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23 24 April 2012 Cairo - Egypt

Human health has long been a growing concern of all nations all over the globe due to its glaring impact on the economic life and quality of life of any nation. Unfortunately, human health has been recently faced with major difficulties that resulted in serious illnesses and deaths due to fraud, defective products and fake medicine coupled with a well recognized gap between the supply and demand of pharmaceutical products. There is no doubt that deficiencies in the pharmaceutical industry has tremendously affected both human beings and investors in this life saving industry. As such, TAJPHA Conference aims at: Highlighting the current world situation of the pharmaceutical industry, its challenges and opportunities. An assessment of the indicators of the pharmaceutical market and the role of governmental and non governmental bodies in overcoming difficulties faced by this life saving market. The role of the physicians and key note practitioners in overcoming problems related to fraud and fake medicine. Discussing the role of research and development in Arab African countries and its effect on the promotion of local production. The essential role of international, local and Arab African cooperation in providing means that facilitate the solutions to problems faced in this critical industry.

Arab African Pharmaceutical Market

Overview of the international pharmaceutical market Arab and African pharmaceutical organizations: Manufacturing & Marketing capacity The pharmaceutical market: Future outlook and indicators

Challenges Facing Arab and African Pharmaceutical market

The role of and regulatory units Fraud, defective and fake medicine: Implications on users Research and development and its role on product quality Awareness and controlled use of pharmaceutical products Investment opportunities Tariff agreements activation The role of contemporary management and information systems Recommended strategic plan for future cooperation

Arab African Trade and Manufacturing Cooperation

Date and Venue

23 24 April 2012 Cairo, Egypt

Special rates have been arranged with 4* and 5* hotels For assistance, call the organizing committee

Travel and Meet and Assist

Delegates arriving at Cairo will land at Cairo International Airport. Special arrangement for VIP treatment can be made upon arrival. For assistance, call the travel organizing committee

Special Tours
Delegates arriving from outside Egypt who wish to take tours and sightseeing can contact the travel committee for requested arrangements

TAJPHA conference brings together a network of governmental, non governmental and business executives that undoubtedly provides the sponsoring organizations an unprecedented marketing platform. The conference provides an opportunity to promote the company products and services through focused advertising in addition to interaction with delegates, top professionals, medical, pharmaceutical and healthcare experts and key decision makers in a relatively short time span leading to local and global business contacts. The number of delegates attending the conference is around 700 from Egypt, Arab and African Countries. Who will Attend? Multinational, international and local pharmaceutical companies Medical Associations and Societies Governmental bodies Governmental and private sector hospitals Universities and Educational Institutions Specialized hospitals and Medical centers Physicians Pharmacies and pharmacists

Company Logo will appear on: All conference documents and stationaries Delegates name tags Indoor and outdoor banners Conference stage background banners (Separate banner Consuming one third of the stage background) E-marketing and traditional marketing campaign Promotional Printed Material and flyers Three full A4 advertisement that will appear as a separator within the conference booklet Promotional material and flyers to be inserted in the delegates conference bag Website One page on the TAJPHA Website Hyperlink to sponsor website Audio Visuals and Presentations Display of audiovisuals between speakers (logo) & during conference breaks inside and outside conference room Twenty minutes presentation included in the conference itinerary Free conference Invitations and Opening Ceremony and Closing gala dinner Ten free invitations to attend the conference Hosting of the opening ceremony and gala dinner for delegates (Arrangement of sponsor activities to be discussed) Exhibition Space Special and well recognized space in a central area will be allocated to the sponsor fully equipped

Company Logo will appear on: All conference documents and stationaries Indoor and outdoor banners Conference stage background banners (Banner Consuming one third of the stage background along with another platinum sponsor) E-marketing and traditional marketing campaign Promotional Printed Material and flyers One full A4 advertisement that will appear as a separator within the conference booklet Promotional material and flyers to be inserted in the delegates conference bag Website One page on the TAJPHA Website Hyperlink to sponsor website Audio Visuals and Presentations Display of Company logo (half Screen) Ten minutes presentation included in the conference itinerary Free conference Invitations and Opening Ceremony and Closing gala dinner Five free invitations to attend the conference Logo included in the conference sponsor banners Exhibition Space Well recognized space in a central area will be allocated to the sponsor

Company Logo will appear on: Indoor and outdoor banners Conference stage background banners (Separate banner Consuming one sixth of the stage background) E-marketing and traditional marketing campaign Promotional Printed Material and flyers One full A4 advertisement that will appear as a separator within the conference booklet Promotional material and flyers to be inserted in the delegates conference bag Website Hyperlink to sponsor website Audio Visuals and Presentations Display of Company logo (Quarter Screen) Free conference Invitations and Opening Ceremony and Closing gala dinner Two free invitations to attend the conference Logo included in the conference sponsor banners Exhibition Space Space in a central area will be allocated to the sponsor

Company Logo will appear on: Indoor and outdoor banners (part of the silver sponsors) E-marketing and traditional marketing campaign Website Hyperlink to sponsor website Audio Visuals and Presentations Display of Company logo (Silver Sponsor Screen) Free conference Invitations and Opening Ceremony and Closing gala dinner Logo included in the conference sponsor banners Exhibition Space Space will be allocated to the sponsor

Sponsor Rates Diamond Sponsor : EGP 400,000 (Only four hundred thousand Egyptian Pounds) Platinum Sponsor : EGP 250,000 (Only two hundred and fifty thousand Egyptian Pounds) Gold Sponsor : EGP 150,000 (Only one hundred and fifty thousand Egyptian Pounds) Silver Sponsor : EGP 50,000 (0nly fifty thousand Egyptian Pounds) Delegate Rates Egyptians Non-Egyptians : EGP 1,200 (Only one thousand two hundred Egyptian Pounds) : USD 1,000 (Only one thousand US dollars)

Method of Payment Cash Bank Transfer Check in favor of Excellence Consultants Ltd.

Mailing Address
7 Aboul Mawaheb Square, Agouza, Giza, EGYPT



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