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5th Grade Reading Learning Plans Lynnhaven ES Teacher: Mrs. Komorowski and Ms.

Ritchie Week of:

READING PLANS Focus Strategy: Summarizing/Paraphrasing, Character development

Jan. 30-Feb. 3, 2012

Materials: Basal reader, CD recording of The Long Path to Freedom, morning work half sheets, copies of assessment, chart paper for Gallery walk, post-it notes for gallery walk, list of vocabulary words, homework worksheets writing journals Objectives:

ELA.5.R: Reading ELA.5.R.1: Use a variety of reading comprehension strategies to gain meaning from print. ELA.5.R.1.1: Predict the content of a reading selection using previous experiences, title, pictures, and text features. (SOL 5.5, 5.6) ELA.5.R.1.2: Read using meaning, structure, and visual cues. (SOL 5.5, 5.6) ELA.5.R.1.3: Use a variety of strategic actions to problem solve while reading (solving words, monitoring and correcting, searching for and using information, summarizing, maintaining fluency, adjusting, predicting, making connections, inferring, visualizing, synthesizing, analyzing, and critiquing). (SOL 5.5, 5.6)

21st Century Skills for VBCPS:

Sustainability Interdependence Critical Thinking

Health/Literacy Collaboration

Communication Listening

Information Literacy
Problem Solving

Creative/Innovative Thinking

Social Responsiblilty

Enduring Understandings: 1. Effective readers apply a variety of strategies, as needed, to construct meaning from text. 2. What we read affects what we learn and what we perceive to be true. 3. Effective listeners focus on the words being used, the intent of the selection, and the dynamics of the speaker.

5th Grade Reading Learning Plans Lynnhaven ES Teacher: Mrs. Komorowski and Ms. Ritchie Week of:
Essential Questions:

Jan. 30-Feb. 3, 2012

1. What do good readers do? 2. What is my plan/strategy for reading this text? How do I know if it is working? What do I do if I get stuck? 3. What questions do I have before/during/after reading? Where do I find the information I need? 4. What do good listeners do?

Procedures: (Monday) -The teacher will play CD recording of the skill lesson -The teacher will introduce the concept of paraphrasing (also called summarizing) Day 1 (Tuesday) -The teacher will provide the students with a list of vocabulary words and postit notes. The students will take a gallery walk in pairs around the room to pieces of chart paper on the wall with the definitions of these vocabulary words. -the students will write the vocabulary words on the post-its and match them with a definition on the wall. -Whole class will discuss the results of the Day 2 (Wed.) -Teacher will play CD recording of The Long Path to Freedom and periodically ask questions regarding the vocabulary, predictions, plot, and character development present in the story. -Students will respond in their journals to the following prompt: Please state the beginning, middle and end of The Long Path to Freedom -Teacher will ask students to Think-Pair-Share Day 3 (Thursday) -The teacher will solicit students paraphrases of The Long Path to Freedom - The students will listen to the CD againpausing to identify key moments in the plot Day 4 (Friday) -Teacher will review comprehension questions and vocabulary -Students will take an assessment on The Long Path to Freedom -Whole class will review the answers to the test by playing Four Corners

5th Grade Reading Learning Plans Lynnhaven ES Teacher: Mrs. Komorowski and Ms. Ritchie Week of:
gallery walk and definitions of the vocabulary words about their favorite part of the story

Jan. 30-Feb. 3, 2012

Application/Assessment: ( Performance Tasks) Monday: Teacher Observation Tuesday: Teacher Observation Wednesday: Teacher Observation Thursday: Teacher Observation Friday: Summative Assessment Differentiation: Learning style Visual promethean board, worksheets (HW), reading text Auditory oral instruction, oral collaboration, CD recording of story Kinesthetic gallery walk, grouping for collaboration Homework: Monday- Paraphrasing practice sheet Tuesday- Paraphrasing practice sheet Wednesday Setting practice sheet Thursday Weekly review

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