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The Origami Paradigm

Gary Stephenson Seculine Consulting 03 March 2012


What is the Origami Paradigm?

The Japanese conceived and designed a piece of origami that will survive free fall from the space station. This experiment has come to represent a paradigm shift in both launch and re-entry engineering that favors finesse over brute force.

The Old B52 Air Drop

A good way to shave off the first 30,000 feet The idea behind Stratolaunch

Pulse Detonation Engines

Very slow stall speed, very good lift tested in the V-1 If it worked in WW2, would it work as a first stage in Century 21?

Air Ionizing MHD Engines

Or the drive formerly known as Biefeld Brown Lifters such as de Severskys Ionocraft:

(Popular Mechanics, 1964)

Patents: 2,613,887, 2,842,645, 2,888,189, 2,892,949, 2,949,550

The New SSTO?

SSTO as Super Slow To Orbit

Standard Nuclear SSTOs

Are nuclear Single Stage to Orbit Vehicles already in operation? (graphics from Popular Mechanics, 2000)

Disruptive Technologies

Lightweight Portable Fusion Reactors suitable for space (Portable Spheromaks) Hypersonic vehicles with MHD Bypass Plasma Shielding for lightweight thermal protection

Other Disruptive Technologies

Field Propulsion, a.k.a. Anti-Gravity Example: Dr Martin Tajmars Gravitomagnetic Amplification

Conclusions / Recommendations

Finesse your way to the top Pool your resources Encourage disruptive technologies

Revolutionaries have nothing to fear from the revolution!

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