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Get Ready:

Stand with


Bend your knees and sit back into your heels as you lean your torso

feet wider than hip-width apart, toes slightly turned out, and abs drawn in.

slightly forward and squeeze your butt tight. With your hands on your hips, circle your hips to the right, continuing to make circles as you remain in a deep squat. Sit back into your hips and keep your heels pushing into the floor. To make it more intense, wave or circle your arms or shimmy your shoulders.

Get Ready:
with feet hip-width and lengthen

Stand apart, toes

forward. Pull your abs in, draw your shoulders back and down, your spine.

Step right leg back into a lunge, bending both knees to a gO-degree angle. Your back knee approaches, but doesn't touch the floor. Bend your right arm in front of your chest and your left arm out to the side. Engage your abs as you push off your right foot, keeping your knees bent and pitching the body forward slightly. Swing your right leg to the front, bring your body upright and swing your arms to the other side. Step forward with the right leg as far as you can, allowing the left heel to come off the floor. Lower down into a lunge, bending both knees. To reverse, push off the right foot and come to standing with your right leg lifted and the knee bent. Swing the leg back, pitch the body forward and swing your arms to the other side. Place the right foot on the floor and lower down into the lunge. Repeat this entire move, then switch sides.


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