prompted with a checkbox labeled Run the
SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now. Make sure this
checkbox is checked and click Close to begin this wizard.

14. The configuration wizard sets up the necessary configuration needed to run SharePoint
Server, such as creating the Central Administration tool, including the web application
needed to host it. You must complete this configuration wizard before you can use
SharePoint Server.
a. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next to continue. 87
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

b. A dialog box appears informing you that the IIS and other related services will
be started or reset during the configuration. Click Yes to continue with the
configuration process.

c. On the Connect to a server farm page, Select Create a new server farm
and click Next to continue.

d. The next page that appears is Specify Configuration Database Settings —

this is a very important page! Make sure to enter the correct information here,
because changing these values later is hard (but not impossible).
i. Database server: Enter the name of your local Windows Server
(SP2010) because you run both SQL and SharePoint Server on the
same server.
ii. Database name: Accept the default name SharePoint_Config,
unless you have a good reason to change it.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

iii. Username: Enter the user account to be used by SharePoint Server

when communicating with SQL Server. (MYDOMAIN\ Administrator).
iv. Password: Enter the password for this user account.

e. Click Next to continue. The configuration wizard now checks these values,
and if anything is wrong, such as the password, you will get informed and you
can correct the error and click Next again.
f. The Specify Farm Security Settings page appears. These settings are a
new type of protection that comes in SharePoint 2010. If you need to change
important configuration settings in the farm, such as adding an extra
SharePoint server to the farm, you need to enter this passphrase. Enter your
farm passphrase and make sure to write it down and store it in a secure
location. Click Next to continue. 89
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

g. The Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page

appears, containing two settings — port number and authentication
i. Specify port number: You must add this TCP port number to the
URL to SharePoint’s Central Administration tool. By default it is a
random number, but choosing your own port number may be a good
idea, because it will be easier to remember. Just make sure it is way
above 1023 and less than 65535; for example, 5000.
ii. Configure Security Settings: The two authentication choices are
NTLM or Negotiate (Kerberos). The default is NTLM, which is easiest
to implement; Kerberos is more secure and faster in a large
organization, but also requires more configuration and understanding
to work. If you are uncertain about how to configure Kerberos, then go
with the NTLM option. You can always change it later if needed. Click
Next to continue.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

h. The last page before the configuration wizard starts working is a summary of
the settings you selected. If all is okay, then click Next to start; otherwise,
click Back and correct the settings. This procedure consists of 10
configuration tasks; now may also be a good time for a coffee break.

i. When the wizard completes, you should see the Configuration Successful
page. Click Finish to complete the configuration wizard.

j. You will be directed to a page in Central Administration at the URL of

http://sp2010:5000/_admin/adminconfigintro.aspx. This page starts the
Farm Configuration Wizard. Before continuing, investigating what new
things were installed on the server is a good idea. In short, you have a new
SharePoint Central Administration tool and some corresponding web
applications; that is, IIS websites that have been extended by SharePoint,
plus a number of new databases in SQL Server. Because the SharePoint
Central Administration tool started automatically, continue with its settings
and complete the basic configurations. 91
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

15. Configure the farm’s service applications using the Farm Configuration Wizard.
a. The first time you open the Central Administration tool after an installation you
get a question about participating in Microsoft’s Customer Experience
Improvement Program. If you choose to participate in this program, all
errors that you later may encounter in SharePoint Server will be sent
automatically to Microsoft. This information will be used to enhance future
versions of SharePoint Server, so participating is a good thing. Make your
choice, and click OK to continue.

b. The next page of the wizard asks How do you want to configure your
SharePoint farm? Select the option Yes, Walk me through the settings
using the wizard. Click Start the Wizard to continue.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

c. The next page this wizard opens is where you select the managed account :
This is a standard user account that SharePoint will associate with one or
more SharePoint services (that is, background applications). Select the option
to Use existing managed account and make sure the domain account
MYDOMAIN\Administrator is selected. The selected managed account will,
by default, be associated with all the available services listed on this page.
Click Next to continue; this adds the selected user account as a managed
account for the selected services and completes the basic setup of
SharePoint Server. Now the Configuration Wizard is going to run for a while.

d. In addition to provisioning the farm’s service applications, the Farm

Configuration Wizard also creates a new Web Application using the URL of
the machine name (http://SP2010) and displays the form where you create
the first site collection and its top site. On the Create Site Collection page,
click Skip. You can create the first site collection here, but you will probably
want to have more control over the initial Web application creation and
configuration, so it is best just to skip this step for now. 93
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

e. Now you are finished with the Farm Configuration Wizard. Click Finish.
When the Farm Configuration Wizard completes, it will redirect you to the
home page of the Central Administration application.

16. You have now completed the basic installation of SharePoint Server 2010 and you have
created the configuration database to establish a new farm. Now you will turn on two
services that are not automatically turned on by default.
a. On the home page of Central Administration, locate and click the link with the
caption Manage services on this server.
b. On the Services on Server page for SP2010, you must start two services
named Claims to Windows Token Service and Microsoft SharePoint
Foundation Sandboxed Code Service. You can do this by clicking on the
Start link in the Action column over to the right of the service name.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

17. Install SharePoint Server 2010 SDK.

a. Go to the following download page for the SDK:

b. Click the download link to download the installation file named

c. On the virtual machine, double-click on SharePointPlatformSDK.exe to
begin installation of the SDK. When you get to the Welcome to Setup screen,
click Next. 95
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

d. Accept the terms of the licensing agreement and clock Next.

e. Leave the folder default setting and click Next to start the SDK installation.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

f. Choose Entire feature to be installed on local hard drive. Click Next.

g. Click OK. 97
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

Section – 8 : Installing Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010

1. Download the 32-bit version of SharePoint Designer from the following URL:

2. Click Download to get SharePoint Designer 2010.

3. Once downloaded, run the SharePointDesigner.exe file and install SharePoint Designer
4. Accept the license terms and click Continue.

5. Click Customize.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

6. Choose Run All from My Computer from the Microsoft Offce Dropdown and click
Install Now.

7. Click Close. 99
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

Section – 9 : Installing Visual Studio 2010 Professional

1. Download the Visual Studio 2010 Professional trial from the following URL, or use your
own licensed copy of Visual Studio 2010 Professional:

2. Extract the downloaded files.

3. To attach the extracted *.ISO to the virtual machine.
a. From the virtual machine menu choose Devices > More CD/DVD Images…

b. The Virtual Media Manager dialog will appear next. Click on the Add button to
add the Visual Studio 2010 Professional ISO image:

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

c. The Select a CD/DVD-ROM disk image file dialog will show up next.
Navigate to the directory where you extracted the Visual Studio 2010
Professional ISO image, select it, and click on the Open button to continue.

d. The Visual Studio 2010 Professional ISO image will appear selected in the
CD/DVD Images tab from the Virtual Media Manager dialog. Click on the
Select button to attach the ISO image to your virtual machine's CD/DVD
drive. 101
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

4. Run setup.exe.
5. Click on the link to Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

6. Click Next to move past this dialog.

7. Select the option I have read and accept the license terms and click Next.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

8. On the Select features to install dialog, select the Custom option and click Next.

9. On the next dialog where you select the features to install, there is only one thing you will
change from the default settings. Unselect the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express
Service. This is required because the virtual machine already has an installation of SQL
Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. If you attempt to install the SQL Server 2008 Express
Service, it could cause a failure in the Visual Studio 2010 installation process. Click
Install to begin the installation process. 103
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

10. Setup now starts installing the selected components.

11. When the installation process is complete, you should see the Success dialog. Click
Finish to end the installation process.
12. Install the Visual Studio 2010 SDK.
a. Go to the following download page for the SDK:

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

b. Click the download link to download the installation file named

c. On the virtual machine, double-click on VsSDK_sfx.exe to begin installation
of the SDK. When you get to the Welcome to Setup screen, click Next.

d. Accept the terms of the licensing agreement and clock Next. 105
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

e. On the Destination Folder page, leave the folder default setting and click
Next to start the SDK installation.

f. When you see the Setup Complete dialog, click Exit to finish the installation.

Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

13. Install the Silverlilght Tools for Visual Studio 2010.

a. Go to the following download page for the SDK:

b. Click the download link to download the installation file named

c. On the virtual machine, double-click on Silverlight4_Tools.exe to begin
installation of the SDK. When you get to the Welcome to Setup screen, click
Next. 107
Setting Up SharePoint Server 2010 Development Environment

d. Accept the terms of the licensing agreement and clock Next.

e. Click Finish when the installation is over.


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