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Sleeping Pattern BEFORE ILLNESS According to our patients mother, Hezekiah sleeps 11 hours a day.

At night, he sleeps at 8:00-8:30 pm and wakes up at 7:00 am. He takes a nap at 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. BEFORE HOSPITALIZATION As claimed by her mother, during his illness, Hezekiah sleeps most of the time. He sleeps at 7:00 pm to 6:00 am with interruptions. At 9:00 am, he would sleep again until 10 with interruptions and 3:30 pm to 5 pm with interruptions. DURING HOSPITALIZATION During his hospitalization, Hezekiah sleeps most of the time. He sleeps more frequently before he was hospitalized.

Analysis: There is a significant change in our patients sleeping pattern before and during illness since he is experiencing irritability. Analysis ti bladder There is a change in the bladder elimination of our patient. Because of lesser fluid intake, the bladder elimination was not that frequent.

Bathing Pattern BEFORE ILLNESS According to his mother, our patient takes a bath twice daily. Once in the morning, 10-15 minutes after his breakfast and once at 6:30 pm. BEFORE HOSPITALIZATION Our patient only had tepid sponge bath once in the morning and evening aided by his mother. DURING HOSPITALIZATION Our patient only had tepid sponge bath once in the morning and evening aided by his mother.

Analysis: There is a significant change in bathing pattern of our client before and during illness because he is not feeling well.

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