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Scanning documents into a Portable File Documents (pdf) and placing them into individual Dropbox folder makes

pertinent information available to the writer to print as a hard copy and/or for the online submitting process. Be sure a clear and straight copy is made. Then when you can print the document for inclusion in a paper submission or attach the file to an online submission. IRS Determination Letter The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides a letter of determination when a nonprofit organization obtains tax-exempt status. In preparing a grant proposal, the application requires the IRS Determination Letter. Audited Financial Statements The Treasurer provides the audited financial statements to the grants committee. In preparing a grant proposal, the application requires the audited financial statements. Scanning the document into a Portable File Document (pdf) and placing it into a Dropbox folder makes pertinent information available to the writer to print as a hard copy and/or for the online submitting process. Chapter Budget The Treasurer provides a copy of the budget for the current fiscal year to the grants committee for use in submitting online. Profit & Loss Budget vs Actual The Treasurer provides a copy of the Profit & Loss Budget vs Actual to the Grants Committee for use in submitting grants. Form 990 The Treasurer provides a copy of the Chapters Form 990 for use in submitting grants.

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