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Far Eastern University Institute of Nursing S.

Y 2010-2011

ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT DATE: March 03, 09 ,10 2011 2011 PLACE: FEU I, together with my staff nurses were able to provide and create a good and comprehensive case presentation. I as the head nurse was able to assist my staff nurses in preparing their visuals for their case presentation. I was able to ask some questions and verbalized different judgment based on the case study being presented. I, together with my staff nurses orient them and advice them to pass necessary requirements for the documentation. Canvass and buy thing for our PSP. I, as the head nurse was able to assist my staff nurses in providing care to their respective patient. My student nurses were able to pass necessary requirements within that shift such as kardex and endorsement sheet. Prepared by: Valenzuela, Cherilyn A. STUDENT HEADNURSE

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