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9 COVERT HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES TO INDUCE TRANCE ______________________________________________________________________

- Special Report -

9 Covert Hypnosis Techniques To Induce Trance

Simple and Powerful Covert Hypnosis Techniques ANYONE Can Use To Enter Others Into A Trance Easily

Written by Orkhan Ibad

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About the Author

Orkhan Ibad is a Certified Hypnotist, Psychologist and Lawyer. He has been studied hypnosis since 2001 and currently works as a hypnotherapist. Orkhan has helped hundreds of people to learn, practice hypnosis secrets and establish their hypnosis business. He trains many future hypnotists on his office in Baku. He works with singers, sportsmen, entrepreneurs and other individuals to help them with their personal development needs. He has been run several workshops and seminars on different hypnosis and NLP topics. His famous hypnosis blog Hypnosis Black Secrets is the most visited and highest ranked hypnosis blog on the net. Orkhan shares his best hypnosis, self hypnosis, covert hypnosis, stage hypnosis, street hypnosis, NLP and hypnotherapy strategies on his blog to help newbies and advanced hypnotists to improve their hypnosis knowledge to the next level. Orkhan also runs blog Covert Hypnosis Lessons where he teaches you original covert hypnosis technologies. You can always contact Orkhan personally at Contact Page on his website.

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Special Report

9 Covert Hypnosis Techniques to Induce Trance

Youre going to love this. You are going to love this, because it shows you ways to enter anyone into a trance easily. Entering anyone into a trance in a normal conversation. Im talking about covert hypnosis techniques you can use right away to hypnotize people. Covert hypnosis is the ability to subtly communicate with another person's subconscious mind during a normal conversation without them noticing. In covert hypnosis the subject is unaware that the hypnotist is either a hypnotist, or hypnotizing them, or that anything out of the ordinary is occurring. Covert hypnosis allows you to hypnotize someone secretly. That is why covert hypnosis is so powerful and dangerous at the same time. And you can hypnotize others covertly, too. In the remainder of this special report, I want to show you easy-to-follow 9 covert hypnosis techniques that you can use beginning right now to enter anyone into a trance. Each technique is very simple. You can literally finish all them today. So, set aside a few hours of your time to learn these techniques and see how you can enter anyone into a trance in a short time.
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Heres how Technique 01: Inducing Trance Using Natural Trance States Basic technique of inducing trance covertly is to make a verbal description for a person of such a state in which you want him to be. Process is very simple. You evoke in the person sense of trance which he has already experienced before. If the person hears the words that describe (or imply) simple feelings then related feelings will occur automatically and unconsciously. Here is what you do: In process of telling story you describe for a person signs of certain situation (usually with monotone), in which each of us was in a light trance in our everyday life. For example: Severe fatigue and drowsiness; Long monotonous travel in transport; Dreaming; Massage; Listening to boring lectures; Reading a fascinating book; Being in an elevator; Standing in slowly moving queues; Sunbathing on the beach on a warm day; Haircut at the barber; Taking a warm bath (no erotic images, if this is not necessary); Working on the assembly line; Working on the Internet; Vacation in village in a meadow;
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Gathering mushrooms in a forest; Evening twilight and silence; Overcast, steady rain; Fishing (fishing tackle); Walking on well-known route, etc. If your story contains words that create feelings (quiet, comfortable, peaceful, relaxed, comfort, freedom), during a description your object (person you hypnotize) automatically begins to remember the state that usually accompanies this situation. This way, you are forcing him to recall that state with his body and psyche as such memory comes from the experience. When you change a state of persons consciousness the world around him is changing (or it seems that is changing), too. Telling a story, you should describe for a person the signs of the outside world in a way that it helps him to focus on the memory of sensory reactions, leading to a narrow state of consciousness. Describing trance state while telling stories, you begin to describe in detail experiences and sensations a person experiences in this state. It is important that such a description was part of an overall narrative. It is much more important how you say to him instead what you say to him. Technique 02: Inducing Trance Returning Object Mentally to the Past People can not passively accept what they hear. One of simplest methods of inducing trance is to use words that creates (or derive) desired emotional background for hypnotist to memorize from the past. Extract is a process of transferring person to a certain state. You can achieve any decision and behavior of person by extracting the desired state. The easiest way to extract any emotion is to ask people to remember the moment when they experienced this emotion. In this technique, everything looks normal in a conversation: you are just interested in memories of person.
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You can get the right experience from memory using following phrases: Have you ever experienced . . .? It is like . . ., remember . . . Can you remember now, how . . .? Then you can either start to transfer necessary situation, or deepen the state of this situation with relevant questions: - That view from the window creates some thoughts . . . - This yard is very similar to the yard of my childhood . . . - In my courtyard sandbox we spent days around them. Can you remember If you want to draw a vivid emotion, then you should behave expressively, too. Tone of voice, speech, facial expressions, gestures and movements must comply with the reactions that you want to get from your companion. If you do not do this properly, it can be noticed by that person. Then, he will go out of trance. During the trance there can happen unexpected things. For example, a sudden noise, screaming child behind the wall and so on. You must not ignore this. If you do not react these things, your object may change his consciousness. When unexpected thing happens, you should immediately include it into your speech and associate it with your previous words like everything is normal. Technique 03: Inducing Trance with Overlap Realities You can get access to persons subconscious mind through overloading his consciousness, constantly weaving a story in another, in the third, in the fourth and so on. This confusion makes the mind very tired and separates a speaker from the content of his speech. Consciousness is not able to understand these stories the stories that dont have any relations with each other.
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Consciousness can not suspect your directives (calm down, relax, sleep), suggestions or commands, because the person can not find a logical connection between these sentences and stories: what is this story about, who does certain actions, who went to there, why they do it. Best of all, while the mind tries to solve this puzzle, all of your hidden commands go to the subconscious. This is very powerful method. Technique 04: Inducing Trance with Hallucination Suggestion Suggestion with hallucination is the most covert and quickest way of inducing trance. Here is classic and quite harmless way of inducing trance with hallucination suggestion which you can try on your friend now. So, you start the conversation and your friend responds. - Look over here. Tell me, please, can you imagine that your father is here now? - Well, if you wish I could . . . - And when you imagine him, can you see, hear him more, how he speaks with you or maybe you feel shaking his hands or smell of his cologne? - Well, I can not see my father immediately . . . - Do you have problem with the fantasy? When did you last see your father? - Well, recently . . . - And if you saw your father standing right here beside me, what would be he wearing? - Shirt and pants . . . - What is the color of his shirt? - Well, blue, probably . . . - Blue ... Stop. Your father is actually at home now, he is not here. Why do you talk about the color of his shirt? And you wanted to say that you dont have imagination?

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In its structure, hallucination is very similar to process of imagination and representation. If you would like hallucinatory father lived in the imagination of your friend, instead of the word stop you have to deepen the light trance and continue to exercise: the object must imagine how his father sits down, starts talking you can put a word of desired suggestion to hallucinatory father. Technique 05: Inducing Trance through Psychological Shock There are many ways to enter a person into a trance state, knocking him astray. The confusion technique is used widely to hypnotize people. You simply create mild confusion or shock in persons mind. Then things start to happen. What do knock people astray? You create some unusual behavior (something that is not expected from you) and then invite a person to do your desired reaction as a way to go out of confusion state. Difference of this method from other Ericksonian hypnosis and NLP methods is that there is no need for preliminary mirroring or synchronization of unconscious processes of hypnotist and his subject. Any dramatic change in current situation creates emotion (positively or negatively stained) in the person. People enter into a trance under the effect of sudden flash of lightning, explosion and even sudden strike of gong or a slap. There are lots of examples of this. When a person does not know how to react in the just changed situation, an internal computer in his mind freezes for a short time. In this condition, you can give him new commands which he will immediately follow. This is a whole process to help you achieve your final goal. Remember: After your action there lefts only 2-4 seconds to utter your guide to action. Also, if the person knows your voice, you should speak somehow different from the usual tone. After all, your directive goes to subconscious mind, not to conscious mind who is accustomed to your tone. The method described above works in one condition - your words must be pronounced in a natural and very confident tone. You can experiment this technique anywhere. For example, you are in a long queue at the store. Try to approach the seller and when the queue begins to rebel, reply very sincerely: Excuse me, I've just arrived ... Then tell the salesperson what you need. Do it confidently and it will work because of the reason I mentioned above.
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Technique 06: Inducing Trance Using Verbal Confusion This method can be regarded as a verbal form of psychological shock technique. Verbal confusion means accumulated behavioral pattern is interrupted with game of words or information in a conversation which creates confusion. This leads to heightened suggestibility that can be used to induce trance rapidly. The only difficulty here is that you must think in advance about your brief instructions which you are going to give your partner after creating confusion. So, how can you make directive or induce trance after confusing thoughts? It is very simple: make the brain (bio-computer) freeze with confusing vocabulary (not with action as it was in the psychological shock) and having creating confusion, make your suggestion within 2-4 seconds - confidently, quickly and decisively, not allowing your subject to recover and bring his thoughts to some logical order. Confusion is often made with giving information which is far from the current situation or with the use of absurdities, absurdities etc. In this state, a person is ready to grab first clear-made, easily understood message, offered to him. This can be a direct command to do something or indirect command to enter into deeper trance state. It is easy in this state (frozen brain) to give a man simple and clear command, such as: Of course, you are more comfortable (more profitable, easier) ... In confusion, you must speak frankly, concentrated and seriously. Your speech must be free. Intonation must express your confidence so the person understands everything you say. Technique 07: Inducing Trance Using Artificial and Non-Existent Words Consciousness is very rational and curious. Conscious mind tries to understand the vague and put everything on the logical order. You can use this principle to distract it and make contact directly with subconscious mind. Here is how it works. Speech has certain patterns of pronouncing sounds. When this pattern is broken, for example, when in a speech there is some illogical, incomprehensible or meaningless
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fragment (with the formal characteristics of speech and word formation), conscious mind stops to find out the meaning of what he heard. When this happens, conscious mind does not have time to process other words and they are going directly to the subconscious mind. The more conscious mind asks why, the stronger altered state is. You can use several options to apply this method. There can be several types of words unknown to the person. These are words from another language, new terms for the listener (used in scientific discussions), neologisms, outdated and therefore incomprehensible words - archaisms (used in voodoo prayers and incantations). By the way, the same effect (spontaneous inducement in trance) can be achieved with multiple repetitions of same words: if the word is repeated many times it loses its logical sense and is fixed in the subconscious, increasing an effect of suggestion. This technique is called perseveration and mainly used in conspiracies, advertising and infinite reading of prayers and meditative texts in different kinds of religious education. Technique 08: Inducing Trance Creating Sensory Overload This method of rapid trance inducement is associated with some features of perceiving information. Each person can absorb incoming information at certain speed. Human mind can consciously hold in short-term memory only a certain amount of information. If you exceed this speed, then conscious mind does not have time to process new information and they go into the subconscious mind, because only in trance state brain can archive any amount of information without any restrictions. So, if the brain is overloaded with information, it automatically changes its state to trance. Thus, you can quickly bring trance state and make contact with the subconscious mind through information overload. Classic mirroring and synchronization of unconscious processes of hypnotist and object may not be necessary here. According to scientific researches, a person is able to consciously keep in his attention very few thoughts at one time: about seven pieces of information. Beyond this number, he (she) experiences an overload and begins to make mistakes. Speed of processing information is very individual for each person. Instead, the
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amount of short-term memory is same for all people and is consistent with 7 ( 2) units of information. Here is what 7 ( 2) rule means: Conscious mind perceives the meaning of phrases, compiled from more than 7 words with difficulty. And it usually does not perceive more than 13 words. Persons speeach can be fully understood only with the rate not exceeding 2.5 words per second. The phrase uttered without a pause longer than 5-6 seconds, stops to be understood. For example, if you are offered to remember a sequence of seven numbers, then you can easily hold it in memory. But if you try to remember the sequence of nine numbers, it will be much harder and you will make errors. Each number is a certain amount, piece of information. The information you can hold on your brain depends on the size of pieces you are dividing it. You consciously hold 7 2 pieces of information all the time (not depending how you divide the pieces). Everything that goes beyond these limits is considered as mass by conscious mind, refers to overloading and processes unconsciously. When conscious processing is overloaded, you can send information directly to the subconscious and the person will react to this information. One of the simplest and most effective ways to overload a person's attention is to force him to pay attention to the complex inner experience. It is very easy to give direct instructions to the subconscious mind, where conscious mind is narrowed, for example, talking on phone or on screen of monitor: It is enough to overload human brain just a bit and immediately give it directives. Method of information overload is widely used by TV and other mass media. Technique 09: Strengthening and Deepening Trance State Strengthening and deepening trance is achieved mainly with two techniques: Negative suggestion and Statement about the signs of trance. Negative Suggestion
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By negative suggestion is meant giving information using the particle no or not. Negative suggestion is also used in NLP techniques. Here is what negative suggestion means: The brain is designed in such a way that our psychic automatism removes the particle no and not. Suggestive use of this particle based on a fact that if a person wants to imagine not doing something, he must imagine doing that. Negation with a particle no and not exists in speech, but it does not exist in the subconscious. For example, if we say The book is not on the table then our mind must first imagine that the book is on the table and only then make that image to disappear. The book can not does not stand on the table. It may be somewhere else, can lie on your side, but it can not does not stand anywhere. This paradox can be used in suggestive instructions. If you shout a man who stands for the first time on skates or rides a bicycle: Do not fall! - He may well lose balance. There is nothing surprising in the fact when you say to a person: Do not worry! she (he) will begin to cry. Saying this phrase you awake her memory of her state and give a command to get upset. But the funniest thing is that people create their own obstacles to achieve something with the help of the particle no or not. Most of people who make inner commands use the particle not (Do not worry!; I am not week!, Do not pay attention!, Do not waste your time and so on). In fact, people are pushing themselves to worry, feel week, pay attention, waste time making commands with these phrases, because they actually command their mind the opposite of they wish. So, these people are steadily making progress in what they do not want. So, instead using these phrases you should make positive commands like Be calm and cool, I am strong, Be persistent, Manage time effectively and you will see positive effects immediately. This suggestion is widely used in politics, sales, marketing and so on. For example, Do not buy this program. Try others first, after they all fail you, try our program.
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So, how negative suggestion is used for deepening trance? This technique removes the criticality of the object and reduces the pressure exerted on the person's desire to regulate his behavior consciously. Facilitation entering in a trance is achieved using phrases like this: You do not have to listen to my voice, You do not have necessarily to think about something specific, You do not have to necessarily feel what you should do know, You should not do anything, just listen to my voice and so on. Statement about the Signs of Trance Fixing attention of object on the inner feelings, you can deepen the trance. You should tell stories connecting the theme with situation so the person does not go out of trance. Then, in the context of stories you should give an object indirect suggestion about the signs of trance. Doing this, you will deepen the trance state. You may say something like this: And at the time as I told you all of these that man ... and then talk about physiological signs of relaxation and trance in the object. Here are main signs of trance you will notice in your subjects: - Expansion of Eyelids; - Fixation of Glance; - Tearing of Eyes; - Eyes are Closing (but not always); - Blinking Movements Slow; - Reddening of Eyes; - Color of Face Changes; - Swallowing Movements Slow; - Pose of the Subject Becomes Fixed; - Muscles of the Body Relax Slightly; - Breathing Slows Down and Becomes more Rhythmic and Typhoid;
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- Heart Rate Decreases; - Facial Muscles Relax, the Face is flattened; - Reaction to External Noise Reduces; - Delayed Motor Reaction; - Appearance of Spontaneous Reactions, such as Vibration of Hands; - Body Temperature Changes. Your subject must feel each inner experience you propose to him. You have to give him the depth of emotion and time (pause) on this experience. Only then continuing the story indirectly offer him to close his eyes. For example: ... And then this man simply closes his eyes, soothing and relaxing ... or: ... And when you close your eyes, this feeling becomes especially distinct..." The depth of hypnotic trance may be different: the stronger trance is, the less the external impressions reach the consciousness of the object. In the light trance, senses stop to function: sight, taste, smell, perhaps, muscular sense, whereas hearing and touch, yet retains sensibility. In deeper trance, the object perceives only auditory impressions. Finally, in strong hypnosis there becomes isolated state when the subject hears only what hypnotist says. What to Do When the Person is in Trance As this report is about inducing trance, I will briefly talk about what to do after entering someone in a trance. So, what should you do after putting someone in a deep trance? You have brought mind of person in a state of expectation. Man's consciousness has not disappeared, but the principles that control it switched off. Now, it is time to reach your goals which you must set before hypnotizing a person. After you entered a person into an altered state, the first thing to do in this situation is to create a setting for education. You are now making directives to persons subconscious mind.

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One of the techniques is to send directives (commands) is storytelling. In storytelling, you make comparisons with certain processes and affect the subconscious mind in a way you want. So the formula is: You create positive comparison in persons mind with the process that happened before and relate it to what you want to achieve now. It is very easy to affect subconscious mind with positive information. You can do this by telling stories or metaphors. Lets say you want your subject to have confidence in learning computer. E x a m p l e: Of course, you do not pretend to consider yourself a great specialist in computers. And now perhaps, you gradually develop a new area for yourself you learn rules of game in this market. This is how a child learns letters of the alphabet, then creates a word, then a sentence ... And if you continue this, you will improve the level of your knowledge in this matter . . . Did you notice the metaphor used for comparison? How person gradually step improves his knowledge in computer science . . . How a child learns letters, creates words and sentences . . . You can use this metaphor and describe the situation in details to help people learning to skate, learning to play on guitar and so on. In a process of hearing, people tend to seek described experiences by the heroes of story in their memory. M. Erickson used this phenomenon to enhance various mental processes. For example, he never spoke directly to man that he needed to forget something, instead he began telling stories about forgetful people who can not remember names of people... forgot the things at home which they had to take to work with themselves ... forgot about the meeting, which appointed themselves. These stories are intended to enhance the mental mechanism of forgetting. Using stories, it is even possible to tap resources that people still do not use. For example, the story about fearlessness may cause in the listeners their own sense of fearlessness.
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Sure, setting for education is very effective if you want to help someone. For bad purposes, you will have to use other techniques. That is okThere you go In a process of deepening trance, you will repeat these expressions several times: That is right, That is ok, There you go etc. What does this technique mean? Using these expressions is one of the ways to strengthen the reaction you want in your subject. For example, if you see that your subject who is in trance makes internal decision then you should say: That is right, There you go etc. This way, you give him an indication to further enhance this process. This is where magic happens. When a person enhances the inner process there opens new opportunities for you to achieve your goals covertly. You probably remember Derren Brown show where he shops with blank papers (instead cash). When you analyze that video, you can notice covert hypnosis techniques he uses which I talk in this e-book, including usage of That is ok . . . There is not hocus pocus there. You can do it, too. Best of all, it does not require any special abilities. Just learn and practice Closing Thoughts As you can see inducing trance using covert hypnosis isnt very complicated when you use simple techniques that weve looked at in this report. Now before we close out there, I do want to share with you some covert hypnosis courses that I think you will find helpful in addition to this e-book. Resource 01: Art of Covert Hypnosis This is an advanced covert hypnosis course. Art of Covert Hypnosis Course teaches how to use advanced hypnosis, NLP and mentalism to control other people covertly. Resource 02: Igors Conversational Hypnosis Course It is the 1 best selling hypnosis course in the world. Igor Ledochowski teaches you how to hypnotize anyone in a normal conversation and get advantages from them. Resource 03: Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis Powerful Conversational Hypnosis Course, which contains 18+ hours of top quality covert hypnosis secrets.
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This course is created by Steve Jones, experienced hypnotist who has been personally trained by Milton Erickson. Resource 04: Kevin Hogans Covert Hypnosis Training This course helps you to get power to control minds and change behaviors. Discover Kevin Hogans Covert Hypnosis, Sales, Body Language & Persuasion Secrets. Resource 05: Disguished Hypnosis This is one of the strongest covert persuasion courses on the market. It was created by Dr. Jonathan Conrad Groves. You must try this course as it contains unique and very powerful information. I highly recommend each of the courses above. I encourage you to look closely at any of them as they are created by professional and respected hypnotists. I hope you have found this report to be enjoyable and informative. Wishing you hypnotic success in your life and career, Orkhan Ibad

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