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Activity: What time is it Mr.Wolf? Objective: To act as a warm up . To develop numerical skills. Develop movement skills.

kills. To get to the top without Mr. Wolf catching you . To practice reaction time and concentration. To not get caught by Mr. Wolf .

Players: More than two players. The more players the better otherwise game finishes too quickly.

Playing area: Indoors and outdoors.

Equipment: None required .

Teaching points One player is chosen to be "Mr Wolf" and stands with their back to the other players. The other players stand in a straight line about 10 meters away. The other players call out "What time is it Mr Wolf?. Mr Wolf" calls out a number between 1 and 12 oclock. Whatever number "Mr Wolf" calls out all the players take that many steps forward. At any time "Mr Wolf" can turn around a call "dinner time" and try to catch the other players. Then it becomes a game of catch until someone is caught. They then become "Mr Wolf" and the game begins again. Safety points

No horseplay Have enough room to run Variations

Have more /less players. Hop /skip/jump forward /stay standing on one foot/increase how far away Mr wolf is If Mr Wolf calls a number not on the clock the children move they must return back to the start. Call out different animal names e.g. says Mr.Fox so if the children move they have to go back to the start. Whoever is caught can be the wolf at the same time so there is more wolves making the game harder.

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