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A Pine Cone, A Toy Sheep Written by Pablo Neruda

Born in the town of Parral in Chile, Pablo Neruda (formally Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto) is one of the most known and famous Latin writers. As a child Neruda grew up poor but nevertheless writing poetry. His first major success came as his first piece, Entusiasmo y Perseverancia, became published in the daily La Manana newspaper, at the young age of 13. He later studied French and pedagogy at the University of Chile, continuing to write on the side. The Spanish Civil War and the murder of Garcia Lorca influenced Nerudas writing in a very prominent way as his pieces turned very political and social. His collection of poems written in that time, Espaa en el Corazn, was published and printed in the middle of the front during the civil war. As his successful poems continued to flourish, in 1971 Neruda won the Nobel Peace Prize in literature. In A Pine Cone, A Toy Sheep, Pablo Neruda explores the life inspirations, both the violent and the beautiful, that influence the poets heart in this brilliantly written short story. He turns simplistic events alive in his labyrinth story that takes you from event to event. Neruda shows that life is made up of the little things, and that these little things in actuality are not so little, for they are our inspiration. A Pine Cone, A Toy Sheep will leave you in a questioning state of mind, pondering about the everyday small events in your life that are truly meaningful.

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